NetBackup™ Installation Guide
- Preparing for installation
- General installation information
- How to install NetBackup
- About storage device configuration
- Installation operational notes and limitations
- SORT information
- Veritas NetInsights Console information
- General installation information
- NetBackup licenses
- Installing server software on UNIX systems
- Installation requirements for UNIX and Linux
- Installing NetBackup primary server software on Linux
- Installing NetBackup media server software on Linux
- About pushing client software from a primary server to clients
- Installation requirements for UNIX and Linux
- Installing server software on Windows systems
- About the administrative interfaces
- Installing NetBackup client software
- About NetBackup client installation on Windows
- About NetBackup client installation on UNIX and Linux
- Configuring NetBackup
- Removing NetBackup server and client software
- Reference
Windows compiler and security requirements for NetBackup 10.5 and later installation
NetBackup 10.5 and later for Windows uses the Visual Studio 2022 compiler and the Windows 11 Software Development Kit (SDK). To run NetBackup 10.5, Windows computers require Visual C++ run-time libraries version 14.36.32532 or later. Microsoft makes available the redistributable utilities that install these libraries. More information on these redistributable utilities is available.
These utilities from Microsoft can alter Windows hosts such that a restart is required. The restart requirement can occur if the Visual C++ run-time libraries are in use by one or more processes on the system. Before you install NetBackup 10.5 or later, Veritas recommends that you install Visual Studio 2022 C++ run-time libraries on Windows computers. The installation of these libraries should take place within a maintenance window where you can safely restart the computer.
On Windows computers that do not have compatible Visual C++ run-time libraries present, the NetBackup installation process may offer to do it for you. You are required to acknowledge the risks and opt-in. More information about the risks and the opt-in process is available.
The redistributable utilities can fail or behave unexpectedly on hosts without all security updates in place. If a Windows host is not current with security updates, the following behaviors can occur:
NetBackup's installation process fails shortly after start with a message about inability to deploy Visual Studio 2022 C++ run-time libraries.
The nbcertcmdtool application fails unexpectedly when run by the NetBackup installation or upgrade process. This failure is difficult to distinguish from nbcertcmdtool failures that result from invalid or insufficient security configuration.
MSDP applications fail unexpectedly near the conclusion of the NetBackup installation or upgrade process.