Veritas NetBackup for MongoDB Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2)
  1. Overview of protecting MongoDB using NetBackup
      About protecting a sharded, replica set, or standalone MongoDB cluster using NetBackup
      Protecting MongoDB data using NetBackup
      NetBackup for MongoDB terminologies
      Prerequisites and the best practices for protecting MongoDB
  2. Installing and deploying MongoDB plug-in for NetBackup
      Deploying the MongoDB plug-in
      Operating system and platform compatibility
      Downloading the plug-in
      Installing the MongoDB plug-in and the required EEBs
      Prerequisites and the best practices for deploying the MongoDB plug-in
      Post installation procedures
      Verifying the installation of the MongoDB plug-in
  3. Configuring NetBackup for MongoDB
      About the MongoDB configuration tool
      Prerequisites for manually creating the mongodb.conf file
    3. Configuring backup options for MongoDB using the mongodb.conf file
        Whitelisting the configuration file path on NetBackup master server
      Obtaining the RSA key of the MongoDB nodes
    5. Adding MongoDB credentials in NetBackup
        About the credential configuration file
        How to add the MongoDB credentials in NetBackup
        About the MongoDB roles for protecting the data
      Using a non-root user as a host user
    7. Managing backup hosts
        Whitelisting a NetBackup client on NetBackup master server
  4. Backing up MongoDB using NetBackup
    1. Backing up MongoDB data
        Backing up a MongoDB cluster
      Prerequisites for backing up a MongoDB cluster
    3. Configuring NetBackup policies for MongoDB plug-in
        Creating a BigData backup policy
        Creating BigData policy using the NetBackup Administration Console
        Using the Policy Configuration Wizard to create a BigData policy for MongoDB clusters
        Using the NetBackup Policies utility to create a BigData policy for MongoDB clusters
        Using NetBackup Command Line Interface (CLI) to create a BigData policy for MongoDB clusters
  5. Restoring or recovering MongoDB data using NetBackup
      Restoring MongoDB data
      Prerequisites for MongoDB restore and recovery
    3. About the restore scenarios for MongoDB database from the BAR interface
        High-level steps involved in the Restore and Recovery process
      Using the BAR interface to restore the MongoDB data on the same cluster
      Using the BAR interface to restore the MongoDB data on an alternate cluster
      About restoring MongoDB data in a high availability setup on an alternate client
    7. Recovering a MongoDB database using the command line
        Creating or modifying the rename file
        Using the command line to recover a MongoDB database
      Manual steps after the recovery process
  6. Troubleshooting
      About NetBackup for MongoDB debug logging
      Known limitations for MongoDB protection using NetBackup
  7. Appendix A. Additional information
      Contents of the MongoDB plug-in installer package file
      Sample MongodB configuration utility workflow to add and update MongodB credentials

Sample MongodB configuration utility workflow to add and update MongodB credentials

Adding MongoDB credentials
Device Management Configuration Utility
1) Drive Configuration
2) Robot Configuration
3) Credentials Configuration
4) MongoDB Configuration
5) Print Configuration
6) Help
7) Quit

Enter option :4
MongoDB Application Configuration

1) Configure MongoDB Application Topology & Credentials
2) Configure NetBackup Global Parameters for MongoDB Application
3) Quit

Enter option :1
Configure the MongoDB cluster credentials
1) ADD Credentials
2) UPDATE Credentials
3) DELETE Credentials
4) Return to previous menu

Select the operation :1
Please select your MongoDB cluster type.
1) Standalone node
2) Sharded Cluster
3) Replica set
4) Return to main menu

Select the type of your MongoDB cluster :3
Select MongoDB host credentials type
1) No Auth
2) Simple Auth
3) Certificate based
4) Return to main menu

Select the authentication type used in the MongoDB cluster :2
Configure Replica Set MongoDB Cluster

Enter the hostname of primary server :
Enter the mongod port of primary server [On the MongoDB Shell, run the 
command "rs.status()" for replica set and "sh.status()" for sharded 
environment] : 28000
Enter the name of MongoDB host user : root
Enter the password of MongoDB host user :
Enter the RSA key of the MongoDB host [On the MongoDB host, run the 
command "cat /etc/ssh/  | awk '{print $2}' |  base64 
-d| openssl dgst -sha256 | awk '{print $2}'"] : RSA-KEY-OF-THE-HOST
Enter MongoDB database user : mongodb-shell-login-user
Enter MongoDB database user password :

Does this primary server has replicas?(y/n) :y

Enter the hostname of secondary server :
Enter the mongod port of secondary server [On the MongoDB Shell, run the 
command "rs.status()" for replica set and "sh.status()" for sharded 
environment] : 28001
Enter the name of MongoDB host user : root
Enter the password of MongoDB host user :
Enter the RSA key of the MongoDB host [On the MongoDB host, run the 
command "cat /etc/ssh/  | awk '{print $2}' |  base64 
-d| openssl dgst -sha256 | awk '{print $2}'"] : RSA-KEY-OF-THE-HOST
Enter MongoDB database user : mongodb-shell-login-user
Enter MongoDB database user password :

Do you have more secondary servers for this primary server? (y/n) :n

Summary is displayed after you add the credentials.

----------------------REPLICA SET MONGODB CONFIGURATION SUMMARY--------------------------


         Primary Server :
                Server Hostname        :
                Server Mongod Port     : 28000
                No of Secondary Servers             : 1
                HostUser: root
                HostPassword: ******
                AppUserId: mongodb-shell-login-user
                AppUserPassword: ******
                HostRsaKey: RSA-KEY-OF-THE-HOST


         Secondary Server number 1:
                Secondary Server Hostname        :
                Secondary Server Mongod Port     : 28001
                HostUser: root
                HostPassword: ******
                AppUserId: mongodb-shell-login-user
                AppUserPassword: ******
                HostRsaKey: RSA-KEY-OF-THE-HOST

******Please make sure to save this entered config and credentials. If you 
don't save it now, you will have to enter it again.******

Do you want to save this cluster configuration and credential info?(y/n) :

Please wait while we save the cluster configuration.
Successfully saved config and credentials for this cluster.
Please use Client name as "" under 'Clients' tab in 
mongodb backup policy.
Press any key to to return to main menu...
Updating MongoDB credentials
Device Management Configuration Utility
1) Drive Configuration
2) Robot Configuration
3) Credentials Configuration
4) MongoDB Configuration
5) Print Configuration
6) Help
7) Quit

Enter option :4
MongoDB Application Configuration

1) Configure MongoDB Application Topology & Credentials
2) Configure NetBackup Global Parameters for MongoDB Application
3) Quit

Enter option :1
Configure the MongoDB cluster credentials
1) ADD Credentials
2) UPDATE Credentials
3) DELETE Credentials
4) Return to previous menu

Select the operation :2
Please select your MongoDB cluster type.
1) Standalone node
2) Sharded Cluster
3) Replica set
4) Return to main menu

Select the type of your MongoDB cluster :3
Update replica set MongoDB cluster configuration

Enter the hostname of primary server :
Enter the mongod port of primary server [On the MongoDB Shell, run the 
command "rs.status()" for replica set and "sh.status()" for 
sharded environment] : 28000
[Note- similar steps can be followed for deleting creds for cluster]

Update replica set MongoDB cluster configuration

        1) Update primary server credentials
        2) Add secondary server
        3) Update secondary server config & credentials
        4) Delete secondary Replica server
        5) Return to previous menu

Enter option: option as applicable