Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpdbjobs — interact with NetBackup jobs database
[-report] [-M master_servers] [-ignore_parent_jobs] [ -vault | -lvault | -all_columns | -most_columns | -gdm ] [-file pathname] [-append] [-noheader] [-mastertime] [-t timestamp] [-jobid job1,job2,...jobn] [verbose]
-summary [-M master_servers] [-ignore_parent_jobs] [ -U | -L | -all_columns ] [-file pathname] [-append] [verbose]
-resume | -suspend | -delete | -cancel | -restart job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all [-M master_servers] [-quiet] [-reason "string"]
-cancel_all [-M master_servers] [-reason "string"]
-clean [-M master_servers] [ -keep_hours hours | -keep_days days ] [ -keep_successful_hours hours | -keep_successful_days days ] [verbose]
-change_priority_by [-M master_servers] -priority number -jobid job1,job2,...jobn
-set_priority [-M master_servers] -priority number -jobid job1,job2,...jobn
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpdbjobs interacts with the jobs database and is useful in scripts or as a command-line administration tool. It prints the entire jobs database, prints a summary of the database, deletes done jobs, cancels incompleted jobs, and cleans old jobs.
To customize the output of bpdbjobs, add column definition entries (BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS) in the bp.conf
See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I for more information about the following: the bp.conf
file, a complete list of the definitions, and the BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries.
The -cancel, -delete, -jobid, -resume, and -suspend options all use the jobtype as a suboption. Enter one of the following as jobtype. (Letters following the capitalized letters are ignored.)
ALL | * REStore BACkup ARChive VERify DUPlicate IMPort LABel ERAse VAUlt TPReq CLEan FORmat INVentory QUAlification DBbackup | CATalogbackup
For the NetBackup Accelerator feature, bpdbjobs reports the amount of data that was transferred over the network for each backup. You can also configure the command to show the transferred data in the field that normally shows the Accelerator backup image size. For details, see the Accelerator topics in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide Volume I, the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide and the NetBackup for NDMP Administrator's Guide.
- -all_columns
Displays all columns of a report or summary. The following are descriptions of the fields:
field1 = Job ID
field2 = Job type
0=backup, 1=archive, 2=restore, 3=verify, 4=duplicate, 5=phase 1 or phase 2 import, 6=catalog backup, 7=vault duplicate, 8=label tape, 9=erase tape, 10=tape request, 11=clean tape, 12=format tape, 13=physical inventory of robotic library, 14=qualification test of drive or robotic library, 15=catalog recovery, 16=media contents, 17=image cleanup, 18=LiveUpdate, 20=Replication (Auto Image Replication), 21=Import (Auto Image Replication), 22=backup From Snapshot, 23=Replication (snap), 24=Import (snap), 25=application state capture, 26=indexing, 27=index cleanup, 28=Snapshot, 29=SnapIndex, 30=ActivateInstantRecovery, 31=DeactivateInstantRecovery, 32=ReactivateInstantRecovery, 33=StopInstantRecovery, 34=InstantRecovery
The job types 26=indexing and 27=index cleanup are related to NetBackup Search that is not supported from NetBackup version 7.7.
field3 = State of the job
0=queued and awaiting resources, 1=active, 2=requeued and awaiting resources, 3=done, 4=suspended, 5=incomplete
field4 = Job status code
field5 = Policy name for the job
field6 = Job schedule name
field7 = Client name
field8 = Media server used by the job
field9 = Job started time
field10 = Elapsed time for the job
field11 = Job end time
field12 = Storage unit used by the job
field13 = Number of tries
field14 = Operation
0=tape mount, 1=tape positioning, 2=NetBackup connecting to a media server, 3=write to tape, 4=choose images, 5=duplicate image, 6=choose media, 7=catalog backup, 8=tape eject and report, 10=read from tape, 11=duplicate, 12=import, 13=verify, 14=restore, 15=catalog-backup, 16=vault operation, 17=label tape, 18=erase tape, 19=query database, 20=process extents, 21=organize readers, 22=create snapshot, 23=delete snapshot, 24=recover DB, 25=media contents, 26=request job resources, 27=parent job, 28 =indexing, 29=duplicate to remote master, 30=running
field15 = Amount of data written in kilobytes
field16 = Number of files written
field17 = Last written path
field18 = Percent complete
field19 = Job PID
field20 = User account (owner) that initiates the job
field21 = Subtype
0=immediate backup, 1=scheduled backup, 2=user-initiated backup or archive, 3=quick erase of tape, 4=long erase of tape, 5=database backup staging
field22 = Policy type
0 = Standard (UNIX and Linux clients), 4 = Oracle, 6 = Informix-On-BAR, 7 = Sybase, 8 = MS-SharePoint portal server, 11 = DataTools-SQL-BackTrack, 13 = MS- Windows, 15 = MS-SQL-Server, 16 = MS-Exchange-Server, 17 = SAP, 18 = DB2, 19 = NDMP, 20 = FlashBackup, 25 = Lotus Notes, 29 = FlashBackup-Windows, 35 = NBU-Catalog, 39 = Enterprise_Vault, 40 = VMware, 41 = Hyper-V
field23 = Schedule type
0=full, 1=incremental, 2=user backup, 3=user archive, 4=cumulative-incremental, 5=tlog (transaction log backup)
field24 = Job priority assigned to this job as configured in the policy attributes
field25 = Server group name
field26 = Master server name
field27 = Retention level
field28 = Retention period
field29 = Compression
0=disabled, 1=enabled
field30 = Estimated number of kilobytes to be written
field31 = Estimated files to be written
field32 = File list count. The number of files written.
field33 = Comma delimited list of file paths written
field34 = Try count. The number of tries for the job ID
field35 = Try information. A comma-delimited list of try status information
trypid=try PID, trystunit=storage unit, tryserver=server, trystarted=time in epoch the try began, tryelapsed=elapsed time, tryended=time in epoch the try ended, trystatus=try status code, trystatusdescription, trystatuscount=number of comma delimited strings in trystatuslines below, trystatuslines=try status output, trybyteswritten=amount of data written in kilobytes, tryfileswritten=number of files written
field36 = Parent job number
field37= kbpersec - Data transfer speed in kilobytes/second
field38 = Copy number
field39 = Robot - Robotic library used for the job
field40 = Vault ID
field41 = Vault profile
field42 = Vault session
field43 = Number of tapes to eject
field44 = Source storage unit
field45 = Source media server
field46 = Source media ID
field47 = Destination media ID
field48 = Stream number
field49 = Suspendable operation: 0=not suspendable, 1=suspendable
field50 = Resumable operation: 0=not resumable, 1=resumable
field51 = Restartable: 0=not restartable, 1=restartable
field52 = Data movement type
0=standard, 1=IR disk only, 2=IR disk and storage unit, 3=synthetic, 4=disk staging, 5=snapshot
field53 = Snapshot operation: 0=not using snapshot, 1=using snapshot
field54 = Backup ID
field55 = Killable operation: 0=not killable, 1=killable
field56 = Controlling host. Host running the active PID for this job.
field57 = Off-host type
field58 = Fiber Transport usage. 0=lan, 1=ft
field59 = Queue reason
0=unknown reason, 1=media is in use, 2=drives are in use, 3=Tape media server is not active, 4=robotic library is down on server, 5=max job count reached for storage unit, 6=waiting for media request delay to expire, 7=local drives are down, 8=media is in a drive that NetBackup is using, 9=physical drives not available for use, 10=cleaning media not available for use, 11=drive scan host not active, 12=disk media server is not active, 13=media server is currently not connected to master server, 14=media server is not active node of cluster, 15=storage unit concurrent jobs throttled, 16=job history indicates that drives are in use, 17=disk volume temporarily unavailable, 18=max number of concurrent disk volume readers reached, 19=disk pool unavailable, 20=ft pipes in use, 21=disk volume unmounting, 22=disk volume in use, 23=max partially full volumes reached, 24=limit reached for logical resource, 25=drives in use in storage unit, 26=waiting for shared tape drive scan to stop, 27=waiting for mount of disk volume, 28=mountpoint for tape already exists, 29=pending action, 30=max I/O stream count reached for disk volume
field60 = Optional reason string in the following format: reason string (resource queued on)
field61 = Deduplication ratio percent
field62 = Accelerator optimization
field63 = Instance database name
The output of this command consists of a single line per backup job. Each line of the output is a comma-delimited list in the following format:
jobid,jobtype,state,status,policy,schedule,client server,started,elapsed,ended,stunit,tries,operation,kbytes, files,pathlastwritten,percent,jobpid,owner,subtype,policytype, scheduletype,priority,group,masterserver,retentionlevel ,retentionperiod,compression,kbytestobewritten,filestobe written,filelistcount,[files],trycount,[trypid,trystunit, tryserver,trystarted,tryelapsed,tryended,trystatus,trys tatusdescription,trystatuscount,trystatuslines,trybytes written,tryfileswritten],parentjob,kbpersec,copy,robot, vault,profile,session,ejecttapes,srcstunit,srcserver,src media,dstmedia,stream,suspendable,resumable,restartable, datamovement,snapshot,backupid,killable,controllinghost, offhosttype,ftusage,queuereason,reasonstring,dedupratio, acceleratorOptimization,instancedbname
The following is an example:
213,0,3,0,hansel-itc,f,hansel,hansel,1368467705,0000000099, 1368467804,hansel-hcart-robot-tld-0,1,,448,451,,100,122,root, 0,0,0,0,root,gamefunvm2,2,2,0,,,1,/nbbackup,1,122,hansel-hcart -robot-tld-0,hansel,1368467706,0000000098,1368467804,0,the requested operation was successfully completed,17,05/13/2013 12:55:05 - requesting resource hansel-hcart-robot-tld-0,05/13 /2013 12:55:05 - requesting resource gamefunvm2.NBU_CLIENT. MAXJOBS.hansel,05/13/2013 12:55:05 - requesting resource gamefunvm2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.hansel-itc,05/13/2013 12:55:06 - granted resource gamefunvm2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.hansel,05/13/2013 12:55:06 - granted resource gamefunvm2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.hansel -itc,05/13/2013 12:55:06 - granted resource AP6001,05/13/2013 12:55:06 - granted resource SEAGATE.ULTRIUM06242-XXX.000,05/13/2013 12:55:06 - granted resource hansel-hcart-robot-tld-0,05/13/2013 12:55:07 - started process bpbrm (122),05/13/2013 12:55:08 - connecting,05/13/2013 12:55:08 - connected; connect time: 000:00:00,05/13/2013 12:55:11 - mounting AP6001,05/13/2013 12:56:15 - mounted; mount time: 000:01:04,05/13/2013 12:56:24 - positioning AP6001 to file 1,05/13/2013 12:56:30 - positioned; position time: 000:00:06,05/13/2013 12:56:30 - begin writing,05/13/2013 12:56:43 - end writing; write time: 000:00:13,448,451,211,14000,2,,,,,,,,, AP6001,0,,,1,0,0,hansel_1368467706,,,0,0, ,,
Refer to Example 1 for an example on how to interpret the -all_columns output.
- -append
Appends the output to the file that the -file option specifies. If no -file option is provided, the output goes to stdout.
- -cancel job1,job2,...jobn |type=jobtype | type=all
Causes bpdbjobs to cancel active jobs cleanly that appear with a status code of 150 in the Activity Monitor. For example:
bpdbjobs -cancel 11328 bpdbjobs -cancel 11328,11329,11330
Possible jobtype values are listed in the Description section.
- -cancel_all
Causes bpdbjobs to cleanly cancel all incomplete jobs that appear with a Status 150 in the Activity Monitor. For example:
bpdbjobs -cancel_all
- -change_priority_by [-M master_servers] -priority number -jobid job1,job2,...jobn
Changes the priority of the specified job or jobs.
- -clean
Causes bpdbjobs to delete the completed jobs that are older than a specified time period. Use with the -keep_hours or -keep_days, or -keep_successful_hours or -keep_successful_days parameters to specify a retention period. For example:
bpdbjobs -clean -keep_hours 30
- -delete job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all
Deletes the completed jobs that appear in the Activity Monitor. Multiple job IDs can be deleted in one command. For example:
bpdbjobs -delete 11328,11329,11330
This option deletes one of the following:
The jobs that job1,job2,...jobn specify
All the eligible jobs that jobtype indicates
All eligible jobs if type=all is specified
Possible jobtype values are listed in the Description section.
- -fast
Retrieves the job metadata from bpjobd, but the
file andfiles
file is read directly from the file system. This option is ignored if bpdbjobs is started from a remote host (a host that is not the master).- -file pathname
Names a file to which the output of bpdbjobs is written. If no -file option is provided, the output goes to stdout.
- -gdm
Displays less of the information in a report than -most_columns.
- -ignore_parent_jobs
Ignores the parent jobs for the -report and -summary options.
- -jobid job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all
Reports on multiple job IDs.
Possible jobtype values are listed in the Description section.
- -keep_days days
Used with the -clean option to specify how many days bpdbjobs keeps completed jobs. Default is three (3) days.
- -keep_hours hours
Used with the -clean option to specify how many hours bpdbjobs keeps completed jobs. Default is 72 hours.
- -keep_successful_days days
Used with the -clean option to specify how many days bpdbjobs keeps successful completed jobs. Default is three (3) days.
This value must be less than the -keep_days value.
- -keep_successful_hours hours
Used with the -clean option to specify how many hours bpdbjobs keeps successful completed jobs. Default is 72 hours.
This value must be less than the -keep_hours value.
- -L
Reports in long format.
- -lvault
Displays the additional columns specific to Vault jobs.
- -M master_servers
Applies to an environment with multiple master servers. Use the -M option to summarize jobs, delete jobid(s), cancel jobid(s), and cancel all active job IDs for a specific master server:
- -mastertime
By default, bpdbjobs translates the start or the end times to be relative to the local clock. A job that starts 10 minutes ago looks like it starts 10 minutes ago regardless of time zone and clock differences with the master server. This option, however, circumvents that translation so that time values are consistent between admin clients.
- -most_columns
Behaves similarly to -all_columns but does not print the file list or any information on previous attempts. The -most_columns option is significantly faster than -all_columns.
- -noheader
Prevents the header from being printed in the report.
- -quiet
Cancels the reporting of the number of jobs resumed, suspended,deleted, and canceled.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason why you are performing this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. The string must be enclosed by double quotes ("...") and cannot exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -report
Provides a report of data that is stored in the Activity Monitor. If no option is specified with bpdbjobs, -report is the default option.
- -restart job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all
Cleanly restarts a job that jobtype indicates. This option supports backups and enables you to restart a job by typing the word BACkup in the Activity Monitor.
- -resume job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all
Resumes the jobs that job1,job2,...jobn specify, all eligible checkpoint backups or restore the jobs that jobtype indicates, or all eligible jobs if type=all is specified.
Possible jobtype values are listed in the Description section.
- -set_priority [-M master_servers] -priority number -jobid job1,job2,...jobn
Sets the priority of the specified job or jobs to the specified priority number.
- -summary [-U | -L | -all_columns]
Prints a summary line to stdout for all the jobs that are stored in NBU/jobs. Parameters -U and -L format the output of the command. Use the -file option to write the output to a given directory or file name. For example:
bpdbjobs -summary -U -file /tmp/summary.out
- -suspend job1,job2,...jobn | type=jobtype | type=all
Suspends the jobs that job1,job2,...jobn specifies or all eligible checkpoint backups or restore the jobs that jobtype indicates, or all eligible jobs if type=all is specified.
Possible jobtype values are listed in the Description section.
- -t timestamp
Fetches the job records which have completed after the specified timestamp. The timestamp is specified in the following format:
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The
file (UNIX) and theinstall_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.For more information about the locale of your system, see "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
- -U
Reports in user format. NetBackup report-generating tools such as the NetBackup-Java Reports application uses this report format.
- -vault
Displays the additional columns specific to Vault jobs.
- -verbose
Causes bpdbjobs to log additional information in the debug log in the following directory, if the directory exists:
On UNIX systems:
On Windows systems:
- -version
Prints the version string, then halts. Any other switches are ignored.
Example 1 - Show the sample logic to decode -all_columns output to produce the backup initiation time of a job that succeeded, but not on the first try.
Field 9 = start time (The time the job was first queued.)
This time is of little value unless you want to know when the job was queued.
Up to Field 32, all fields are fixed. Then Field 32 tells you how many entries are in the filelist
Field 32 = filelistcount (The number of files that are listed in the filelist
Add that value to 33 to determine the field that shows the number of tries:
Field 33 + filelistcount = trycount
If there is only one try, calculate the following to determine its start time:
Field 33 + filelistcount
+ 4 = [first] trystarted
If there are two tries, go past the status entries. First, calculate the number of entries in the status field:
Field 33 + filelistcount
+ 9 = trystatuscount
Then, to get the start time of the second try, calculate the following:
Field 33 + filelistcount
+ 9 + trystatuscount
+ 6 = [second] trystarted