Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbexecute — execute the LiveUpdate policy
-LiveUpdate cmd path ["arguments..."] -policy policy_name -client client_name | All [-schedule schedule_name] [-retryable] [-noretries]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The NetBackup master server initiates the NetBackup LiveUpdate policy. The nbexecute command submits the request to PEM.
- -client client_name | All
Specifies a client on which NetBackup runs a LiveUpdate job policy. If no client is specified or if All is specified, NetBackup launches a job for each client in the list.
- cmd path ["arguments..."]
Specifies the command and path and their accompanying arguments.
- -LiveUpdate
Directs nbpem to launch a LiveUpdate job.
- -noretries
Specifies that NetBackup does not try to retry the job submission if the job fails.
- -policy policy_name
Specifies the policy for the job to be run.
- -retryable
Specifies that NetBackup resubmits a failed job.
- -schedule schedule_name
Checks for open backup windows on the specified schedule name. If -schedule is not included in the command, all schedules are checked for open windows. If a window is open, the command is submitted to nbjm via the new generic job request.
The following Windows example runs LiveUpdate_policy on the foo3 client:
# nbexecute.exe -LiveUpdate nbmtrans.exe "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\ NetBackup\bin\nbmtrans.exe" -policy LiveUpdate_policy -client foo3