
Global Contacts

World Headquarters Address

2625 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Worldwide Contact Information

Reach Veritas by phone using the central contact number for your country provided below by region.



Country Country Code Phone Number
Argentina 54 0-800-6660348
Bolivia 591 800-10-3646
Brazil 55 0800-76-25498
Canada (English) 1 (866)837-4827
Canada (French) 1 8448855611
Chile 56 223937309
Colombia 57 01-800-518-4447
Costa Rica 506 0800-0121939
Dominican Republic 1-829 1-8296072150
Ecuador 593 1800000505
Jamaica 1 876 1-8448541769
Mexico 52 001-8446581339
Peru 51 0800-55847
Trinidad and Tobago 1 868 1-8448287525
United States 1 (866)837-4827
Uruguay 598 000-413-598-4851
Venezuela 58 8001005490



Asia Pacific

Country Country Code Phone Number
Australia 61 1-800-408425
China Technical Support and Sales Enquiry 86 400-120-4816
Beijing, China 86 10 5603 3489
Shanghai, China 86 21 5329 7756
China Hong Kong Technical
Supportand Sales Inquiry
852 800-960143
India 91 000800-9190086
Japan 81 0120-078978
Malaysia 60 1-800-818006
New Zealand 64 0800 480 376
Singapore 65 800-1206751
South Korea 82 1084632101
China Taiwan 886 00801-13-6800
Thailand 66 1-800-011-633



Europe and Africa

Country Country Code Phone Number
Austria 43 012 0609 3577
Bahrain 973 80006360
Belgium 32 080049835
Croatia 385 0800-222755
Czech Republic 420 800-144229
Denmark 45 4331 4793
Egypt 20 0800-000-9183
Estonia 372 800-0111893
Finland 358 0800-9-17751
France 33 0805220199
Germany 49 08007244075
Greece 30 00800-12-9802
Hungary 36 06-800-21131
Ireland 353 1800939380
Israel 972 1-80-9213780
Italy 39 800098374
Luxembourg 352 8002-8332
Netherlands 31 08009494503
Norway 47 800-13995
Oman 968 80074129
Poland 48 800 080 929
Portugal 351 8008-12572
Saudi Arabia 966 800-8-110494
South Africa 27 080-09-82392
Spain 34 800810197
Sweden 46 0200880192
Switzerland 41 0800200220
Turkey 90 00800448828894
United Arab Emirates 971 8000-35704426
United Kingdom 44 08002799810

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