Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Performance and Tuning Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.1)
  1. Overview
      Purpose of the guide
  2. About OpsCenter configuration
      OpsCenter Server configuration
    2. About OpsCenter Server on a virtual machine
        Physical versus virtual configuration for OpsCenter Server
        Guidelines on the OpsCenter VM parameters
        About VM settings and % gains during OpsCenter report generation
      OpsCenter database configuration
      OpsCenter services
  3. About OpsCenter performance and tuning
      Sizing considerations
      Sizing guidelines
    3. About tuning OpsCenter for increased performance
        About performance tuning guidelines
        About adding NetBackup Master Servers to OpsCenter
        About using a web browser to access OpsCenter
      4. About saving the OpsCenter log files on a different drive
          Checking the debug level of logs
          Saving the log files to a different location on Windows
          Saving the log files to a different location on UNIX
      5. About adjusting the heap size or cache size for OpsCenter services
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter server service
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter web server service
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter Agent service
          Adjusting the OpsCenter database service cache size
      6. About OpsCenter database defragmentation
          Checking the disk fragment count
          About allocating more memory before database defragmentation
          Defragmenting the OpsCenter database
        About purging data periodically
    4. Moving OpsCenter server to a different computer
        About saving the files before moving the OpsCenter Server
        Moving OpsCenter server because of constraints in upgrade
        Moving OpsCenter server because of issues in the existing setup
  4. OpsCenter best practices
      Network configuration best practices
    2. Installation and upgrade best practices
        Things to avoid during installation and upgrade
    3. OpsCenter database best practices
        Things to avoid while you use OpsCenter database
    4. Backup products best practices
        Things to avoid while you collect data from backup products
      OpsCenter Server best practices
      OpsCenter reporting best practices
      Best practices for antivirus configuration on Windows

Moving OpsCenter server because of constraints in upgrade

This section provides the procedure to move the existing OpsCenter server to a different machine where you want to install the latest version of OpsCenter. The following example explains the scenario in detail:

You have OpsCenter setup that you want to upgrade to the latest version. If OpsCenter is installed on a platform that is not supported by the latest version of OpsCenter, you need to move the existing OpsCenter server to a different machine that has a supported platform.

You need to carry out a few steps on the existing OpsCenter server host and a few on the new host.

To move the existing OpsCenter server to a different machine

  1. Steps to be carried out on the existing OpsCenter server host

    On the OpsCenter source host, perform a backup of the OpsCenter database using the dbbackup script. You should run this script when you need to back up your OpsCenter database and database password file (db.conf).

  2. Existing OpsCenter server host may have AT (Veritas Product Authentication Service) data that you want to import into the new OpsCenter. You need to first export the AT data on the existing OpsCenter server host, which you can import into the new OpsCenter setup.

    Export the shared or remote AT broker's data to an XML file using the atutil utility. AT data comprises OpsCenterUsers(vx) users and certificates.

  3. Copy the XML file that you have created in the earlier step to the new host.


    While copying the exported XML file, the DOS to UNIX conversion may result into garbage characters in the xml file that can cause import failure. To avoid this problem, copy the XML file through FTP and with binary format.

  4. Steps to be carried out on the new host where you want to install the latest version of OpsCenter

    Install the latest version of OpsCenter on the new host.

  5. Stop all OpsCenter services on the new host.

  6. Carry out the performance tuning steps that you had done earlier.

    The new OpsCenter Performance and Tuning Guide provides information on how to tune OpsCenter for improved performance. The online version of the OpsCenter Performance and Tuning Guide can be found at:

  7. Restore the database that you have backed up earlier.

  8. Update the following information from the db.conf file:
    • If you are using the port that is different than the default one, update the value of the db.port parameter as follows:


    • Set the db.serviceName parameter to the name of the target host as follows:


  9. Upgrade the database using dbUpgrade command.

    Run the following command:


    dbUpgrade.bat install <old_version_number> <new_version_number>

    For example: <OpsCenterInstallLocation>\OpsCenter\server\bin\dbUpgrade.bat install 8.0 8.1

    UNIX install <old_version_number> <new_version_number>

    For example: <OpsCenterInstallLocation>/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ install 8.0 8.1

  10. Check the progress of database upgrade in the upgrade logs at the following location:


    <OpsCenterInstallLocation>\ OpsCenter\server\db\log



  11. Import old authentication or AT data into the new OpsCenter server host.

    Make sure that you have copied the export XML file that you have created on the existing OpsCenter server host to the new OpsCenter server host.

    Run the following command:


    <OpsCenterInstallLocation>\OpsCenter\server\authbroker\bin\atutil import -p <password of exported xml file> -f <location of xml file that contains old AT data> -z <location of AT data folder> - overwrite

    For example: atutil import -p "password" -f \temp\userdata.xml -z C:Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\authbroker\data - overwrite


    <OpsCenterInstallLocation>/SYMCOpsCenterServer/authbroker/bin/atutil import -p <password of exported xml file> -f <location of xml file that contains old AT data> -z <location of AT data folder> - overwrite

    For example: atutil import -p "password" -f /temp/userdata.xml -z /opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/authbroker/data - overwrite


    If the import is not successful, the default OpsCenter user needs to reset the passwords of OpsCenterUsers(vx) domain users that you have imported from the earlier OpsCenter version. Trust between NBAC-enabled NetBackup / PureDisk server and OpsCenter server need to be established again.

  12. Start OpsCenter services.