Veritas NetBackup™ Bare Metal Restore™ Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Bare Metal Restore
- Configuring BMR
- Protecting clients
- Setting up restore environments
- Shared resource trees
- Pre-requisites for Shared Resource Tree
- Creating a shared resource tree
- Managing shared resource trees
- Adding software to a shared resource tree
- Importing a shared resource tree
- Copying a shared resource tree
- Deleting a shared resource tree
- Managing boot media
- Restoring clients
- BMR disk recovery behavior
- About restoring BMR clients using network boot
- About restoring BMR clients using media boot
- About restoring to a specific point in time
- About restoring to dissimilar disks
- Restoring to a dissimilar system
- About restoring NetBackup media servers
- About external procedures
- About external procedure environment variables
- About SAN (storage area network) support
- About multiple network interface support
- Managing Windows drivers packages
- Managing clients and configurations
- Client configuration properties
- Managing BMR boot servers
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting issues regarding creation of virtual machine from client backup
- A restore task may remain in a finalized state in the disaster recovery domain even after the client restores successfully
- Creating virtual machine from client backup
- Virtual machine creation from backup
- Monitoring Bare Metal Restore Activity
- Appendix A. NetBackup BMR related appendices
- Network services configurations on BMR boot Server
- BMR client recovery to other NetBackup Domain using Auto Image Replication
About adding Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas File System
The following information does not apply to Linux systems.
If Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) and Veritas File System (VxFS) are installed on the systems that the SRT protects, install them in the SRT. Then BMR can use them to partition disks and rebuild file systems.
The VxVM and VxFS versions in the SRT must exactly match that of the client being restored. If the versions do not match, the restored client software is unable to access the file systems and volumes.
If protected clients have different versions of VxVM or VxFS, create a separate SRT for each of those versions. However, SRTs that include VxFS and VxVM can be used to restore the clients that do not have VxFS or VxVM installed. If you need more than one SRT of the same operating system, create an SRT with only the operating system and NetBackup client software. (For example, if you want to restore the clients that have different versions of VxVM or different drivers.) Then make as many copies as you need and add the different versions of the other software to the copies. To copy an existing SRT usually is faster than to create an SRT.
Identify any prerequisites that VxVM and VxFS require, such as operating system patches. Install them in the appropriate order before you install VxVM and VxFS.
On Solaris systems, verify that any patches support the patchadd -C flag. Only install patches that support the patchadd -C flag into the SRT. Most patches for VxFS and VxVM do not support the patchadd -C flag. Test results show that the clients that use patched versions of VxFS and VxVM can perform a restore successfully. They perform restores successfully even when they use an SRT that contains unpatched versions.
The bmrsrtadm command prompts you to:
option in theInstall Veritas License Software (prerequisite to below) Install Veritas Volume Manager Install Veritas File System
You do not have to untar and uncompress the packages before you install them in an SRT. When you are prompted for the path to each component, enter a path to the extracted packages. Or enter a path to the root directory of the installation program (the directory that contains the file_system and volume_manager directories).
For more information about operating system dependencies for VxVM and VxFS, see OSCL matrix on