Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbseccmd — run the NetBackup Security Configuration service utility
- getsecurityconfig -insecurecommunication | -autoaddhostmapping [-masterserver master_server_name]
- setsecurityconfig -insecurecommunication on|off | -autoaddhostmapping on|off [-masterserver master_server_name]
-setuptrustedmaster -add | -update | -remove -masterserver master_server_name -remotemasterserver remote_master_server -domainname domain_name -username username -fpfile filename
-setuptrustedmaster - add | -update | -remove -info answer_file
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
Use the nbseccmd command to establish trust relationships among various master servers.
If the source or the target master server version is NetBackup 8.0 or earlier, please refer to the NetBackup Commands Guide for 8.0 or earlier. The command has undergone a number of changes for NetBackup 8.1.
You must have root or administrator permissions to use this command if NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) is enabled.
- -autoaddhostmapping [on|off]
Use this option to manage the addition of host ID to the host name or the IP addresses that the master server automatically detects.
Hosts may have multiple host names or IP addresses associated with them. For successful communication among hosts, all relevant host names and IP addresses must be mapped to the respective host IDs. During communication, NetBackup may detect new host names or IP addresses with respect to a host ID.
When you use the -getsecurityconfig, the option takes no parameters, and reports the current setting for the -autoaddhostmapping value.
When you used the -setsecurityconfig option, this option enables or disables automatic host mapping. Use the on parameter to automatically map the host ID to the host name or the IP addresses detected. Disable this action with the off parameter.
- -domainname domain_name
Specifies the domain to which the user that is specified in -username belongs. You are prompted to enter a password to validate the credentials of the remote master server host.
- -drpkgpassphrase
The -drpkgpassphrase option is used to specify the passphrase that is used to encrypt disaster recovery packages. If a passphrase already exists, it is overwritten.
You must set the passphrase for successful catalog backups. Failure to set the passphrase results in failed catalog backups.
The disaster recovery package stores the identity of the NetBackup master server and is created during each catalog backup.
These packages are encrypted with the passphrase that you specify here. You must provide this passphrase when you reinstall NetBackup on the master server after a disaster.
Before using this command, you must run the bpnbat command to log on:
bpnbat -login -loginType WEB
When you set the passphrase, please note:
Passphrase must contain a minimum of eight characters and a maximum of 20 characters.
The existing passphrase and the new passphrase must be different.
You must be an authorized user with administrator or root privileges or you must be an Enhanced Auditing user to run the nbseccmd -drpkgpassphrase command.
Only the characters that are listed are supported for the passphrase:
White spaces
Uppercase and lowercase characters (A to Z, a to z)
Numbers (0 to 9)
The special characters shown: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = ' { } [ ] | : ; ' " , . / ? < >
If you enter an unsupported character, you may face issues during disaster recovery package restore. The passphrase may not be validated and you may not be able to restore the disaster recovery package.
- -fpfile filename
This option accepts the root certificate fingerprint information that is required for validating the root certificate of the remote master server. You can store the fingerprint details in a text file.
- -getsecurityconfig -autoaddhostmapping | -insecurecommunication
Use this option to get the security configuration information for NetBackup. When you use the -autoaddhostmapping option, you get the value for the -autoaddhostmapping option. When you use the -insecurecommunication option, you get the value for the -insecurecommunication option.
- -info answerfile
The -info option accepts the information that is required for setting up a trusted master server. The information is stored in an answer file, which is a text file. It contains the following entries:
masterserver: remotemasterserver: trusttype: domainname: username: password: token: fpfile:
The password is optional in the answer file. If you do not provide a password, you are prompted for the password when you run the command.
The trusttype value is valid only for master servers at version 8.0 and earlier. Possible values for trusttype are mutualtrust, remoteonly, and localonly. The trusttype of localonly does not require a domain name or user credentials.
The entries in your answer file must match the format that is shown in the example.
Example sample file: masterserver:testmaster1 remotemasterserver:testmaster2 trusttype:mutualtrust domainname:testdomain username:Administrator password:abc123
- -insecurecommunication [on | off]
Use this option to manage insecure communication within your NetBackup environment. The on parameter enables insecure communication with all NetBackup hosts that are present in the NetBackup environment. Disable insecure communication with the off parameter.
Veritas implemented new security features in 8.1 which are not present in NetBackup 8.0 and earlier. NetBackup communicates with 8.0 and earlier hosts insecurely. For increased security, upgrade all your hosts to the current version of NetBackup, and then use this option with the on parameter. This action ensures that only secure communication is possible between NetBackup hosts.
- -masterserver master_server_name
Specifies the name of the master server that the user has logged into. Auto Image Replication uses this name for the current master server or the source master server.
- -remotemasterserver remote_master_server
Specifies the name of the remote master server with whom the trust is to be established. Auto Image Replication uses this name for the target master server.
- -remoteonly | -localonly | -mutualtrust
Specifies the way that a trust must be established. Either the local master (source) trusts the remote master (target) or vice versa. If neither of these options is specified, a two-way trust (-mutualtrust) is established.
- -setsecurityconfig -autoaddhostmapping | -insecurecommunication
Use this option to set the security configuration information for NetBackup. When you use the -autoaddhostmapping option, you set the behavior for the addition of host names and IP addresses. When you use the -insecurecommunication option, you set the behavior for secure communication.
- -setuptrustedmaster -add | -update | -remove
Add, update, or remove inter-domain trust across master servers. To update a trust relationship, run the -update option on both the source and the target server. Both servers must be on version 8.1. or later. You must use the -update option if after you establish a trust, you upgrade the source or the target master server to version 8.1 or later. To remove a trusted master server, the domain, user name, and password are not required.
You must run the bpnbat command to remove a trusted master before you can use the -setuptrustedmaster option. Log on locally on the master server you want to remove and use the bpnbat command as shown: bpnbat -login -loginType WEB
- -username username
Specifies the logon user name of the remote master server host. This option is used with the -domainname option. You are prompted to enter a password to validate the credentials of the remote master server host. If you specify only the domain name, you are prompted to enter the Authorization Token of the remote master server.
Example 1 - Set up a trusted master server using user credentials.
nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster -add -masterserver testmaster1 -remotemasterserver testmaster2 -domainname testdomain -username Administrator Password:****** The SHA1 fingerprint of root certificate is C7:87:7F:9D:13:B4:67:F6:D9:65:F4:95:EC:DC:D4:50:8C:20:18:BF. Are you sure you want to continue using this certificate ? (y/n): y The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful. CA certificate stored successfully from server testmaster2. Host certificate received successfully from server testmaster2. Trusted master operation successful.
Example 2 - Set up a trusted master server using authentication token.
nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster -add -masterserver testmaster1 -remotemasterserver testmaster2 -domainname testdomain Authorization Token:***** The SHA1 fingerprint of root certificate is C7:87:7F:9D:13:B4:67:F6:D9:65:F4:95:EC:DC:D4:50:8C:20:18:BF. Are you sure you want to continue using this certificate ? (y/n): y The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful. CA certificate stored successfully from server testmaster2. Host certificate received successfully from server testmaster2. Trusted master operation successful.
Example 3 - Set up a trusted master server using -fpfile.
nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster -add -masterserver testmaster1 -remotemasterserver testmaster2 -domainname testdomain -username Administrator -fpfile C:\fp_file Password:****** The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful. CA certificate stored successfully from server testmaster2. Host certificate received successfully from server testmaster2. Trusted master operation successful.
Example 4 - Set up a trusted master server using an answer file.
nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster -add -info C:\nbseccmd_answerfile.txt The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful. CA certificate stored successfully from server testmaster2. Host certificate received successfully from server testmaster2. Trusted master operation successful.
Example 5 - Update trust after upgrading both the source and master server to version 8.1 and later.
-setuptrustedmaster -update -masterserver testmaster1 -remotemasterserver testmaster2 Authorization Token: Authenticity of root certificate cannot be established. The SHA1 fingerprint of root certificate is finger_print_details Are you sure you want to continue using this certificate ? (y/n): y The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful. CA certificate stored successfully from server testmaster2. Host certificate received successfully from server testmaster2. Trusted master operation successful
Example 6 - Remove a trusted master server.
-setuptrustedmaster -remove -masterserver testmaster2 -remotemasterserver testmaster1 Certificate revoke request processed successfully. Trusted master operation successful