Veritas NetBackup™ for Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2)
  1. Introduction to NetBackup for Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV)
      Protect AHV using NetBackup
    2. About the Hypervisor policy type to protect Nutanix AHV VMs
        Migrating BigData policy to Hypervisor policy
      NetBackup terminology related to the AHV backup
      NetBackup for AHV environment
  2. Prerequisites and things to consider before using the plug-in
    2. Things to consider before using the NetBackup plug-in for Nutanix AHV
        NetBackup character restrictions for virtual machine names
  3. Downloading and installing the Nutanix plug-in
      Plan the installation for Nutanix AHV
      NetBackup server and client requirements
      License requirements for the Nutanix AHV
      Download the Nutanix AHV plug-in binaries
      Install the Nutanix AHV plug-in
  4. Configuring NetBackup communication with AHV
      Establishing communication between NetBackup and Nutanix AHV
    2. Configuring secure communication between the Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor server and NetBackup host
        About the nb_nutanix-ahv configuration file
      2. Managing SSL certificates through ECA framework
          ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
          ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
          VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients
      Adding the Nutanix Acropolis Cluster credentials for NetBackup
    4. Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master server
        Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master access list
      Adding a backup host to the Acropolis Cluster access list
  5. Configuring NetBackup policies for AHV
      Creating a backup policy using the NetBackup Policies utility
      Creating a backup policy using the NetBackup Command Line Interface
  6. Backup and recovery
    1. Back up the Nutanix AHV virtual machines
        Basic phases in a NetBackup backup of an AHV
    2. Overview of the Nutanix AHV virtual machines recovery process
        About recovering the Nutanix AHV virtual machines
        Planning the recovery of a Nutanix AHV VM
        Recovering a Nutanix AHV VM using the Backup, Archive, and Restore console
        About recovering AHV VMs from the images that are backed up using NetBackup versions 8.1, 8.1.1, or 8.1.2
      5. Recovering a Nutanix AHV VM using the command line for Hypervisor policy
          Creating or modifying the rename file
          Using the command line to recover Nutanix AHV virtual machines for Hypervisor policy
  7. Troubleshooting issues
      Troubleshooting issues related to AHV backup
      NetBackup logs
      About errors during policy creation, restore, and validation
      NetBackup status codes
  8. Appendix A. NetBackup commands to backup and restore Nutanix AHV virtual machines
      NetBackup commands for protecting the AHV
  9. Appendix B. Protect Nutanix AHV virtual machines with BigData policy
      Using the BigData policy to backup and restore Nutanix AHV virtual machines
    2. Recovering a Nutanix AHV VM using the command line for BigData policy
        Creating or modifying the rename file
        Using the command line to recover Nutanix AHV virtual machines for BigData policy

About errors during policy creation, restore, and validation

Table: NetBackup troubleshooting scenarios


Recommended action

The policy validation or the backup job fails when you have provided invalid or empty value in the backup selection.

Enter the following parameters in backup selections:

  • Application_Type=Nutanix-AHV

  • Application_Server=Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Nutanix cluster

  • Backup_Host=Fully Qualified Domain Name

The backup job fails when the backup selection does not contain the Backup_Host parameter.

Add the Backup_Host parameter to the backup selections as follows:

Backup_Host=Fully Qualified Domain Name

See Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master server.

The backup job fails when you provide an invalid or an empty value when you specify clients or virtual machines to be backed up.

Enter the name of the virtual machines that you want to backup. In addition, verify that the virtual machine name is correct and meets the character restrictions.

See NetBackup character restrictions for virtual machine names .

The backup host is not reachable.

Verify the backup host name. The backup host name is the FQDN of the backup host.

Backup fails when the NetBackup client version on the backup host is older than 8.1.

The NetBackup client version on the backup host must be 8.1 or later.

The BigData policy is unable to determine version of backup host.

Verify that the NetBackup client version on the backup host is older than 8.1. The NetBackup client version on the backup host must be 8.1 or later.

The backup job may fail when the operating system of the backup host is not Linux.

The operating system of the backup host must be Linux.

The backup job fails when credentials are invalid or not configured for the Application_Server parameter.

Verify that you have provided correct credentials.

Ensure that the value that you have provided for the Application_Server parameters matched the one that you provided while specifying Nutanix Acropolis Cluster credentials.

See Adding the Nutanix Acropolis Cluster credentials for NetBackup.

The recovery fails if you select recovery to the original location and the AHV container is unavailable.

Ensure that the AHV container is available, create the container, or use the alternate location option to recover the VM.

The recovery fails and the VM is not created on the alternate cluster because of the unavailability of network connectivity.

Ensure that there is network connectivity between the NetBackup servers and AHV clusters, and retry the recovery process.

The recovery fails if a different backup or recovery host is used than the one that was used during the backup.

Add the backup or the recovery host that you want to use during the VM recovery to the file system whitelist using the Nutanix Prism console.

Unable to unmount a container at the end of a VM restore. The recovery operation is partially successful.

Error 6622 is displayed.

Unable to unmount the file system or cleanup the directory from </directory_path_of_mount_point> with error [6622]. You can manually complete these actions.

  1. Delete the container directory from the following path:


  2. Delete the local directory from:


When you select a Windows backup host, VM details are not displayed on the recovery wizard.

The No Files Found dialog box is displayed.

Use a Linux backup host.

The policy validation or the backup job fails when you have not provided the certificate trust store path correctly.

Ensure that the Nutanix cluster name used while adding Nutanix server in NetBackup should match with one of the subject name or alternate subject names in the certificate issued to the Nutanix cluster.

Ensure that you have downloaded the root certificate of the CA issuing certificate to the Nutanix cluster, or the self-signed certificate of the Nutanix Acropolis server. This certificate should be stored in a PEM file, and both the configuration variables cert_authority_file parameter in the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf and ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH in bp.conf should point to the absolute path of this file.

Insecure workaround: If you are not sure whether your trust store configuration is correct, or if you are fine with disabling certificate validation for Nutanix Acropolis, you can also edit the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file and set the enable_ssl_validations to false.

Hypervisor failed to delete the VM snapshot.

Manually delete the snapshots.

The Nutanix AHV VM restores successfully but the VM does not boot up.

  • For Nutanix AHV version 5.10 and UEFI boot machines, the following manual step is needed for both BigData policy (with EEB) and Hypervisor policy:

    On the controller VM of Nutanix run:

    <acli> vm.update <restored_vm_name> uefi_boot=True

  • If boot device type that is configured on the backed up VM was NIC then update the boot device setting so that the VM boots up over the network, the following manual step is needed for both BigData policy (with EEB associated with Etrack 3982204) and Hypervisor policy:

    On the controller VM of Nutanix, replace vm with the name of the restored VM and mac_addr with the MAC address of the virtual interface that the VM must use to boot over the network.

    For example, update the boot device setting of the VM named nw-boot-vm so that the restored VM uses the virtual interface with MAC address 00-00-5E-00-53-FF.

    <acli> vm.update_boot_device nw-boot-vm mac_addr=00-00-5E-00-53-FF

    If the VM is with NIC and UEFI, then for UEFI run the following additional steps:

    • For AHV version 5.11 to set boot configuration as UEFI we also have an option on prism console

      From the Nutanix Prism console, select the VM and click Update.

      Select the UEFI firmware under the Boot Configuration section.

      Click Save. Restart the VM.

    • If the AHV version is earlier than 5.11 then run the following command from the controller VM:

      <acli> vm.update <restored_vm_name> uefi_boot=True

    The following message is listed in the bpVMutil logs (/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpVMutil/log_file):

    Unable to restore the information to boot up the VM. Start the VM manually.

  • For BigData policy (with EEB associated with Etrack 3982204), run the following step manually for all the UEFI boot machines:

    On the controller VM of Nutanix run:

    <acli> vm.update <restored_vm_name> uefi_boot=True

During the Nutanix AHV VM restore using the command line, the following error is displayed:

Hypervisor policy restore error (2822)

When you use the command line to restore the Nutanix AHV VMs with a backup host that has NetBackup 8.2 but does not have the Nutanix AHV plug-in, the restore fails.

Ensure that the plug-in is installed on the backup host that has NetBackup 8.2.

During the Nutanix AHV VM restore using the command line, the following error is displayed:

network read failed (42)

When you use the bprestore command with the -w option to restore the Nutanix AHV VMs that are backed up using the Hypervisor policy, the restore job fails.