Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Administrator's Guide
- Overview of NetBackup OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter components
- About starting the OpsCenter console
- About OpsCenter console components
- About the View pane
- Sizing the Content pane
- About using tables
- Installing OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- About the OpsCenter licensing model
- Managed NetBackup master server considerations
- About designing your OpsCenter Server
- About planning an OpsCenter Agent deployment
- Installing OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter upgrade on Windows and UNIX
- About post-installation tasks
- About uninstalling OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About clustering OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- Getting started with OpsCenter
- Administering OpsCenter
- About the services and processes used by OpsCenter
- OpsCenter server scripts on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter database administration
- About backup and restore of OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics
- About communication ports and firewall considerations in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter log files
- Understanding OpsCenter settings
- Setting user preferences
- About managing licenses
- Configuring the data purge period on the OpsCenter Server
- Configuring SMTP server settings for OpsCenter
- Adding host aliases in OpsCenter
- Merging objects (hosts) in OpsCenter
- Modifying tape library information in OpsCenter
- Copying a user profile in OpsCenter
- Setting report export location in OpsCenter
- About managing Object Types in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter users
- About adding AD / LDAP user groups in OpsCenter
- About managing recipients in OpsCenter
- About managing cost analysis and chargeback for OpsCenter Analytics
- Understanding data collection
- About data collection in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter Agents
- About managing OpsCenter Data Collectors
- About configuring data collection for NetBackup
- About the Breakup Jobs option
- Viewing master server details and data collection status
- Collecting data from PureDisk
- Managing OpsCenter views
- About OpsCenter views
- About managing OpsCenter views
- Managing static views
- Managing dynamic views
- View filters in OpsCenter
- Monitoring NetBackup using OpsCenter
- Controlling the scope of Monitor views
- About monitoring NetBackup using the Overview tab
- About monitoring NetBackup jobs
- Monitor > Services view
- About monitoring Audit Trails
- Managing NetBackup using OpsCenter
- About managing alert policies
- About creating (or changing) an alert policy
- About managing NetBackup storage
- About managing NetBackup devices
- About Operational Restore and Guided Recovery operations
- About Operational Restores from OpsCenter
- About Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- About managing NetBackup Hosts
- About managing NetBackup Deployment Analysis
- Data compilation for the Capacity License report
- Generating a Capacity Licensing report
- Supporting Replication Director in OpsCenter
- Understanding and configuring OpsCenter alerts
- About using SNMP
- About using SNMP
- Reporting in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter reports
- Report Templates in OpsCenter
- About managing reports in OpsCenter
- Creating a custom report in OpsCenter
- About managing My Reports
- About managing My Dashboard
- About managing reports folders in OpsCenter
- About managing report schedules in OpsCenter
- About managing time schedules in OpsCenter
- Appendix A. Additional information on PureDisk data collection
- Appendix B. Attributes of NetBackup data
- Appendix C. Man pages for CLIs
- Appendix D. Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files
- Appendix E. Error messages in OpsCenter
view_exportimport — The view_exportimport script is used to import, export, alias, or merge your CSV, TSV, or XML files. You can create CSV, TSV, or XML files that describe the views that you want to create. You can then import the CSV, TSV, or XML file into OpsCenter by using this utility.
view_exportimport {-i|-e|-m|-a} {-f <file name>} {-type <xml|csv|tsv} {-host <host name>} {-port <port number>} {-usr <user name>} {-pass <password>} {-domain <domain>} {-domaintype <type>} [-l <logfile name>] [-v <Level #>]
You can use the OpsCenter console to create views, but you may find it faster and more convenient to create CSV, TSV, or XML files that describe the views that you want to create. You can then import the CSV, TSV, or XML file into the OpsCenter database. This script lets you import, export, alias, or merge a CSV, TSV, or XML file.
You can also use the View Builder GUI to import, export, merge, or alias a CSV, TSV, or XML file. See the View Builder help for more information.
See the Appendix titled Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files for detailed information on how to create CSV, TSV, or XML files.
- -i
Imports the view structure as defined in the XML, CSV, or TSV file into the OpsCenter database. It can import multiple views at a time.
- -e
Exports the entire view structure existing in the OpsCenter database into XML, CSV, or TSV files. You can update these XML, CSV, or TSV files according to the business needs and then import these files in the OpsCenter database.
This option exports all the views that are present in the OpsCenter database.
- -m
Merge multiple objects simultaneously that are saved in XML, CSV, or TSV file. Note that the source hosts and destination hosts that you merge must be of the same type (masterservers/mediaservers/clients).
A merge objects file (XML, CSV, or TSV) contains the following object details:
First column
DB ID of the resultant object
Second column
Primary display name of the resultant object
Third column
DB ID of the object that is merged
Fourth column
Primary display name of the object that is merged
Here is a typical example of a file that contains details of objects to be merged:
First Column
Second Column
Third Column
Fourth Column
After successfully merging the two objects, the object being merged (second object in a record) is deleted and the resultant object is retained. However all aliases that are designated for both objects - object being merged and resultant object - are retained and assigned to the resultant object.
- -a
Using the -a option, you can give an alternate name to a host. You can alias multiple hosts simultaneously that are saved in XML, CSV, or TSV file.
The alias names should be compatible with your hosts' DNS names. Alternatively, they should be compatible with the names by which they are known to applications such as NetBackup and Backup Exec. For example: If you use an alias that is unknown to NetBackup, the explorer stops collecting information from the NetBackup host. It attempts to collect data from a host with the alias name.
A host alias file (XML, CSV, or TSV) typically contains the following details:
First column
DB ID of the object
Second column
Primary display name of the resultant object
Third column
Alias to be created for the host.
You can create multiple aliases for a host, which you can add in the subsequent columns.
Here is a typical example of a file that contains aliases to be created for hosts:
First Column
Second Column
Third Column
Fourth Column
Fifth Column
- -f <file name and path>
Path of the XML, CSV, or TSV file to be used for import, export, merge, alias. Note that the file name is case-sensitive.
In case of export, information from the OpsCenter database is exported. Hence, you need to specify the name or path of the file that gets exported in <file name and path>.
- --type <xml | csv | tsv>
Type of file format (Default: xml)
- --host <host name>
Host name of the OpsCenter server to connect to (default: localhost)
- --port <port number>
OpsCenter Server port number (default: 1556)
- --usr <user name>
The username for connecting to the OpsCenter server (default: admin)
- --pass <password>
The password for connecting to the OpsCenter server (default: password)
- --domain <domain>
The domain to which the user belongs (default: OpsCenterUsers)
- --domaintype <type>
Domain type. For example: vx/nt/nis etc. (default: vx)
- -l <logfile name>
Specify name of the log file that is generated.
- -v [Level #]
Specify the logging level [0:Off, 1:Severe, 2:Warning, 3:Info, 4:Config, 5:Fine, 6:Finer, 7:Finest, 8:All]
- --h|-?|--help
Shows the CLI usage statement and exits.
Run the following command on Windows to import the import-add-object.xml
file in the OpsCenter database:
INSTALL_PATH\OpsCenter\server\bin>view_exportimport.bat -i -f "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\import-add-object.xml" --type xml --host --port 1556 --usr admin --pass password --domain OpsCenterUsers --domaintype vx
Run the following command on UNIX to import the import-add-object.xml
file in the OpsCenter database:
<INSTALL_PATH>/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ -i -f "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\import-add-object.xml" --type xml --host --port 1556 --usr admin --pass password --domain OpsCenterUsers --domaintype vx
Run the following command on Windows to export all the OpsCenter views as importviews.xml
file in C::
INSTALL_PATH\OpsCenter\server\bin>view_exportimport.bat -e -f "C:\importviews.xml" --type xml --host --port 1556 --usr admin --pass password --domain OpsCenterUsers --domaintype vx
Run the following command on UNIX to export all the OpsCenter views as importviews.xml
file in opt directory:
/opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ -e -f "/opt/importviews.xml" --type xml --host --port 1556 --usr admin --pass password --domain OpsCenterUsers --domaintype vx