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Veritas NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide
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NetBackup (9.1)
- Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
- Installing NetBackup for DB2
- Configuring NetBackup for DB2
- About configuring a backup policy for DB2
- About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- Configuring the run-time environment
- Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program
- Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
- Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
- About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- Performing backups and restores of DB2
- About user-directed backups
- Performing a database restore
- About an alternate restore
- Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- About Snapshot Client effects
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
- About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
- Appendix C. Register authorized locations
- application backup schedule
- configuring, Configuring an application backup schedule
- overview, Configuring an application backup schedule
- retention, Example application backup schedule
- Application Backup schedule
- environment variables, NetBackup for DB2 environment variables
- for block level incremental backups, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
- with Snapshot Client, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- Approving the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management, Reviewing the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management
- ARCDIR keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ARCFUNC COPY keyword, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC COPY, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ARCFUNC SAVE keyword, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC SAVE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ARCHIVE LOG command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- archive logs
- backing up, About log archiving, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- configuring policies, Configuring a policy to back up the archive logs
- keywords for backing up in db2.conf, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- overview, About NetBackup for DB2 terminology
- restoring, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
- restoring from a raw partition, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- automatic backup
- configure scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- create scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- overview, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- policy, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- using scripts, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- automatic backup schedules
- configuring, Configuring automatic backup schedules
- Automatic Cumulative Incremental Backup schedule
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
- Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
- Automatic Differential Incremental Backup schedule
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
- Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
- Automatic Full Backup schedule, Example automatic backup schedule
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
- Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
- with Snapshot Client, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- backup
- archive log, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- automatic, Performing a manual backup
- database, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- manual, Performing a manual backup, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- partitions, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- tablespaces, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- with Snapshot Client methods, About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 backup operation with Snapshot Client methods , Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- wizard, Creating a backup template using the NetBackup for DB2 backup wizard, How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts
- Backup Archive and Restore interface, Using the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface to browse DB2 resources
- BACKUP command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- BACKUP DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview, Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup, BACKUP DATABASE command options
- backup media required, NetBackup server and client requirements
- Backup Selections list
- adding scripts, Adding a script to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
- adding selections, Adding a template to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
- adding templates, Adding a template to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
- overview, About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- block level incremental backup
- client-initiated
- using environment variables, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
- using multiple db2.conf files, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
- configuring, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- initiating, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
- overview, About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- server-initiated, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
- bp.conf
- client file, Configuring a master bp.conf file
- DB2 script parameters, Script parameters
- in a cluster, Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
- user file, Configuring a user bp.conf file
- variables, Script parameters
- bpdb2proxy command, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- bpdbsbdb2
- command syntax, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
- running a backup template, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
- running a recovery template, Using bpdbsbdb2 for a database restore
- bpdbsbdb2 command, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- bphdb log
- bplist command, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
- browse for restore
- using bplist, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
- CLIENT NAME variable, Configuring a master bp.conf file
- client read timeout property, Minimizing timeout failures on large database restores
- clients list, for backup policies, Adding clients to a policy
- cluster
- bp.conf file, Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
- storing templates and scripts, About NetBackup template and shell script storage
- commands
- ARCHIVE LOG, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- BACKUP, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- BACKUP DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview, Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup, BACKUP DATABASE command options
- bpdb2proxy, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- bpdbsbdb2, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup, Using bpdbsbdb2 for a database restore
- bplist, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
- DISCONNECT, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- QUIESCE, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- RECOVER DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview
- RESTORE DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, RESTORE DATABASE command options
- ROLLFORWARD, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- ROLLFORWARD DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- TERMINATE, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- compatibility information, Verifying the operating system and platform compatibility
- configuration
- database user authentication, Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Client Service for NetBackup for DB2
- files
- policies for backing up, Configuring a policy to back up the configuration files, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- DATABASE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DB2
- home path, Specifying the DB2 home path (UNIX)
- DB2 DPF environment
- configuration procedure, Overview of installation and configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- DB2 EEE environment
- configuration procedure, Overview of installation and configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- db2.conf
- creating, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
- keywords, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method), Keywords for the db2.conf file
- object identifiers, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- variables, Script parameters
- db2_all_backup_mpp example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_all_restore_mpp example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_backup example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_backup_db_offline.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_backup_db_online.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_mpp_backup_offline.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_mpp_restore_db.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_restore example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- db2_restore_db.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- DB2NODE variable, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- db2uext2
- see user exit program, NetBackup for DB2 overview
- debug logs
- accessing, About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- debug level, Setting the debug level on a Windows client
- enabling, NetBackup debug logs and reports, Enabling the debug logs for a NetBackup for DB2 client automatically (Windows)
- troubleshooting with log files, NetBackup debug logs and reports
- UNIX, Enabling the debug logs manually (UNIX)
- Windows, Enabling the debug logs manually (Windows)
- DESTALIAS keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DESTINST keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DISCONNECT command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- ENDOPER keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- environment variables, NetBackup for DB2 environment variables, Script parameters
- execution log, About the bpdbsbdb2 directory on the client
- file-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 file-based operations
- FlashSnap snapshots, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- Host Management, Reviewing the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management
- installation
- adding a license, About the license for NetBackup for DB2
- prerequisites for clusters, Requirements for using NetBackup for SAP MaxDB, SAP Oracle, and SAP HANA in a NetBackup cluster
- requirements for NetBackup clients, NetBackup server and client requirements
- requirements for NetBackup servers, NetBackup server and client requirements
- instance
- adding instances, About adding new DB2 instances
- browsing for an instance, Creating a backup template using the NetBackup for DB2 backup wizard
- instant recovery
- configuration requirements, Configuration requirements for snapshot backups with NetBackup for DB2
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
- policy configuration, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- restore method, About restoring individual files from a NetBackup for DB2 snapshot backup
- see Snapshot Client, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
- Java interface, Overview of NetBackup for DB2 configuration
- keywords
- ARCDIR, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ARCFUNC COPY, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC COPY, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ARCFUNC SAVE, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC SAVE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DATABASE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- db2.conf, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DESTALIAS, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- DESTINST, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- ENDOPER, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- NODE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE DATABASE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE TABLESPACE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- PARTITIONTYE RAW, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
- PARTITIONTYPE RAW, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- POLICY, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- RETDIR, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- SCHEDULE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- SRCALIAS, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- SRCINST, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- summary, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- licenses, About the license for NetBackup for DB2
- log files
- manual backup of a policy, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- master server
- maximum jobs per client, Configuring the Maximum jobs per client
- multi-streamed backups, Minimizing the loading and unloading of tapes for database backups
- multiple copies feature, About schedule properties , How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
- multiplexing
- overview, Features of NetBackup for DB2
- multistreamed backups, About multistreaming and DB2 snapshot backups
- NBDB2 vendor I/O library
- NET_BUFFER_SZ file, Use the NET_BUFFER_SZ file to speed up a slow restore
- NetBackup Client Service logon account, configuring, Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Client Service for NetBackup for DB2
- NODE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE DATABASE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- OBJECTTYPE TABLESPACE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- offhost backup (see Snapshot Client)
- optimizing file restores, Use the NET_BUFFER_SZ file to speed up a slow restore
- partitions
- backing up, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- PARTITIONTYPE RAW keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
- policy configuration
- adding clients, Adding clients to a policy
- attributes, About policy attributes
- backup selections list, About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- for archive logs, Configuring a policy to back up the archive logs
- for configuration files, Configuring a policy to back up the configuration files
- for databases, Adding a NetBackup for DB2 policy
- for Snapshot Client, Configuring a snapshot policy for NetBackup for DB2, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- overview, About configuring a backup policy for DB2
- testing, Performing a manual backup
- POLICY keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- processes
- log files for NetBackup processes, About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- proxy operations, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
- QUIESCE command, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- raw partitions, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
- reason codes, About the error message codes
- RECOVER DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview
- Recovery Wizard
- also see wizard, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
- overview, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
- use with Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts
- reports, NetBackup debug logs and reports
- (see also debug logs)
- All Log Entries report, About NetBackup server reports
- All Logs Entries, NetBackup debug logs and reports
- NetBackup server reports, About NetBackup server reports
- restore
- Point-in-time rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- snapshot rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- with Snapshot Client methods, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- RESTORE DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, RESTORE DATABASE command options
- restores
- snapshot rollback, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line
- using DB2, Using DB2 to perform a restore
- with Snapshot Client methods, About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 restore operation with Snapshot Client methods, Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2 rollback restores, Performing NetBackup for DB2 restores with Snapshot Client methods
- RETDIR keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- retention period
- for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
- ROLLFORWARD command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- using NetBackup for DB2 with, About NetBackup for DB2 with SAP
- SCHEDULE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- schedules
- automatic backup, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- frequency, About schedule properties
- properties, About schedule properties
- properties for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
- retention for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
- scripts
- cautions for using, About backup schedules, templates, and scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- creating, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- creating from templates, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- creating manually, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- errors in executing, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- example backup scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- example restore scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- examples, About the NetBackup for DB2 components, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- modifying, Modifying DB2 backup and install scripts
- overview, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- parameters, Script parameters
- scheduler, About backups from the NetBackup master server
- type of operation, Creating DB2 scripts manually
- server-directed backups, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- snapshot backup, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- configuration requirements, Configuration requirements for snapshot backups with NetBackup for DB2
- configure db2.conf, About configuring the db2.conf for a snapshot policy
- database objects included, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- policy configuration, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- restore method, About restoring individual files from a NetBackup for DB2 snapshot backup
- Snapshot Client
- configuring policies, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- effects on backups and restores, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- effects on policies and schedules, About Snapshot Client effects
- file-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 file-based operations
- overview, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
- proxy operations, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
- stream-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 stream-based operations
- theory of operations, About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- snapshot rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line
- SnapVault, Performing a NetBackup for DB2 point-in-time rollback restore from a SnapVault backup (UNIX)
- SRCALIAS keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- SRCINST keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- Storage Checkpoint, About the Storage Checkpoint facility and NetBackup for DB2
- stream-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 stream-based operations
- tablespaces
- templates
- administration, Using the DB2 template administration interface to run a user-directed backup
- administration interface, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- advantages over scripts, About backup schedules, templates, and scripts
- backups
- creating scripts from templates, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
- overview, Features of NetBackup for DB2, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- recovery, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
- running from Backup Archive and Restore, Using the DB2 template administration interface to run a user-directed backup
- running with bpdpsbdb2, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
- use with Snapshot Client, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
- TERMINATE command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
- testing policy configuration, Performing a manual backup
- timeout failures
- transaction logs
- see archive logs, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- troubleshooting
- false restore failures reported, About false restore failures reported in the activity monitor
- reason codes, About the error message codes
- unified logging, Enabling the debug logs manually (Windows), Enabling the debug logs manually (UNIX)
- user exit program
- archive log backup, About log archiving, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- overview, About the NetBackup for DB2 components, About NetBackup for DB2 terminology
- policies needed, Using the user exit archive method, Configuring a policy to back up the archive logs, Configuring a policy to archive the archive logs
- variables
- environment, NetBackup for DB2 environment variables
- for scripts, Script parameters
- VENDOR method for archive logging
- db2.conf keywords needed, Keywords for the db2.conf file
- overview, About NetBackup for DB2 terminology, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
- policies needed, Using the VENDOR archive method
- specifying in DB2, About log archiving
- used with BACKUP DATABASE command, Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup
- Veritas Storage Foundation, Configuration requirements for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- VxFS_Checkpoint snapshot, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- vxvm snapshot, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- Windows interface, Overview of NetBackup for DB2 configuration
- wizard
- backup, About the NetBackup for DB2 components, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- overview, Features of NetBackup for DB2
- recovery, About the NetBackup for DB2 components, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
- use with Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts