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Veritas Access Appliance Release Notes
Last Published:
Appliances (7.4.2)
Platform: 3340
- Overview of Veritas Access
- Software limitations
- Limitations related to installation and upgrade
- Limitation related to replication
- Known issues
- Veritas Access known issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Access Appliance operational notes
- Admin issues
- CIFS issues
- General issues
- GUI issues
- Installation and configuration issues
- Internationalization (I18N) issues
- Networking issues
- NFS issues
- ObjectAccess issues
- OpenDedup issues
- OpenStack issues
- Replication issues
- SDS known issues
- Storage issues
- System issues
- Target issues
- Upgrade issues
- Veritas Data Deduplication issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Veritas Access known issues
- Getting help
Access services do not restart properly after storage shelf restart
If the Veritas Access Appliance loses connectivity to an attached Primary or Expansion storage shelf, the underlying storage connectivity is lost and the VxVM disk group goes into a deported state. This issue occurs whenever a storage shelf intentionally or unintentionally restarts. To correct this issue, you need to restart the Access services.
To restart the Access services after the appliance storage shelves restart
- Log onto the Access shell menu over the console IP address.
- Run the following command to import the VxVM disk group and other Access configurations:
ltrcluster> storage scanbus
- Restart the services that were configured before the storage shelf restart.
For example, if the S3 server is configured, use the following commands
ltrcluster> objectaccess server status ObjectAccess Status on ltrcluster_01 : OFFLINE|FAULTED ObjectAccess Status on ltrcluster_02 : OFFLINE|FAULTED ltrcluster> objectaccess server stop ACCESS ObjectAccess ERROR V-493-10-4 ObjectAccess server already stopped. ltrcluster> objectaccess server start ACCESS ObjectAccess SUCCESS V-493-10-4 ObjectAccess started successfully. ltrcluster> objectaccess server status ObjectAccess Status on ltrcluster_01 : ONLINE ObjectAccess Status on ltrcluster_02 : ONLINE ltrcluster>