Veritas NetBackup™ for OpenStack Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (9.0)

Protecting OpenStack data using NetBackup

Using the NetBackup Parallel Streaming Framework (PSF), OpenStack data can now be protected using NetBackup.

Protection support for OpenStack is deployed on CEPH Storage and Backup Host deployment of global admin

The following diagram provides an overview of how OpenStack data is protected by NetBackup.

Figure: Architectural overview

Architectural overview

As illustrated in the above diagram:

  • The data is backed up in parallel streams with the help of backup hosts deployed in OpenStack environment. You can select the instances you want to protect within the project. The job processing is accelerated due to multiple backup hosts and parallel streams.

  • The communication between the OpenStack and the NetBackup is enabled using the NetBackup plug-in for OpenStack.

    The plug-in is installed with the NetBackup installation.

  • For NetBackup communication, you need to configure a Big Data policy and add the related backup hosts.

  • You can configure a NetBackup media server or client as a backup host.

  • The backup host can be also used as a finger printing media server for deduplication load balancing. For more information, see NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

  • Use the NetBackup media server as a backup host.

For more information:


OpenStack deployed in demilitarized zones (DMZ) cannot be protected using this solution.