Veritas Access Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
- Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
- Adding users or roles
- Configuring the network
- Configuring authentication services
- Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
- Configuring storage
- Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
- Configuring ISCSI
- Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
- Configuring storage
- Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
- Configuring the NFS server
- Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
- Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
- About Active Directory (AD)
- About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
- About setting trusted domains
- About managing home directories
- About CIFS clustering modes
- About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
- About managing local users and groups
- Configuring an FTP server
- Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
- Configuring the NFS server
- Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Considerations for creating a file system
- Modifying a file system
- Managing a file system
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
- Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
- Creating shares for applications
- Creating and maintaining NFS shares
- Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
- Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
- Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
- Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Compression tasks
- Configuring SmartTier
- Configuring SmartIO
- Configuring episodic replication
- Episodic replication job failover and failback
- Configuring continuous replication
- How Veritas Access continuous replication works
- Continuous replication failover and failback
- Using snapshots
- Using instant rollbacks
- Compressing files
- Section X. Reference
Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
To add a mirror to a tier of a file system
- To add a mirror to a tier of a file system, enter the following:
Storage> tier addmirror fs_name pool1[,disk1,...] [protection=disk|pool]
Specifies the file system to which a mirror is added. If the specified file system does not exist, an error message is displayed.
Specifies the pool(s) or disk(s) that are used as a mirror for the specified tiered file system. You can specify more than one pool or disk by separating the name with a comma. But do not include a space between the comma and the name.
The disk needs to be part of the pool or an error message is displayed.
If no protection level is specified, disk is the default protection level.
Available options are:
disk - If disk is entered for the protection field, then mirrors are created on separate disks. The disks may or may not be in the same pool.
pool - If pool is entered for the protection field, then mirrors are created in separate pools. If not enough space is available, then the file system is not created.
To remove a mirror from a tier of a file system
- To remove a mirror from a tier of a file system, enter the following:
Storage> tier rmmirror fs_name
where fs_name specifies the name of the tiered file system from which you want to remove a mirror.
For example:
Storage> tier rmmirror fs1
This command provides another level of detail for the remove mirror operation. You can use the command to specify which mirror you want to remove by specifying the pool name or disk name.
The disk must be part of a specified pool.
To remove a mirror from a tier spanning a specified pool or disk
- To remove a mirror from a tier that spans a specified pool or disk, enter the following:
Storage> tier rmmirror fs_name [pool_or_disk_name]
Specifies the name of the file system from which to remove a mirror. If the specified file system does not exist, an error message is displayed.
pool_or disk_name
Specifies the pool or disk from which the mirror of the tiered file system spans.
The syntax for the Storage> tier rmmirror command is the same for both pool and disk. If you try to remove a mirror using Storage> fs rmmirror fs1 abc, Veritas Access first checks for the pool with the name abc, then Veritas Access removes the mirror spanning on that pool. If there is no pool with the name abc, then Veritas Access removes the mirror that is on the abc disk. If there is no disk with the name abc, then an error message is displayed.