NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide
- Introducing NetBackup
- Section I. Monitoring and notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Activity monitor
- Job monitoring
- Notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Section II. Configuring hosts
- Managing host properties
- Managing credentials for workloads and systems that NetBackup accesses
- Managing deployment
- Section III. Configuring storage
- Section IV. Configuring backups
- Section V. Managing security
- Security events and audit logs
- Managing security certificates
- Managing host mappings
- Managing user sessions
- Managing the security settings for the primary server
- About trusted primary servers
- Using access keys, API keys, and access codes
- Configuring authentication options
- Managing role-based access control
- Configuring RBAC
- Add a custom RBAC role
- Section VI. Detection and reporting
- Detecting malware
- Detecting anomalies
- Usage reporting and capacity licensing
- Detecting malware
- Section VII. NetBackup workloads and NetBackup Flex Scale
- Section VIII. Disaster recovery and troubleshooting
About NetBackup
NetBackup provides a complete, flexible data protection solution for a variety of platforms. The platforms include Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems.
NetBackup administrators can set up periodic or calendar-based schedules to perform automatic, unattended backups for clients across a network. An administrator can carefully schedule backups to achieve systematic and complete backups over a period of time, and optimize network traffic during off-peak hours. The backups can be full or incremental: Full backups back up all indicated client files, while incremental backups back up only the files that have changed since the last backup.
The NetBackup administrator can allow users to back up, restore, or archive the files from their computer. (An archive operation backs up a file, then deletes it from the local disk if the backup is successful.)
NetBackup includes both the server and the client software as follows:
Server software resides on the computer that manages the storage devices.
Client software resides on computers that contain data to back up. (Servers also contain client software and can be backed up.)
Figure: NetBackup storage domain example shows an example of a NetBackup storage domain.
NetBackup accommodates multiple servers that work together under the administrative control of one NetBackup primary server in the following ways:
The primary server manages backups, archives, and restores. The primary server is responsible for media and device selection for NetBackup. Typically, the primary server contains the NetBackup catalog. The catalog contains the internal databases that contain information about NetBackup backups and configuration.
Media servers provide additional storage by allowing NetBackup to use the storage devices that are attached to them. Media servers can also increase performance by distributing the network load. Media servers can also be referred to by using the following terms:
Device hosts (when tape devices are present)
Storage servers (when I/O is directly to disk)
Data movers (when data is sent to independent, external disk devices like OpenStorage appliances)
During a backup or archive, the client sends backup data across the network to a NetBackup server. The NetBackup server manages the type of storage that is specified in the backup policy.
During a restore, users can browse, then select the files and directories to recover. NetBackup finds the selected files and directories and restores them to the disk on the client.