Future-Proofing Through Recovery Rehearsal and Validation


As a CISO, my primary focus is on enhancing our resilience to cyber threats through rigorous recovery strategy rehearsals and validations. The landscape, characterized by the rapid evolution of threats and increasing reliance on technology, underscores the need for a proactive and prepared cybersecurity posture.

Embracing the Inevitability of Cyber Threats

The World Economic Forum's Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024 highlights the ever-expanding cyber inequity, revealing a critical divide between organizations well-equipped to handle cybersecurity threats and those lagging behind. This divide emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation in cybersecurity measures​.

The Rising Significance of Generative AI and Continuous Threat Management:

Gartner's top cybersecurity trends for 2024, including the advent of Generative AI (GenAI) and Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), present a dual-edged sword. While GenAI offers promising advancements in cybersecurity, it also introduces new vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. This evolution necessitates organizations to not only adopt but also continuously validate their recovery strategies against these emerging threats​.

CrowdStrike's 2024 Global Threat Report indicates a 75% increase in cloud intrusions, along with the fastest eCrime breakout time recorded at 2 minutes and 7 seconds. Such statistics underscore the critical need for organizations to rigorously test and validate their incident response and recovery protocols in real-time scenarios​.

Financial Implications and the Human Element:

IBM's insights on cybersecurity trends highlight the financial implications of cyberattacks, with costs predicted to surpass USD 10.5 trillion by the end of 2024. Furthermore, the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals exacerbates the challenge, emphasizing the need for organizations to invest in training and upskilling programs.

Towards a Resilient and Prepared Future

As we navigate these complex cybersecurity challenges, the importance of rehearsing and validating our recovery strategies cannot be overstated. The landscape is fraught with potential threats that can only be effectively countered through preparedness and resilience. Cobalt's 2024 predictions reinforce this, highlighting the critical need for cyber resilience in the face of new SEC regulations, sophisticated cyberattacks, and ongoing budget constraints​.

As CISOs, our mission extends beyond the mere implementation of defensive measures. We are tasked with ensuring that our organizations are not only prepared to defend against cyber threats but also to recover from them with minimal impact. This requires a commitment to ongoing testing, validation, and refinement of our cybersecurity recovery strategies. As my colleague Tim Burlowski points out, Cyber Recovery isn’t typical Disaster Recovery.

I urge my peers to prioritize these initiatives, leveraging Veritas 360 Defense and best practices to safeguard our organizations. Let us forge a path toward a more secure and resilient future, where preparedness and continuous improvement are our guiding principles.

Explore Veritas 360 Defense to discover how Veritas can help you control your data, increase resilience against cyberthreats, and ensure compliance. Learn more about using our comprehensive solutions to build a more secure future for your data.

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Christos Tulumba
Chief Information Security Officer