NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbstl — add, delete, modify, or list NetBackup storage lifecycle policies
storage_lifecycle_name [-add | -modify | -modify_current | -modify_version] [-dc class] [-dp duplication_priority] [-version version_number]
[-uf used_for1 [,used_for2,..used_forn]]
[-source source1[,source2,..sourcen]]
[-residence storage_unit1 | __NA__[,storage_unit2 | __NA__,..storage_unitn | __NA__]]
[-pool volume_pool1 | __NA__[,volume_pool2 | __NA__,..volume_pooln | __NA__]]
[-server_group host1 | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__[,host2 | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__,..hostn | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__]]
[-managed m1[,m2,]]
[-rl retention_level1 | __NA__ [,retention_level2 | __NA__,..retention_leveln | __NA__]]
[-as alt_read_server1 | __NA__ [,alt_read_server2 | __NA__,..alt_read_servern | __NA__]]
[-mpx T | F [,T | F,..,T | F]] [-target_master target_master_server1 | __NA__ [,target_master_server2 | __NA__,..target_master_servern | __NA__]][-target_importslp target_importslp1 | __NA__ [,target_importslp2 | __NA__,..target_importslpn | __NA__]] [-defop T | F [,T | F,..,T | F]] [-v] [-M master_server] [-destpri priority1 [,priority2,..priorityn]] [-window window_1 [,window_2,..window_n]] [-wcopt option_set1 [,option_set2,..option_setn]
storage_lifecycle_name -delete [-v] [-M master_server]
[storage_lifecycle_name] -L | -l | -b | U | -json | -json_compact | -conflicts [-v] [-M master_server] [-all_versions] [-version version_number]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbstl command can do the following:
-add adds a new storage lifecycle.
-delete deletes an existing storage lifecycle.
-modify modifies an existing storage lifecycle.
-L or -l lists long or short information about one or all storage lifecycles. -b lists only the storage lifecycle policy names themselves.
The nbstl command creates, modifies, or deletes all of the destinations at the same time and does not support adding or modifying single destinations. To change properties of one destination, all of the existing destinations must be accounted for as well as the destination to be updated.
Many of the options that need to be entered for a destination may not be applicable (NA). In that case, enter the value as __NA__ (double underscores before and after NA). The following options accept __NA__ as a value:
-as (alternate read server)
Successful attempts to create, modify, or delete a storage lifecycle policy are audited and logged when they are initiated through the nbstl command, a NetBackup graphical user interface, or an API.
- -all_versions
Displays all versions of the specified storage lifecycle policy or all storage lifecycle policies if storage_lifecycle_name is not specified.
- -b
Displays the name of the specified storage lifecycle policy or all storage lifecycle policies if storage_lifecycle_name is not specified. Use this option with the -all_versions option to display the name and version of all the storage lifecycle policies.
- -conflicts
Shows how changes to this SLP as described by the other nbstl options can affect the policies that are associated with this SLP. nbstl submits the SLP changes for validation. It compares the proposed content of the SLP with all the policies that use the SLP and displays any errors on stdout. No changes are committed at this time. If no errors are found, the user can then resubmit the changes without the -conflicts option to commit the changes.
- -dc class
Specifies the numeric data classification that is associated with this service.
- -delete
Deletes the specified storage lifecycle policy.
- -defop T | F [,T | F,..,T | F]
Sets the deferred operation flag for duplication copies.
F or f - Do not defer the creation of additional image copies.
T or t - Defer the creation of additional image copies until the source copy is about to expire. The duplication job begins about four hours before the source is to expire. This default time can be changed by changing the Deferred duplication offset parameter in the SLP Parameters host properties.
- -dp duplication_priority
Specifies the duplication job priority that is associated with this Storage service.
- storage_lifecycle_name
Identifies the name of the storage lifecycle policy to be created, modified, deleted, or displayed.
- -json
Generates data in json format and spans multiple lines.
- -json_compact
Generates data in json format on a single line.
- -l
Displays the condensed output of the specified storage lifecycle policy, or all storage lifecycle policies if storage_lifecycle_name is not specified. The output contains only data for the storage lifecycle. It does not identify the name.
- -L
Displays the long output of the specified storage lifecycle, or all storage lifecycles if storage_lifecycle_name is not specified. It identifies the output by name.
- -M master_server
Specifies the NetBackup master server. The default is the local server.
- -modify
Modifies the specified storage lifecycle policy. This option creates a new version of the storage lifecycle policy. You can modify information such as pool volume or retention level.
- -modify_current
Modifies the current version of the storage lifecycle policy instead of creating a new policy. This option cannot be used with the - dc, -uf, -source, or - managed options.
- -modify_version
Modifies the selected version (nn) of the storage lifecycle policy instead of creating a new policy. This option cannot be used with the - dc, -uf, -source, or - managed options.
- -v
Selects the verbose mode for logging.
- -version nn
Displays only the specified version number (nn) of the storage lifecycle policy or all storage lifecycle policies if storage_lifecycle_name is not specified.
The following destination options must all specify the same number of parameters, one for each destination of the Storage service. The resulting number of destinations equals the number of parameters. The parameters are separated by commas with no blank spaces between them.
- -destpri priority1 [,priority2,...priorityn]]
Specifies the job priority for each storage lifecycle policy destination index. This option can be used only for import destinations. All other destinations must be set to 0.
- -managed m,...
Specifies the managed retention type for each destination. The possible values are the following:
0 - fixed
1 - capacity managed
2 - Expire after copy. After all operations complete that use this copy as a source, the copy expires. These include operations such as duplication, replication, backup from snapshot, and index from snapshot.
3 - remote (imported) expiration date.
4 - maximum snapshot rotation.
5 - mirror copy
For example, -managed 4 means that the retention type is maximum snapshot rotation.
- -mpx T | F [,T | F,..,T | F]
Sets the preserve multiplexing flag for duplication copies. This option is not allowed for backup or snapshot copies. Settings in the policy host and storage unit properties determine the multiplexed state of the backup copies. The flag is only relevant for tape copies. The option is -mpx followed by a set of commas that are separated by the following values:
F or f - Do not preserve multiplexing for the copy.
T or t - Preserve multiplexing for the copy, if possible.
__NA__ - Not applicable
- -pool volume_pool1 | __NA__[,volume_pool2 | __NA__,..volume_pooln | __NA__]
Specifies the volume pool for each destination. Volume pools do not apply to disk copies.
- -residence storage_unit1 | __NA__[,storage_unit2 | __NA__,..storage_unitn | __NA__]
The storage unit that is to be used for each destination. Storage units do not apply to snapshot destinations (-uf option set to 2) or duplication to remote master (-uf option set to 3).
- -rl retention_level1 [,retention_level,...retention_level]
The retention level (0-100) applied to each destination. If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, the output only displays the retention levels between 0 and 24.
Retention level 25 has a value of expire immediately. You cannot edit this value.
- -server_group host1 | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__[,host2 | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__,..hostn | *ANY* | *NONE* | __NA__]
Specifies the server group. Use *ANY* when you can use any media sharing server group. Use *NONE* when no sharing group is allowed.
- -as alt_read_server1 | __NA__ [,alt_read_server2 | __NA__,..alt_read_servern | __NA__]
The alternate read server for each destination. Alternate read servers apply only to duplication destinations.
- -source source1[,source2,...sourcen]
Configures a hierarchy of duplications for the -add and -modify operations of storage lifecycle.
Accepted values for -source are the following:
Backup and snapshot destinations - value must be 0. Backup and snapshot copies do not require a source.
Duplication destinations - the serial number of the destination from the list of destinations to be used as the source copy. (A snapshot copy cannot be used as the source for a duplication.) Duplication destinations that do not use any specific source (that is, they use the primary copy as the source), must be set to 0.
- -U
Outputs data about the specified storage lifecycle(s) in user display format.
- -uf used_for1 [used_for2,...used_forn]
Specifies when each destination is used. Use one of the following values:
0 - backup
1 - duplication
2 - snapshot
3 - replication to remote master (requires a -residence value of __NA__)
4 - import
5 - backup from snapshot
6 - index from snapshot
7 - replication
For example, -uf 2 is for snapshot operation.
- -wcopt option1 [,option2,...optionn]
Specifies how to treat images that cannot be suspended. If a window closes and the jobs for an SLP have not completed, NetBackup attempts to suspend the images that are in progress. When the window reopens, NetBackup resumes those jobs at the point they were when suspended.
If the images cannot be suspended, the option determines how the images are processed:
SFN - Finish processing the active images. The window closes, but NetBackup continues to process the active images until they are finished. NetBackup does not begin to process any other images until the window reopens.
SHN - Cancel the processing of the active images. The window closes and NetBackup immediately stops processing the active images. When the window reopens, NetBackup begins to process the images where it left off.
- -window window_1 [,window_2,..window_n]
Specifies a time window for a specific destination. If the user runs the bpschedule command to create a new duplication window, then a subsequent nbstl command can create a lifecycle with a backup and duplication destination. And duplication from this policy would run only from 6 AM and last for 4 hours (which means all job should be done by 10AM).
Example 1 - List the long output of information on lifecycle1:
# nbstl lifecycle1 -L Name: lifecycle1 Data Classification: Gold Duplication job priority: 0 State: active Destination 1 Use for: backup Storage Unit: adv_dsu1 Volume Pool: (none specified) Server Group: (none specified) Retention Type: Fixed Retention Level: 1 (2 hours) Alternate Read Server: (none specified) Preserve Multiplexing: false State: inactive Source: (client)
The storage unit named adv_dsu1 is inactive. Values for "State" in the -L display are either active or inactive.
Example 2 - Create a lifecycle named HDLifecyle1. This lifecycle has a data classification of Gold. It contains the following four destinations:
A backup destination (-uf value is 0) with storage unit AdvDisk1 which does not require any source (-source value is 0).
A backup destination using storage unit DataDomain1.
A duplication destination (-uf value is 1) with storage unit DataDomain2 that uses destination at serial number 1 (i.e. the backup destination with storage unit DataDomain1) as a source (-source value is 1).
A duplication destination with storage unit cooperstown-tape1 that uses the destination at serial number 2 (i.e. the duplication destination with storage unit DataDomain2) as the source (-source value is 2).
# nbstl HDLifecycle1 -add -dc Gold -uf 0,0,1,1,1 -residence AdvDisk1, DadaDomain1,DataDomain2,cooperstown-tape1 -source 0,0,1,2
Example 3 - Create a lifecycle that does snapshot with backup to disk and then duplication to tape. The disk storage unit is DskSTU and the tape storage unit is TpSTU.
# nbstl LCPolicy -add -dc Gold -uf 0,1,2 -residence DskStU,TpSTU,__NA__ -pool NetBackup,DLP_Pool1,__NA__ -managed 0,0,0 -rl 6,12,1
Data retention is defined as follows:
Snapshot images are retained for one week.
Backup images on disk are retained for six (6) months.
Tape images are retained for five (5) years.
The user has defined retention level 12 to be five (5) years.
Example 4 - Change the retention level for existing version 4 of the lifecycle:
# nbstl LCPolicy -modify_version -version 4 -rl 4,6,7,7
The storage lifecycle policy must have four destinations previously defined.
Example 5 - List the condensed contents of version 2 of LCPolicy:
# nbstl LCPolicy -l -version 2
Example 6 - Change the fields in the current version of the storage lifecycle policy SLP8:
# nbstl SLP8 -modify_current -pool Pool1,Pool2,Pool3 -as __NA__, AltReadServer2,__NA__ -mpx F,F,T
Example 7 - Create a new duplication window. Then a subsequent nbstl command can create a lifecycle with a backup and duplication destination (0,1). A previous bpplsched command set the duplication window for this policy to run from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (4 hours).
# nbstl morning_dup_slp -add -dc Gold -dp 999 -uf 0,1 -source 0,1 -residence DISK1,TAPE1