NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- About changes in NetBackup 10.4
- Planning for an upgrade
- General upgrade planning information
- About upgrade tools
- Upgrade operational notes and limitations
- General upgrade planning information
- Primary server upgrade
- Media server upgrade
- MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
- Client upgrade
- NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
- Appendix A. Reference
Performing local, remote, or clustered server upgrades on Windows systems
Use the following procedure to upgrade to NetBackup 10.4 on a local, a remote, or a clustered computer.
To upgrade the NetBackup binaries for a local, remote, or clustered server on Windows
- Log on to the system where you want to initiate the NetBackup upgrade. Be sure to log on with administrator privileges.
To upgrade local Windows systems, log on to the computer directly at the console.
To upgrade remote Windows systems, log on to a system with network access to all of the hosts where you want to install NetBackup.
To upgrade clustered Windows systems, log on to the active node (the node with the shared disk).
- Navigate to the directory where the ESD images (downloaded files) reside and run Browser.exe to start the NetBackup Installation Wizard.
- On the initial browser screen (Home), click Installation.
- On the Installation screen, click Server Software Installation.
- If you are prompted about the absence of required Visual C++ run-time libraries, review the information and respond accordingly. More information is available.
See Windows compiler and security requirements for NetBackup 10.4 and later upgrade.
- On the Welcome screen, review the content and click Next.
- (Conditional) If you previously installed NetBackup 10.4 on this host, you see the Program Maintenance dialog.
Select Modify to change installation settings for the local host, or to use the local host as a platform to perform push installation to remote hosts.
Select Repair to restore NetBackup 10.4 to its original state on the local host.
Select Remove to remove NetBackup 10.4 from the local host.
- On the License Agreement screen, do the following:
I agree to and accept the terms of the license agreement.
You must select this item to upgrade the software.
Click Next.
- On the Veritas NetBackup Installation Type screen, provide the following information:
Where to install
For a local upgrade, select Install to this computer only.
For a remote upgrade, select Install to multiple computers on your network.
For a clustered upgrade, the only option is Install a clustered primary server.
Select this option to upgrade NetBackup with the default settings.
Media server only: By default the typical option looks at the media server's configuration and only upgrades the Java GUI and the JRE packages if they are currently present. Choose Custom if you want to force a state other than what is currently on the media server. If you select to exclude the Java GUI and the JRE, any previous versions are removed.
Select this option to override the default NetBackup settings.
Click Next.
- On the NetBackup License and Server Type screen, provide the following information:
Upgrades from versions earlier than NetBackup 8.1.2 only support the production licenses that are downloaded from the Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) or the evaluation license. You cannot use the temporary production license when you upgrade from a NetBackup version earlier than 8.1.2.
Upgrades from NetBackup 8.1.2 or later to NetBackup 10.3 or later releases require you to download a license file from VEMS or use the temporary production license. A license is only required on the primary server. More information is available:
For remote upgrades, the license that you enter here gets pushed to the other nodes. Your license may enable add-on products. If you push NetBackup to nodes that have an add-on product already installed, your license works for the add-on product(s).
For remote or for clustered upgrades, the following occurs during the upgrade process to verify that you have the proper credentials to perform the upgrade:
When you select a clustered system for upgrade, NetBackup determines if you have proper administrator credentials on all nodes in the cluster. If you do not have the proper credentials, the system is not added to the list.
If you have the proper credentials, you must enter a valid license to upgrade that node.
For upgrades from pre-10.3 to 10.3 or later release, if no license is provided, NetBackup uses in-built temporary production license. More information is available:
For upgrade from 10.3 or later releases, if license is either invalid or expired, the precheck fails for remote or clustered Windows installation. The NetBackup version on that node remains unchanged and NetBackup continues to function. For a successful upgrade, you must provide a valid license.
For push installation to multiple computers in the network, the upgrade fails at the precheck if the remote computer doesn't have a valid license. NetBackup on that node is not upgraded but it continues to function.
For clustered primary server, the licenses are stored on the shared disk that is accessible only to the active node. As such, the license isn't pushed to the inactive nodes.
Select NetBackup Primary Server, browse and add licenses, and then Next to proceed to upgrade the primary server software. More information about licenses is available:
Select NetBackup Media Server and Next to proceed to upgrade the media server software. Note that the media server upgrade does not require a license.
- (Conditional) Remote upgrades see the FIPS Compliance in NetBackup dialog.
NetBackup does not support changing the FIPS mode during upgrade. Enable FIPS mode before the upgrade if the existing NetBackup version supports FIPS. Otherwise, enable it after the upgrade.
Enabling or disabling FIPS mode during Windows remote upgrade does not change the existing FIPS mode value in the NetBackup configuration on remote hosts.
For more information about FIPS please check the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- On the NetBackup Web Services screen, enter the Web Services Password.
This password is the password for the NetBackup web services user account. You must create this account before you install the primary server. More information is available.
On the NetBackup Web Services screen, specify the account type and the account details.
What types of acccounts should we use?
Select either Local or Domain (Active Directory).
Select Local if you want to associate the web server with a user and a group account that exist on the local host.
Select Domain (Active Directory) if you want to associate the web server with a user and a group account that exist on a trusted Windows domain.
What are the existing account details
Specify the information as shown:
Domain - If you chose the Domain (Active Directory) account type, specify the name of the domain to which the user and the group accounts belong.
Group - Specify the name of the group account to associate with the web server.
User - Specify the name of the user account to associate with the web server. For security reasons, do not specify a user account that has administrative privileges on the host.
Password - Specify the password of the user account in the User field.
More information is available.
- This step applies only to Custom upgrades. For Typical installations, skip to the next step.
This step describes how to select and configure the NetBackup Features, NetBackup Port Numbers, and the NetBackup Services.
Java GUI and JRE Options
(Conditional: Media server only) Depending on your upgrade, the options you see include:
Include Java GUI and JRE: Install or upgrade the Java GUI and the JRE on the specified computer.
Exclude Java GUI and JRE: Exclude the Java GUI and the JRE components from the specified computer. Any preexisting Java GUI and JRE components are removed.
Match Existing Configuration: Preserve the current state of the Java GUI and JRE components. The components are upgraded if they are present on the pre-upgraded systems. The components are not installed if they are not present on the pre-upgraded systems.
NetBackup Port Numbers
On this screen, you can change port numbers, if it is necessary in your configuration.
You may need to change a port number if you encounter conflicts when NetBackup and another industry product try to share the same port. Another example is if a port conflict occurs with a firewall, which may cause security issues.
To change a port number, select the port number that you want to replace and type the new number.
Click Next.
NetBackup Services
On this screen, provide the following startup account and startup type information for NetBackup services:
Privileged Account Details
Specify either Local System account or Custom account.
By default, the Local System account is selected, so that NetBackup uses the built-in system account. When this option is selected, the fields below it are disabled.
To specify a different system account:
Select Custom account.
Enter the account information in the following fields:
Non-Privileged Account Details
Specify either Same as the Privileged Account specified above or Local Service account.
Using a local service account involves a one-time conversion that may significantly increase the upgrade time based on your catalog size.
For more information for the non-privileged service user account, refer to:
This information is only applicable to primary server upgrades.
Startup Type
This option determines whether NetBackup services start automatically if you need to restart the NetBackup host. The default is Automatic.
To start NetBackup services manually after a restart, select Manual.
Start job-related NetBackup services following installation
By default, job-related services are set to start automatically after the upgrade has completed.
To prevent job-related services from starting automatically, click on the box to clear the check mark.
Safe Abort Option
This option determines how the upgrade proceeds if a restart is required as part of the upgrade.
If you select this option and the upgrade process determines that a restart is required, the upgrade stops. The system is then rolled back to its original state.
If you do not select this option, the upgrade proceeds even if the upgrade process determines that a restart is required.
Click Next.
- On the NetBackup System Names screen, provide the following information:
Primary Server Name
For primary server installations, enter the name of the local computer.
For media server installations, you must change the name to the primary server name to which the media server is configured.
For clustered servers, this field is NetBackup Virtual Host Name. Veritas strongly recommends that you not change this value.
Additional Servers
Enter the names of any additional NetBackup primary servers and media servers that you want to communicate with this server. Include the names of computers where you plan to install NetBackup later.
To enter more than one name, separate each name with a comma or press Enter after each name.
Media Server Name
This field appears only for NetBackup Enterprise media server installations.
When you install media server software, this field defaults to the local server name.
Click Next.
- (Conditional: For media servers only) If your environment uses an external certificate authority, you receive the External Certificate screen. On the External Certificate screen, select one of the three radio buttons based on how you want to configure the external certificate authority (ECA). Depending on which one you select, you must complete different information:
Use Windows certificate store
You must enter the certificate location as Certificate Store Name\Issuer Distinguished Name\Subject Distinguished Name.
You can use the $hostname variable for any of the names in the certificate store specification. The $hostname variable evaluates at run time to the name of the local host. This option provides flexibility when you push NetBackup software to a large number of clients.
Alternatively, you can specify a comma-separated list of Windows certificate locations. For example, you can specify: MyCertStore\IssuerName1\SubjectName, MyCertStore\IssuerName2\SubjectName2, MyCertStore4\IssuerName1\SubjectName5
Then select the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) option from the radio buttons shown:
Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a path to the CRL.
Do not use a CRL.
Use certificate from a file
After you select this option, specify the following:
Certificate file: This field requires you to provide the path to the certificate file and the certificate file name.
Trust store location: This field requires you to provide the path to the trust store and the trust store file name.
Private key path: This field requires you to provide the path to the private key file and the private key file name.
Passphrase file: This field requires you to provide the path of the passphrase file and the passphrase file name. This field is optional.
CRL option: Specify the correct CRL option for your environment:
Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a path to the CRL.
Do not use a CRL.
Proceed without security
You receive a warning message listing potential issues. Depending on the state of the current security configuration, NetBackup may be unable to perform backups or restores until an external CA certificate has been configured.
Click Next to continue.
For remote upgrades only, on the Veritas NetBackup Remote Hosts screen, specify the hosts where you want NetBackup installed.
Windows Destination Systems
Right-click Windows Destination Computers and select from the drop-down menu, or use the following methods:
Click here to search the network for the hosts where you want to upgrade NetBackup.
On the Available Systems dialog box, select the computer to add and click Next.
On the Remote Computer Login Credentials dialog box, enter the user name, the password, and the domain of the account for NetBackup to use on the remote computers.
If you plan to upgrade multiple remote computers, click the box next to Remember User Name and Password. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter this information for each remote computer.
When you provide credentials, you select host nodes and add them to the Windows Destination Systems list. These are the nodes on which you remotely upgrade NetBackup. Make sure that you select your local host when you select systems to install.
Each time you choose a system, NetBackup performs a system check. For example, it verifies the system for a server upgrade that matches the type that you selected, as follows:
NetBackup not installed: Considers the remote to be verified.
NetBackup already installed: Compares the upgrade type on that system to the upgrade type that you request.
Invalid combination: Notifies you of the problem and disallows the choice. One example of an invalid combination is to try to install a Remote Administration Console on a remote system that is already a primary server.
Remote system not a supported platform or level: Notifies you of the problem and disallows the choice.
The upgrade procedure also verifies that you have proper administrator credentials on the remote system. If you do not have administrator credentials, the Enter Network Password screen appears, and prompts you to enter the administrator's user name and password.
Click OK and continue selecting destination systems.
This process repeats for each node that you select. You can elect to retain the user name and password. In that case, you are prompted only when the user name or password is not valid.
Note the following about the push-install process in a clustered environment:
You can upgrade NetBackup on any number of nodes. However, the clustering service sets the limit for the number of nodes in a cluster, not NetBackup.
Language packages and other NetBackup add-on products cannot be upgraded with the push method. Add-on products must be upgraded on each individual node in the cluster group. For instructions on how to upgrade these products, refer to the NetBackup documentation that supports each product.
NetBackup pushes to the other nodes only the license you enter at the beginning of the upgrade. Your license may enable add-on products. If you push NetBackup to nodes that have an add-on product already installed, your license works for that product.
Click OK.
Click here to import a text file that contains a list of host names. When you create the text file, the host names must be defined in the following format:
Click here to add a host manually.
On the Manual Remote Computer Selection dialog box appears, enter the Domain and the Computer Name, then click OK.
On the Remote Computer Login Credentials dialog box, enter the User Name and the Password of the account to be used to perform the upgrade on the remote computers.
If you plan to add and upgrade multiple remote computers, click the box next to Remember User Name and Password. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter this information for each remote computer.
Click OK.
To remove a host from the Destination Systems list, select the host and click here.
Click here to change the destination for NetBackup file installation on the selected remote host.
Click Next.
- For cluster upgrades only, on the Cluster Settings screen, review the information displayed. All information except the Public Network is displayed for informational purposes and cannot be changed. If you need to change the public network, select the correct public network from the drop-down.
Click Cluster Configuration. When the successful cluster configuration message appears, click Next.
- (Conditional: For primary servers only) Depending on the size of your catalog, you may be prompted to proceed with the Infinite retention conversion.
Upgrades from pre-NetBackup 9.0 to NetBackup 9.0 and later include the infinite expiration conversion. This conversion supports expiration dates beyond 2038. This conversion may extend the time that is required to complete the upgrade. Review the article that is shown for more information:
- On the Ready to Install the Program screen, review the Installation Summary that shows your selections from the previous steps.
If the ECA heath check utility indicates the Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) or the Key Storage Provider (KSP) doesn't support the security descriptors, the upgrade cannot proceed.
This flag indicates that the provider cannot be used when NetBackup services are run in the local service user account context. Use a provider that supports security descriptors or use an administrator account to run all NetBackup services.
For more details on the service user account, see the Limitations of Windows Certificate Store support when NetBackup services are running in Local Service account context information in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- Select one of the following options:
Click Install to start the installation.
Click Back to view the previous screens and make any changes, then return to this screen and click Install.
Click Cancel to cancel the upgrade.
After you click Install, the upgrade process begins and a screen appears that shows you the upgrade progress. This process may take several minutes.
For remote or for cluster upgrades only, right-click on a system in the dialog box to see the upgrade status. Up to five upgrades occur simultaneously. When an upgrade is completed, another one begins so that a maximum of five upgrades are in progress.
- For remote upgrades only, when all remote upgrades have completed, click Finish.
- On the Installation Complete screen, select from the following options:
View installation log file
An upgrade log file provides detailed installation information and shows whether any errors occurred. This log includes information about the optional installation of the Java GUI and the JRE.
Examine the upgrade log at the following location:
When you perform a remote upgrade to multiple computers, this option only lets you view the log for the local computer. Each computer that you selected for upgrade contains its own upgrade log file. To view the log file of a remote computer, open a Windows Explorer window and enter \\<COMPUTERNAME>.
Search the upgrade log for the following error indications:
Strings that include
Return Value 3
.Important log messages that are color coded as follows:
Yellow = warning.
Red = error.
Select one of the following to complete the upgrade:
If you are done upgrading software on all servers, click the box next to Launch NetBackup Administration Console now and click Finish.
The NetBackup Administration Console starts a Configuration Wizard so that you can configure your NetBackup environment.
If you have more server software to upgrade, click Finish.
You can move on to the next computer and upgrade the necessary server software.
- If any NetBackup cluster configuration is modified manually or by any external script, make sure that the change is reflected correctly in NetBackup cluster registry. Contact Veritas Enterprise technical support if you have questions.
- The binaries are successfully installed. Proceed to the post-installation procedure.
More information is available.