Veritas Flex Appliance Getting Started and Administration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (2.1.4, 2.1.3, 2.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1)
Platform: Flex Appliance OS
  1. Product overview
      Introduction to Veritas Flex Appliance
      Flex Appliance terminology
      About the Flex Appliance documentation
  2. Release notes
      Flex Appliance 2.1 new features, enhancements, and changes
      Flex Appliance 2.1.1 new features, enhancements, and changes
      Flex Appliance 2.1.2 new features, enhancements, and changes
      Flex Appliance 2.1.3 new features, enhancements, and changes
      Flex Appliance 2.1.4 new features, enhancements, and changes
      Supported upgrade paths to this release
      Operational notes
      Flex Appliance 2.1 release content
      Flex Appliance 2.1.1 release content
      Flex Appliance 2.1.2 release content
      Flex Appliance 2.1.3 release content
      Flex Appliance 2.1.4 release content
  3. Getting started
      Initial configuration guidelines and checklist
      Performing the initial configuration
      Adding a node
      Accessing and using the Flex Appliance Shell
      Accessing and using the Flex Appliance Console
      Managing the appliance from the Appliance Management Console
      Setting the date and time for appliance nodes
      Common tasks in Flex Appliance
  4. Managing network settings
      Creating a network bond
      Deleting a network bond
      Configuring a network interface
    4. Managing the appliance Fibre Channel ports
        Viewing the devices that are connected to the Fibre Channel ports
      Changing DNS or Hosts file settings
  5. Managing users
      Overview of the Flex Appliance default users
      Changing the password policy
    3. Managing Flex Appliance Console users and tenants
        Adding a tenant
        Editing a tenant
        Removing a tenant
        Adding a local user to the Flex Appliance Console
        Connecting a remote user domain to the Flex Appliance Console
        Importing a remote user or user group to the Flex Appliance Console
        Editing a remote user domain in the Flex Appliance Console
        Changing a local user password in the Flex Appliance Console
        Expiring local user passwords in the Flex Appliance Console
        Removing users from the Flex Appliance Console
        Managing user authentication with smart cards or digital certificates
      Changing the hostadmin user password in the Flex Appliance Shell
      Changing the sysadmin user password in the Veritas Remote Management Interface
  6. Using Flex Appliance
    1. Managing the repository
        Adding files to the repository
        Removing the current appliance upgrade or update package from the repository
      Creating application instances
      Managing application instances from Flex Appliance and NetBackup
    4. Managing application instances from Flex Appliance
        Resizing instance storage
        Editing instance network settings
        Assigning Fibre Channel ports to an instance
        Unassigning Fibre Channel ports from an instance
      5. Managing application add-ons on instances
          Installing application add-ons
          Uninstalling application add-ons
          Changing the application add-on installation order
        Viewing instance performance metrics
        Clearing a configuration error status on an application instance
    5. Upgrading application instances
        Warnings and considerations for instance rollbacks
      Updating an application instance to a newer revision
    7. About Flex Appliance upgrades and updates
        Upgrading Flex Appliance
        Updating Flex Appliance
        Updating the firmware
  7. Appliance security
      Security overview
    2. About lockdown mode
        Changing the lockdown mode
      Using a sign-in banner
      Using an external certificate
  8. Monitoring the appliance
      Registering an appliance
    2. Configuring alerts
      1. About AutoSupport and Call Home
          Configuring Call Home
        Configuring email alerts
        Configuring SNMP alerts
        Setting the threshold values for disk usage alerts
    3. Viewing the hardware status
        Viewing node information
        Viewing Primary Storage Shelf information on a Veritas 53xx Appliance
        Viewing Expansion Storage Shelf information on a Veritas 53xx Appliance
        Viewing Storage Shelf information on a Veritas 5250 Appliance
      Viewing hardware faults
      Viewing system data
      Forwarding logs
      Providing access for external monitoring
      Revoking access for external monitoring
  9. Reconfiguring the appliance
      Performing a factory reset
      Performing a reimage
      Recovering storage data after a factory reset or a reimage
      Performing a storage reset
      Removing a node
      Viewing or resetting the storage shelf order on a Veritas 5250 Appliance
  10. Troubleshooting guidelines
      General troubleshooting steps
      Generating a One-Time Password and unlocking access in lockdown mode
      Gathering logs

Operational notes

This topic explains important aspects of Flex Appliance 2.1 operations that may not be documented elsewhere in the documentation.

Software operational notes

The following list contains the notes and the known issues that apply for the Flex Appliance 2.1 software:

  • If you have installed the 2.1.4 update and have also added new storage shelves after the update, do not perform a factory reset on the appliance. If needed, perform a reimage instead.

  • The set alerts hardware-threshold command was added this release to set threshold values for alerts. However, alerts are not currently sent for the metrics that can be set with this command.

  • The support data-collect command may show the following error:

    "*** Error in `qaucli': double free or corruption"

    This error can be safely disregarded. The command still generates a DataCollect package.

  • During a firmware upgrade, an issue can occur with the storage shelf controller that causes an upgrade failure message to appear. If you see a failure message, it may have appeared in error, and the upgrade may still have worked. Run the following command to confirm the firmware version:

    show hardware-health primaryshelf component=controller

  • For this release, while an update is in progress, do not perform any other operations in the Flex Appliance Shell or the Flex Appliance Console.

  • When you create a bond, do not give it a bond name that is all numbers. If you do so, you can no longer create any additional bonds on the appliance.

    If you were not aware of this limitation and have already created a bond name that is all numbers, contact Technical Support for assistance. Ask your representative to reference article 100050464.

  • When you install application add-ons on an instance, the Flex Appliance Console lets you select different versions of the same OST plug-in. However, this configuration is not supported, and if you select more than one version of the same plug-in, the Install add-ons page shows duplicate entries. Only install one version of each OST plug-in on an instance. If you need to change the version of an OST plug-in that is already installed, first uninstall it, and then install the new version.

  • If the host0 or host1 port is not connected to the appliance node during initial configuration, the following error message appears that does not provide complete information:

    "Network card for <interface name> is missing. Make sure that all network interfaces are connected to the appliance."

    If you encounter this message, verify that all ports are connected according to the initial configuration guidelines. See Initial configuration guidelines and checklist. Then restart the node to continue the configuration.

  • When you create a new application instance, the Application instances section of the System topology page may show the instance status as Partially Deleted while the creation is in progress. The Partially Deleted status displays in error and can be safely ignored. You can track the instance creation progress from the Activity Monitor, and the instance status changes to Online when the instance creation has completed successfully.

  • If you upgrade to version 2.1 and then roll back, an issue can occur that causes the Flex Appliance Console to be unable to load. If you encounter this issue, restart all appliance nodes and then try again to access the console.


    If you have a multi-node appliance, do not restart both nodes at the same time.

  • During an instance upgrade on a Veritas 5150 Appliance, the upgrade precheck may fail with the following error message:

    "V-492-101-102: Not enough space; request size of 256000 MB is greater than remaining space of <available space> MB. The log volume and the internal data volumes are included in space calculations."

    If you encounter this issue, resize one or more of your application instances to make sure that there is 250 GB of available storage space. Then retry the upgrade.

  • If you have a tenant whose name or location contains special characters when you upgrade to version 2.1, tenant operations fail after the upgrade. To resolve this issue, edit the tenant name and location so that they do not have special characters.

  • The following error message may display in the Flex Appliance Shell during an upgrade or a factory reset:

    dracut:Failed to install module bnx2

    This message displays in error and can be safely disregarded.

  • If you have a multi-node appliance and one of the nodes is turned off for any reason, do not restart the other node until they are both online. If a node is restarted while the other node is off, the Flex Appliance Console fails to load.

    If you encounter this scenario, contact Veritas Technical Support and ask your representative to reference articles 100046118 and 100051413.

  • When you create an instance, if you enter the IP address before you select a network interface, the IP address field displays the following error message:

    "IP address does not belong to the selected network's subnet."

    This message still displays after you select the network interface that corresponds to the IP address. To clear the message, click inside the IP address field and then click or tab outside of it.

  • When you upgrade and commit to version 2.1, the Flex Appliance Console shows an error displaying the node information for a couple minutes after the commit. The error resolves on its own once all services are online. If you see node errors, wait a couple minutes and check again.

  • During an instance upgrade, an issue can occur that causes the following error to display in the Activity Monitor:

    "Create snapshot failed with error exec: Stdout already set"

    This issue is fixed in the 2.1.1 update. If you encounter this issue in version 2.1, retry the upgrade. If the problem persists, restart all nodes on the appliance and try again.

  • When you create an instance or configure a proxy server for Call Home, an issue can occur with the file uploads if you upload a file with incorrect data. If you edit the file to correct the issue and then attempt to upload it again, the upload still fails.

    If you encounter this issue, exit the operation and start it again.

  • If you change the BIOS date and time on a Veritas 5250 Appliance after initial configuration, you can no longer access the Flex Appliance Console.

    This issue is fixed in the 2.1.1 update. If you encounter this issue in version 2.1, change the BIOS date and time back to what it was before.

  • Due to an underlying performance issue, the monitoring and alerting feature for the ROC Temperature (RAID on Chip for RAID Adapters) is disabled in this release for the Veritas 5250 Appliance. This feature will be reinstated and available for 5250 models in a future software release.

  • After some operations in the Flex Appliance Shell, an "Operation completed successfully" message may display even if a failure occurred. Read all of the messages that display at the end of each task to make sure that no further action is required.