Archives that are marked for deletion in the Vault Admin Console are not removed as expected when using Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) storage.

Article: 100048749
Last Published: 2020-10-30
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Archives that are marked for deletion in the Vault Admin Console are not removed as expected and remain in marked for deletion state.

Error Message

Dtrace of StorageDelete repeatedly shows the following messages:

(StorageDelete)    <14880>    EV:H    {CVault::DeleteSaveset} (Exit) Status: [Invalid class string  (0x800401f3)]
(StorageDelete)    <14880>    EV:H    {CStoreAccessor::DeleteItemEx} (Exit) Status: [Invalid class string  (0x800401f3)]
(StorageDelete)    <14880>    EV:L    CDeleteVault::DeleteSavesets Error: Could not delete Saveset [entryId = A0FCDE040E386D0E18013018BBDBF1A1]. Error code = [0x800401F3]


You may also see the following event ID in the dtrace one or more times:

Event ID: 28955 Failed to access Storage Streamer 'Hitachi.Content.Platform.Streamer'. Check that the software for this device is installed and configured correctly. |


Many archives having this issue could cause enough errors that Enterprise Vault Services are shut down with an Event ID 4183. 



If the archives have savesets stored on Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) the issue my be due to a missing, corrupted, or out of date installation of Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) Streamer. 


Please contact Hitachi Technical Support to obtain the latest supported version of the HCP streamer that is compatible with your version of Enterprise Vault. Then either install or reinstall the HCP streamer software as required. 

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