NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbhypervtool — NetBackup tool for Hyper-V
nbhypervtool [listNbuCheckpoints | deleteNbuCheckpoints] [-vmname VM_display_name | -vmguid VM_guid] [-server Hyper-V_server_name] [-d | -debug] [-version] [-h | -help]
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The nbhypervtool utility removes orphaned NetBackup WMI checkpoints (snapshots) of a Hyper-V virtual machine on Windows 2016 or later.
This command operates only on Windows systems.
For NetBackup 8.0: If a virtual machine checkpoint exists that NetBackup created for a previous WMI backup, NetBackup aborts the next WMI backup job for that virtual machine.
This command does not apply to VSS snapshots.
- -d, -debug
Enables debug logging.
- deleteNbuCheckpoints
Deletes the existing NetBackup WMI checkpoints of the virtual machine.
- -h, -help
Displays the available options for nbhypervtool.
- listNbuCheckpoints
Lists the existing NetBackup WMI checkpoints of the virtual machine.
- -server Hyper-V_server_name
The name of the Hyper-V server. The default is the local host.
- -version
Displays the nbhypervtool version and exits.
- -vmguid VM_guid
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the virtual machine.
- -vmname VM_display_name
The display name of the virtual machine.
Example 1 - List the existing NetBackup WMI checkpoints for a virtual machine by its display name:
nbhypervtool.exe listNbuCheckpoints -vmname VM1
Example 2 - List the existing NetBackup WMI checkpoints for a virtual machine by its GUID:
nbhypervtool.exe listNbuCheckpoints -vmguid 4c080c63-72b4-462b-b4b3-372e0f4cab04
Example 3 - Delete NetBackup WMI checkpoints for a virtual machine by its display name:
nbhypervtool.exe deleteNbuCheckpoints -vmname VM1
Example 4 - Delete NetBackup WMI checkpoints for a virtual machine by its GUID:
nbhypervtool.exe deleteNbuCheckpoints -vmguid 4c080c63-72b4-462b-b4b3-372e0f4cab04