Veritas NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (9.1)
  1. Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
      Features of NetBackup for DB2
    2. NetBackup for DB2 overview
        About the NetBackup for DB2 components
        About NetBackup for DB2 terminology
  2. Installing NetBackup for DB2
      Planning the installation of NetBackup for DB2
    2. Verifying the operating system and platform compatibility
        NetBackup server and client requirements
        DB2 server software requirements
        Requirements for using NetBackup for SAP MaxDB, SAP Oracle, and SAP HANA in a NetBackup cluster
      About the license for NetBackup for DB2
    4. About log archiving
        Using the VENDOR archive method
        Using the user exit archive method
      Specifying the DB2 home path (UNIX)
      About adding new DB2 instances
  3. Configuring NetBackup for DB2
      Overview of NetBackup for DB2 configuration
      About permissions for NetBackup for DB2 log files (UNIX)
    3. About configuring a backup policy for DB2
        Adding a NetBackup for DB2 policy
        About policy attributes
        Adding clients to a policy
        Specifying the master server for a NetBackup for DB2 client
        Configuring a policy to back up the configuration files
        Configuring the Maximum jobs per client
    4. About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
        About backup schedules, templates, and scripts
        Adding a template to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
        Adding a script to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
      Configuring an application backup schedule
      Example application backup schedule
      Configuring automatic backup schedules
      Example automatic backup schedule
      About schedule properties
      NetBackup for DB2 backup types
      Performing a manual backup
      Reviewing the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management
    13. About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
        DB2 objects in the backup window
        Configuring a policy to back up the archive logs
        Configuring a policy to archive the archive logs
    14. Configuring the run-time environment
      1. Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program
          Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC SAVE
          Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC COPY
      2. Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
          Example db2.conf file (vendor method)
      3. Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
          Configuring a master bp.conf file
          Configuring a user bp.conf file
        Keywords for the db2.conf file
        NetBackup for DB2 environment variables
        Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Client Service for NetBackup for DB2
    15. About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
        Specifying the NetBackup master server from the client
        Creating a backup template using the NetBackup for DB2 backup wizard
        Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
      4. Creating DB2 scripts manually
          Modifying DB2 backup and install scripts
          Script parameters
        About NetBackup template and shell script storage
  4. Performing backups and restores of DB2
      NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
      About backups from the NetBackup master server
    3. About user-directed backups
        Using the DB2 template administration interface to run a user-directed backup
        Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
        Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup
        BACKUP DATABASE command options
      Using the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface to browse DB2 resources
      About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
    6. Performing a database restore
      1. Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
          Selecting files for restore
          Using the recovery wizard
          Using bpdbsbdb2 for a database restore
      2. Using DB2 to perform a restore
          Restoring and recovering a DB2 database - with a catalog name that has been specified
          Recovering a DB2 database - Simplest case
          Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
          RESTORE DATABASE command options
    7. About an alternate restore
        Preparing the master server for an alternate restore
        Performing the alternate restore on the clients
        Restoring the transaction logs
  5. Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
      NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
    2. About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
        About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 backup operation with Snapshot Client methods
        About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 restore operation with Snapshot Client methods
        About database objects supported by advanced backup methods
        About multistreaming and DB2 snapshot backups
        About symbolic links and DB2 backups and restores (UNIX)
        NetBackup for DB2 stream-based operations
        NetBackup for DB2 file-based operations
        Example: multiple sessions for a DB2 snapshot backup
      About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
      Configuration requirements for snapshot backups with NetBackup for DB2
      Configuring a snapshot policy for NetBackup for DB2
      About configuring the db2.conf for a snapshot policy
    7. Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
        About restoring individual files from a NetBackup for DB2 snapshot backup
        About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
        Performing a NetBackup for DB2 point-in-time rollback restore from a SnapVault backup (UNIX)
        Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the Java or Windows interface
        Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line
        Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2 rollback restores
    8. About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
        How BLI works with NetBackup for DB2 (UNIX)
        About the Storage Checkpoint facility and NetBackup for DB2
        Configuration requirements for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
        Storage Checkpoint configuration on the NetBackup for DB2 client
      5. Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
          About the types of NetBackup for DB2 BLI backups
        BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
    9. About Snapshot Client effects
        How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
        How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
        How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts
      Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
      Performing NetBackup for DB2 restores with Snapshot Client methods
  6. Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
      NetBackup debug logs and reports
      Enabling the debug logs for a NetBackup for DB2 client automatically (Windows)
      Enabling the debug logs manually (Windows)
      Enabling the debug logs manually (UNIX)
    5. About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
        About the bphdb directory on the Windows database client
        About the bphdb directory on the UNIX database client
        About the bpdb2 directory on the UNIX database client
        About the bpdbsbdb2 directory on the client
      Setting the debug level on a Windows client
      Setting the debug level on a UNIX client
      About NetBackup server reports
      Minimizing timeout failures on large database restores
      Minimizing the loading and unloading of tapes for database backups
      Use the NET_BUFFER_SZ file to speed up a slow restore
      About false restore failures reported in the activity monitor
      About the error message codes
      Delays in completion of backup jobs
  7. Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
      Overview of installation and configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
      Configuring NetBackup for DB2 in an EEE environment
      Adding NetBackup policies for DB2 EEE environment
      Backing up archive logs in a DB2 EEE environment
      Creating DB2 templates or scripts for a DB2 EEE environment
  8. Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
      About NetBackup for DB2 with SAP
      Installation of the DB2 user exit program
      Backup and restore of DB2 databases used by SAP
      Archive and restore of DB2 log files used by SAP
      Backup of SAP files
  9. Appendix C. Register authorized locations
      Registering authorized locations used by a NetBackup database script-based policy


application backup schedule
configuring, Configuring an application backup schedule
overview, Configuring an application backup schedule
retention, Example application backup schedule
Application Backup schedule
environment variables, NetBackup for DB2 environment variables
for block level incremental backups, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
with Snapshot Client, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
Approving the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management, Reviewing the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management
ARCDIR keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
ARCFUNC COPY keyword, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC COPY, Keywords for the db2.conf file
ARCFUNC SAVE keyword, Example db2.conf file using ARCFUNC SAVE, Keywords for the db2.conf file
ARCHIVE LOG command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
archive logs
backing up, About log archiving, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
configuring policies, Configuring a policy to back up the archive logs
keywords for backing up in db2.conf, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
overview, About NetBackup for DB2 terminology
restoring, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
restoring from a raw partition, Keywords for the db2.conf file
automatic backup
configure scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
create scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
overview, About backups from the NetBackup master server
policy, About backups from the NetBackup master server
using scripts, About backups from the NetBackup master server
automatic backup schedules
configuring, Configuring automatic backup schedules
Automatic Cumulative Incremental Backup schedule
overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
Automatic Differential Incremental Backup schedule
overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
Automatic Full Backup schedule, Example automatic backup schedule
overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup types
Snapshot Client effects, How Snapshot Client software affects backup types
with Snapshot Client, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2


archive log, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
automatic, Performing a manual backup
database, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview
manual, Performing a manual backup, About backups from the NetBackup master server
partitions, About backups from the NetBackup master server
tablespaces, About backups from the NetBackup master server
with Snapshot Client methods, About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 backup operation with Snapshot Client methods , Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
wizard, Creating a backup template using the NetBackup for DB2 backup wizard, How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts
Backup Archive and Restore interface, Using the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface to browse DB2 resources
BACKUP command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
BACKUP DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview, Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup, BACKUP DATABASE command options
backup media required, NetBackup server and client requirements
Backup Selections list
adding scripts, Adding a script to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
adding selections, Adding a template to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
adding templates, Adding a template to the backup selections list in the NetBackup Administration Console
overview, About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
block level incremental backup
using environment variables, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
using multiple db2.conf files, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
configuring, Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
initiating, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
overview, About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
server-initiated, BLI incremental backup options using NetBackup for DB2
client file, Configuring a master bp.conf file
DB2 script parameters, Script parameters
in a cluster, Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
user file, Configuring a user bp.conf file
variables, Script parameters
bpdb2proxy command, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
command syntax, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
running a backup template, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup
running a recovery template, Using bpdbsbdb2 for a database restore
bpdbsbdb2 command, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
bphdb log
UNIX, About the bphdb directory on the UNIX database client
Windows, About the bphdb directory on the Windows database client
bplist command, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
browse for restore
using bplist, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist


CLIENT NAME variable, Configuring a master bp.conf file
client read timeout property, Minimizing timeout failures on large database restores
clients list, for backup policies, Adding clients to a policy
bp.conf file, Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
storing templates and scripts, About NetBackup template and shell script storage
ARCHIVE LOG, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
BACKUP, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
BACKUP DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview, Using DB2 to run a user-directed backup, BACKUP DATABASE command options
bpdb2proxy, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
bpdbsbdb2, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2, Using bpdbsbdb2 to run a user-directed backup, Using bpdbsbdb2 for a database restore
bplist, About browsing DB2 backup images with bplist
DISCONNECT, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
QUIESCE, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
RECOVER DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview
RESTORE DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, RESTORE DATABASE command options
ROLLFORWARD, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
ROLLFORWARD DATABASE, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
TERMINATE, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
compatibility information, Verifying the operating system and platform compatibility
database user authentication, Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Client Service for NetBackup for DB2
policies for backing up, Configuring a policy to back up the configuration files, NetBackup for DB2 backup overview


DATABASE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
home path, Specifying the DB2 home path (UNIX)
DB2 DPF environment
configuration procedure, Overview of installation and configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
DB2 EEE environment
configuration procedure, Overview of installation and configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
creating, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
keywords, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method), Keywords for the db2.conf file
object identifiers, Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program, Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
overview, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
variables, Script parameters
db2_all_backup_mpp example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_all_restore_mpp example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_backup example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_backup_db_offline.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_backup_db_online.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_mpp_backup_offline.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_mpp_restore_db.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_restore example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
db2_restore_db.cmd example script, Creating DB2 scripts manually
DB2NODE variable, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
see user exit program, NetBackup for DB2 overview
debug logs
accessing, About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
debug level, Setting the debug level on a Windows client
enabling, NetBackup debug logs and reports, Enabling the debug logs for a NetBackup for DB2 client automatically (Windows)
troubleshooting with log files, NetBackup debug logs and reports
UNIX, Enabling the debug logs manually (UNIX)
Windows, Enabling the debug logs manually (Windows)
DESTALIAS keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
DESTINST keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
DISCONNECT command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components


OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
OBJECTTYPE DATABASE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
OBJECTTYPE TABLESPACE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
offhost backup (see Snapshot Client)
configuring, Configuring a snapshot policy for NetBackup for DB2
overview, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
optimizing file restores, Use the NET_BUFFER_SZ file to speed up a slow restore


raw partitions, Recovering a DB2 database - Restoring archive logs
reason codes, About the error message codes
RECOVER DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview
Recovery Wizard
also see wizard, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
overview, Using the NetBackup for DB2 recovery wizard
use with Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects templates and scripts
reports, NetBackup debug logs and reports
(see also debug logs)
All Log Entries report, About NetBackup server reports
All Logs Entries, NetBackup debug logs and reports
NetBackup server reports, About NetBackup server reports
Point-in-time rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
snapshot rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
with Snapshot Client methods, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
RESTORE DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, RESTORE DATABASE command options
snapshot rollback, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line
using DB2, Using DB2 to perform a restore
with Snapshot Client methods, About the sequence of a NetBackup for DB2 restore operation with Snapshot Client methods, Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2 rollback restores, Performing NetBackup for DB2 restores with Snapshot Client methods
RETDIR keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
retention period
for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
ROLLFORWARD command, About the NetBackup for DB2 components
ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command, NetBackup for DB2 overview, About backing up archive log files with the user exit program


using NetBackup for DB2 with, About NetBackup for DB2 with SAP
SCHEDULE keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
automatic backup, About backups from the NetBackup master server
frequency, About schedule properties
properties, About schedule properties
properties for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
retention for Snapshot Client, How Snapshot Client software affects schedule properties
cautions for using, About backup schedules, templates, and scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
creating, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
creating from templates, Creating shell scripts using bpdbsbdb2
creating manually, Creating DB2 scripts manually
errors in executing, Creating DB2 scripts manually
example backup scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
example restore scripts, Creating DB2 scripts manually
examples, About the NetBackup for DB2 components, Creating DB2 scripts manually
modifying, Modifying DB2 backup and install scripts
overview, About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
parameters, Script parameters
scheduler, About backups from the NetBackup master server
type of operation, Creating DB2 scripts manually
server-directed backups, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
snapshot backup, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
configuration requirements, Configuration requirements for snapshot backups with NetBackup for DB2
configure db2.conf, About configuring the db2.conf for a snapshot policy
database objects included, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
policy configuration, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
restore method, About restoring individual files from a NetBackup for DB2 snapshot backup
Snapshot Client
configuring policies, About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
effects on backups and restores, Performing NetBackup for DB2 backups with Snapshot Client methods
effects on policies and schedules, About Snapshot Client effects
file-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 file-based operations
overview, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
proxy operations, NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client features
stream-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 stream-based operations
theory of operations, About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
snapshot rollback, About NetBackup for DB2 restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback, Performing a snapshot rollback restore from the command line
SnapVault, Performing a NetBackup for DB2 point-in-time rollback restore from a SnapVault backup (UNIX)
SRCALIAS keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
SRCINST keyword, Keywords for the db2.conf file
Storage Checkpoint, About the Storage Checkpoint facility and NetBackup for DB2
stream-based operations, NetBackup for DB2 stream-based operations