NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide
- Section I. About NetBackup
- Section II. Monitoring and notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Activity monitor
- Job monitoring
- Troubleshooting the viewing and managing of jobs
- Device monitor
- Notifications
- Registering the data collector
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Section III. Configuring hosts
- Managing host properties
- Busy file settings properties
- Client attributes properties
- Client settings properties for UNIX clients
- Client settings properties for Windows clients
- Data Classification properties
- Default job priorities properties
- Encryption properties
- Exchange properties
- Exclude list properties
- Fibre transport properties
- General server properties
- Global attributes properties
- Logging properties
- Media properties
- Network settings properties
- Port ranges properties
- Preferred network properties
- Resilient network properties
- Restore failover properties
- Retention periods properties
- Scalable Storage properties
- Servers properties
- SharePoint properties
- SLP settings properties
- Managing credentials for workloads and systems that NetBackup accesses
- Managing deployment
- Managing host properties
- Section IV. Configuring storage
- Overview of storage options
- Configuring disk storage
- Integrating MSDP Cloud and CMS
- About configuring disk pool storage
- About the MSDP object store
- Managing media servers
- Configuring storage units
- Managing robots and tape drives
- Add a robot to NetBackup manually
- Managing robots
- Managing tape drives
- Managing tape media
- About adding volumes
- Managing volumes
- About recycling a volume
- About injecting and ejecting volumes
- Managing volume pools
- Managing volume groups
- Inventorying robots
- Staging backups
- Troubleshooting storage configuration
- Section V. Configuring backups
- Overview of backups in the NetBackup web UI
- Managing protection plans
- Managing classic policies
- Protecting the NetBackup catalog
- Catalog backups
- Managing backup images
- Pausing data protection activity
- Section VI. Managing security
- Security events and audit logs
- Managing security certificates
- Managing host mappings
- Minimizing security configuration risk
- Configuring multi-person authorization
- Managing user sessions
- Configuring multifactor authentication
- Managing the global security settings for the primary server
- About trusted primary servers
- Using access keys, API keys, and access codes
- Configuring authentication options
- Managing role-based access control
- Disabling access to NetBackup interfaces for OS Administrators
- Section VII. Detection and reporting
- Detecting anomalies
- About backup anomaly detection
- Malware scanning
- Usage reporting and capacity licensing
- Detecting anomalies
- Section VIII. NetBackup workloads and NetBackup Flex Scale
- Section IX. Administering NetBackup
- Management topics
- Managing client backups and restores
- About client-redirected restores
- Section X. Disaster recovery and troubleshooting
- Section XI. Other topics
- Additional NetBackup catalog information
- About the NetBackup database
- About the NetBackup database installation
- Post-installation tasks
- Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows
- Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX
SLP settings properties
To access this setting, in the web UI select
. Select the primary server. If necessary click , then click . Click . You can also configure the SLP settings from .The SLP settings properties allow administrators to customize how storage lifecycle policies (SLPs) are maintained and how SLP jobs run. These properties apply to the SLPs of the currently selected primary server.
Table: SLP settings describes the available properties for SLPs. It also lists the syntax to use with the command-line method.
Use the list in the Units column to change the units of measurement for the size or the time.
Table: SLP settings
Property | Description |
Minimum size per duplication job | The smallest batch size that can run as a single duplication job. The job does not run until enough images accumulate to reach this minimum batch size or until the Force interval for small jobs time is reached. Minimum: 1 kilobyte; no maximum size. Default: 8 gigabytes. Configuration option default: SLP.MIN_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB = 8 GB |
Maximum size per duplication job | The largest batch size that can run as a single duplication job. Minimum: 1 kilobyte; no maximum size. Default: 100 gigabytes. Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB = 100 GB |
Maximum size per A.I.R. replication job | The largest batch size that can run as a single job for Auto Image Replication. Minimum: 1 kilobyte; no maximum size. Default: 100 gigabytes. Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_SIZE_PER_BACKUP_REPLICATION_JOB = 100 GB |
Maximum images per snapshot replication job | The largest number of images in a single batch that can run as a single job. Default: 50 images, with no minimum number or maximum number. Use this parameter with the Limit I/O streams disk pool option which limits the number of jobs that can run concurrently to each volume in the disk pool. Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_IMAGES_PER_SNAPSHOT_REPLICATION_JOB = 50 |
Minimum images per A.I.R. Import job | The fewest number of images in a single batch that can run as an Auto Image Replication import job. The job does not run until either the minimum size is reached or the Force interval for small jobs time is reached. Minimum: 1 image; no maximum number of images. Default: 1 image. Configuration entry default: SLP.MIN_IMAGES_PER_IMPORT_JOB = 1 |
Maximum images per A.I.R. Import job | The largest number of images in a single batch that can run as an Auto Image Replication import job. Minimum: 1 job; no maximum number of images. Default: 250 images. Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_IMAGES_PER_IMPORT_JOB = 250 |
Force interval for small jobs | The age that the oldest image in a batch must reach after which the batch is submitted as a duplication job. This value prevents many small duplication jobs from running at one time or running too frequently. It also prevents NetBackup from waiting too long before it submits a small job. Default: 30 minutes, with no minimum number or maximum number. Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_TIME_TIL_FORCE_SMALL_DUPLICATION_JOB = 30 MINUTES |
Job submission interval | Indicates the frequency of the job submission for all operations. No minimum interval or maximum interval. Default: 5 minutes. By default, all jobs are processed before more jobs are submitted. Increase this interval to allow NetBackup to submit more jobs before all jobs are processed. Set the interval when the list of available images is scanned for those that can be batched together and jobs submitted. A shorter interval allows for a better response to changing system workloads at the cost of increased processing. Configuration entry default: SLP.JOB_SUBMISSION_INTERVAL = 5 MINUTES |
Image processing interval | The number of minutes between image-processing sessions. Set the interval when newly created images are recognized and set up for SLP processing. Default: 5 minutes. Configuration entry default: SLP.IMAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL = 5 MINUTES |
Cleanup interval | The time between when a job finishes and before NetBackup removes the job artifacts for the completed job. No minimum interval or maximum interval. Default: 24 hours. Configuration entry default: SLP.CLEANUP_SESSION_INTERVAL = 24 HOURS |
Extended image retry interval | The amount of time to wait before an unsuccessful operation is added to the first job that runs after the delay. (This behavior applies to all SLP jobs.) The extra time gives the administrator additional time to solve a problem that prevents job completion. No minimum interval or maximum interval. Default: 2 hours. Configuration entry default: SLP.IMAGE_EXTENDED_RETRY_PERIOD = 2 HOURS |
Unused SLP definition version cleanup delay | Concerns the deletion of SLP versions where a more recent version exists. The setting controls how long a version must be inactive before NetBackup deletes it. Default: 14 days. Configuration entry default: SLP.VERSION_CLEANUP_DELAY = 14 DAYS |
Tape resource multiplier | Limits the number of concurrently active duplication jobs that can access a single tape media storage unit to xx times the number of available drives. Allows tuning to avoid overloading the Resource Broker, yet makes sure that the devices are not idle. No minimum multiplier or maximum multiplier. Default: 2 (multiply access to the write drives by two). Configuration entry default: SLP.TAPE_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER = 2 |
Disk resource multiplier | Limits the number of concurrently active duplication jobs that can access a single disk storage unit to xx times the number of available drives. Allows tuning to avoid overloading the Resource Broker, yet makes sure that the devices are not idle. No minimum multiplier or maximum multiplier. Default: 2 (multiply access to the write drives by two). Configuration entry default: SLP.DISK_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER = 2 |
Group images across SLPs | If this parameter is set to Yes (default), multiple SLPs of the same priority can be processed in the same job. If No, batching can occur only within a single SLP. Configuration entry default: SLP.DUPLICATION_GROUP_CRITERIA = 1 Configuration entry for no, do not allow batching:SLP.DUPLICATION_GROUP_CRITERIA = 0 |
Window close buffer time | Sets the amount of time before a window closes when NetBackup does not submit new jobs using that window. Minimum 2 minutes; maximum: 60 minutes. Default: 15 minutes. Configuration entry default: SLP.WINDOW_CLOSE_BUFFER_TIME = 15 MINUTES |
Deferred duplication offset time | For deferred operations, jobs are submitted x time before the source copy is due to expire. Default: 4 hours. Configuration entry default: SLP.DEFERRED_DUPLICATION_OFFSET_TIME = 4 HOURS |
Auto create A.I.R. Import SLP | Used for Auto Image Replication, indicates whether an SLP (that contains an Import operation) is created automatically in the target domain if no SLP is configured there. Default: Yes, an SLP is created in the target domain. Configuration entry default: SLP.AUTO_CREATE_IMPORT_SLP = 1 |
How long to retry failed A.I.R. import jobs | How long NetBackup retries an Import job before it stops and deletes the record. After the initial four attempts, the retries become less frequent. Default: 0 (do not retry after the initial four attempts). Configuration entry default: SLP.REPLICA_METADATA_CLEANUP_TIMER = 0 HOURS |
Pending A.I.R import threshold | How long NetBackup waits before it generates a notification that an Auto Image Replication copy is still in import pending state. After an Auto Image Replication copy has been replicated, NetBackup puts the source copy into import pending state. If the copy is in import pending state for the time period that this threshold sets, NetBackup generates a notification. Notifications are sent to the NetBackup error log and are visible in the Problems report. Notifications may also be sent to an email address, if specified. Default: 24 hours Configuration entry default: SLP.PENDING_IMPORT_THRESHOLD = 24 HOURS |
Email address to receive notifications | The email address that receives pending A.I.R. import notifications. Default: None. Configuration entry format: SLP.NOTIFICATIONS ADDRESS = |
You can also change the parameters using the command line.
To use the command-line method, use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to change the defaults. For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
The abbreviations are case-insensitive for units of measurement.
The following abbreviations can be used where sizes are indicated:
bytes | kb | kilobyte | kilobyte(s) | kilobytes | mb | megabyte |
megabyte(s) | megabytes | gb | gigabyte | gigabyte(s) | gigabytes | tb |
terabyte | terabyte(s) | terabytes | pb | petabyte | petabyte(s) | petabytes |
The following abbreviations can be used where units of time are indicated:
sec | second | second(s) | seconds | min | minute | minute(s) | minutes |
hour | hour(s) | hours | day | day(s) | days | mon | month |
month(s) | months | week | week(s) | weeks | year | year(s) | years |
Whenever a storage lifecycle policy parameter is changed from the default, the change creates the nbcl.conf configuration file.
This file is found in the following locations. It is present only if the default of any parameter has been changed.
On Windows: