Arctera™ Insight Surveillance User Guide
- Introducing Arctera Insight Surveillance
- Getting started
- Working with dashboard widgets
- Managing employee groups
- Managing departments
- Managing department users
- Managing department-level searches
- Managing department-specific hotword sets
- Managing department-specific labels
- Managing department-specific trash rules
- Managing department-specific allowlist rules
- Managing department-specific review comments
- Viewing employees associated with departments
- Managing users, roles, and permissions
- Managing application-level searches
- Managing application-specific hotword sets
- Managing application-specific labels
- Managing application-specific trash rules
- Managing application-specific allowlist rules
- Managing application-specific review comments
- Managing data requests
- Managing search schedules
- Managing export operations
- Managing reviews
- Working with reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Departments API
- Users API
- UserRoles API
- Roles API
- Classification Tags API
- Labels API
- Searches API
- ItemMetrics API
- ReviewerMapping API
- MonitoredEmployees API
- Evidence of Review API
- Item Classification Metrics API
- Item Label Metrics API
- Item Archived Metrics API
- Managing Power BI templates for reporting APIs
- Managing Audit Settings
- Working with Audit viewer
Viewing hotwords highlighting
Insight Surveillance provides the option to highlight keywords in a hotword set that are added as search terms. Highlighting applies to subject and body content and an HTML preview of an attachment. See Creating and running department-level searches.
A search with a hotword returns the exact matches only. When an asterisk character is used with the hotword, the search returns items with partial matches also. For example, two hotwords, "code" and "codebreaker," are available. A search with "code" returns items where "code" is present as an independent word. A search with "code*" returns all items that contain "codebreaker" as well as items that contain only the "code" keyword.
To view highlighted hotwords of an item
- In the left navigation pane, click Review.
- Search for and select the department for which you want to review items.
Insight Surveillance lists all departments. You can use the filtering options to search the required department. Options include filtering by department name, exception employees, and reviewers associated with the department.
- (Optional) To reset the filtering criteria, click Clear, and set a new criterion.
- Click Apply.
The application displays emails and collaboration messages from the selected departments.
If only the Exchange service is enabled for you, then only emails are displayed. If the MS Teams Archiving service is enabled for you, then collaboration messages are also displayed.
- During the manual review, select the item to view its details in the Preview pane.
- Navigate across the hits for a phrase, all hotwords, or a specific hotword.
Highlighting navigation control is shown only if at least one hotword or a tag is applied to the review item.
The hotwords and the tags are highlighted in the Preview pane of emails and collaboration messages. However, the navigation option to go to the next or previous hotword or a tag is available only for emails, and not for collaboration messages.
A sample image to show hotwords highlighting and navigation in email is shown below.
Highlighting navigation control is shown only if a hotword set was added to the review item.
- In the Preview pane, click the drop-down arrow to view a list of hotwords and phrases.
The application lets you review maximum hotword instance in the content by highlighting them. Therefore, when any search is based on multiple hotwords and phrases, and if any word or a fragment of a phrase is common among the hotwords and phrases, the improved hit-highlighting feature displays that word or a phrase as a separate hotword in the drop-down list.
For example, the Ramayana word is a part of phrase - The Ramayana is an ancient. In this case, the hit-highlighting feature provides you the hotword options like Ramayana, The Ramayana, and The Ramayana is an ancient as the word Ramayana is common in all instances.
You can select All to highlight all the hotwords. Else, you can select a specific hotword from the list that you want to get highlighted for review.
Note that multiple negative hotwords are excluded from hit highlighting.
- Select the required hotword in the list to get it highlighted in the content.
Hover over the hotword instance to view the search that is applied to the review item.
- Click the Next arrow icon to view the next highlighted hotword instance. To view the previous instance of highlighted hotword, click the Previous arrow icon.
- (Optional) Preview an attachment content and navigate across the hits for all hotwords or a specific hotword.