Veritas Flex Appliance Getting Started and Administration Guide
- Product overview
- Getting started
- Managing network settings
- Managing users
- Managing Flex Appliance Console users and tenants
- Using Flex Appliance
- Managing the repository
- Managing application instances from Flex Appliance
- Upgrading application instances
- About Flex Appliance upgrades and updates
- Appliance security
- Monitoring the appliance
- Reconfiguring the appliance
- Troubleshooting guidelines
Changing the password policy
You can use the Flex Appliance Console to edit the password policy for user passwords. The password policy is enforced for local Flex Appliance Console users and the hostadmin user in the Flex Appliance Shell.
The default password policy is as follows:
Password complexity:
Minimum characters: 8
Minimum numbers: 1
Minimum lowercase characters: 1
Minimum uppercase characters: 1
Minimum special characters: 0
Minimum different characters: 0
Maximum consecutive repeating characters: 99999
Maximum consecutive characters of the same type: 99999
Password age:
Days before password must be changed: 99999
Days before password can be changed: 0
Days before password expires to display warning message: 10
Minimum different passwords before allowing reuse: 7
Use the following procedure if you need to make changes to this policy.
To edit the password policy
- Sign in to the Flex Appliance Console as the admin user.
- Click the User management icon in the left-side navigation bar to open the User management page.
- Click Edit password policy.
- If you want your password policy to adhere to the Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), select the Use STIG for validation toggle. You can click Reset to STIG default to fill in the default values for all fields.
- Fill in or adjust the required parameters as needed, then click Save.