18 | nbatd | The authentication service (nbatd ) is a service (daemon) that verifies the user identity and
issues credentials. These credentials are used for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication. The (nbatd ) directory is created under the /usr/netbackup/sec/at/bin directory (UNIX) or the install_path\NetBackup\sec\at\bin directory (Windows). |
| pbx_exchange | The Private Branch Exchange (PBX) service provides single-port access to clients outside the firewall that connect to Veritas
product services. Service name: VRTSpbx. It writes logs to /opt/VRTSpbx/log (UNIX) or install_path\VxPBX\log (Windows). The PBX product ID is 50936.
| nbemm | The Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) is a NetBackup service that manages the
device and the media information for NetBackup. It runs only on the master server.
| nbpem | The NetBackup Policy Execution Manager (nbpem ) creates policy and client tasks and
determines when jobs are due to run. It runs only on the master server.
| nbjm | The NetBackup Job Manager (nbjm ) accepts the jobs that the Policy Execution Manager submits and acquires
the necessary resources. It runs only on the master server.
| nbrb | The NetBackup Resource Broker (nbrb ) maintains a cache list of available resources. It uses that list to locate the physical and the logical resources that are required for a backup or a tape restore. It initiates a SQL call to nbemm to update the database, and then passes the allocation information to nbjm . It runs only on the master server.
| bmrd | The NetBackup Bare Metal Restore (BMR) master server daemon.
| bmrsavecfg | The BMR Save Configuration is a data collection utility that runs on the NetBackup client, not the server.
| bmrc | The BMR Client Utility originates on the BMR boot server and runs on the restoring client. UNIX clients use it to communicate to the BMR master server during a restore.
| bmrs | The BMR Server Utility.
| bmrcreatefloppy | The BMR commands that create floppy disks use the BMR Create Floppy utility. The utility runs on the BMR boot server and is Windows only. |
| bmrsrt | The BMR Create SRT utility creates a shared resource tree. It runs on the BMR boot server.
| bmrprep | The BMR Prepare to Restore utility prepares the BMR servers for a client restoration.
| bmrsetup | The BMR Setup Commands utility sets up BMR installation, configuration, and upgrade processes.
| bmrcommon | The BMR Libraries and Common Code catalog provides log messages to the BMR libraries.
| bmrconfig | The BMR Edit Configuration utility modifies the client configuration.
| bmrcreatepkg | The BMR Create Package utility adds Windows drivers, service packs, and hotfixes to the BMR master server for restore operations.
| bmrrst | The BMR Restore utility restores Windows BMR clients. It runs on the restoring client for Windows systems only.
| nbsl | The NetBackup Service Layer facilitates the communication between the NetBackup graphical user interface and
NetBackup logic. nbsl is required to run NetBackup OpsCenter, an application that
manages and monitors multiple NetBackup environments. This process runs only on the master server.
| ndmpagent | The NDMP agent daemon manages NDMP backups and restores. It runs on the media server.
| libraries | The libraries control the logging level in the NetBackup libraries. The application and the diagnostic messages are for customer use; the debug messages are intended for Veritas engineering.
140 | mmui | The media server user interface is used for the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM). |
| bmrepadm | The BMR External Procedure process manages the BMR external procedures that are used during a restore operation.
| mds | The EMM Media and Device Selection process manages the media selection component and device selection component of the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM).
| da | The EMM Device Allocator is used for shared drives.
| NOMTRS | The NetBackup OpsCenter reporting service is part of NetBackup OpsCenter.
| NOMClient | The NetBackup OpsCenter Client is part of NetBackup OpsCenter.
| NOMServer | The NetBackup OpsCenter Server is part of NetBackup OpsCenter
151 | ndmp | The NDMP message log (ndmp ) handles NDMP protocol messages, avrd , and robotic processes. |
| bmrovradm | The BMR Override Table Admin Utility manages the custom override functions for Bare Metal Restore.
| ace | The NBACE process controls the logging level in the (ACE/TAO) CORBA components for any process that uses a CORBA interface. The default level is 0 (only important messages are logged). This logging is intended for Veritas engineering. If Veritas Technical Support instructs you to increase the logging level, increase the level for originator ID 137 to 4 or higher.
A debug logging level greater than 0 generates large amounts of data. |
158 | ncfrai | Remote access interface for NetBackup clients. |
159 | ncftfi | Transporter for NetBackup clients. |
| nbsvcmon | The NetBackup Service Monitor monitors the NetBackup services that run on the local computer and tries to restart a service that unexpectedly terminates.
| nbvault | The NetBackup Vault Manager manages NetBackup Vault. nbvault must be running on the NetBackup Vault server
during all NetBackup Vault operations.
| dsm | The Disk Service Manager (DSM) performs set and get operations on disk storage and disk storage units.
| nbftsrvr | The Fibre Transport (FT) server process runs on the media servers that are configured for the
NetBackup Fibre Transport. On the server side of the FT connection,
nbftsrvrcontrols data flow, processes SCSI commands, manages data buffers, and manages the
target mode driver for the host bus adapters. nbftsrvr is part of SAN client.
| nbftclnt | The Fibre Transport (FT) client process runs on the client and is part of SAN Client.
| fsm | The FT Service Manager (FSM) is a component of the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) and is part of SAN Client.
202 | stssvc | The Storage service manages the storage server and runs on the media server. |
210 | ncfive | Exchange Firedrill Wizard for NetBackup clients. |
| rsrcevtmgr | The Resource Event Manager (REM) is a CORBA loadable service that runs inside nbemm. REM works with the Disk Polling Service to monitor free space and volume status, and to watch for disk-full conditions.
220 | dps | Disk polling service for NetBackup clients. |
| mpms | The Media Performance Monitor Service (MPMS) runs on every media server within RMMS and gathers CPU load and free memory information for the host.
| nbrmms | Remote monitoring and Management Service (RMMS) is the conduit through which EMM discovers and configures disk storage on media servers.
| nbstserv | The Storage services controls the lifecycle image duplication operations.
| rdsm | The Remote Disk Service Manager interface (RDSM) runs within the Remote Manager and Monitor Service. RDMS runs on media servers.
| nbevtmgr | The Event Manager Service provides asynchronous event management services for cooperating participants.
| bmrlauncher | The BMR Launcher Utility in the Windows BMR Fast Restore image configures the BMR environment.
254 | SPSV2RecoveryAsst | Recovery Assistant for SharePoint Portal Server for NetBackup clients. |
261 | aggs | Artifact Generator Generated Source. |
| wingui | The NetBackup Administration Console for Windows
271 | nbecmsg | Legacy error codes. |
| expmgr | The Expiration Manager handles the capacity management and the image expiration for storage lifecycle operations.
286 | nbkms | The Encryption Key Management Service is a master server-based symmetric service that provides encryption
keys to the media server NetBackup Tape Manager processes. |
293 | nbaudit | NetBackup Audit Manager. |
294 | nbauditmsgs | NetBackup Audit Messages. |
309 | ncf | NetBackup Client Framework. |
311 | ncfnbservercom | NetBackup Client/Server Communications. |
317 | ncfbedspi | NetBackup Client Beds Plug-in. |
318 | ncfwinpi | NetBackup Client Windows Plug-in. |
321 | dbaccess | NetBackup Relational Database access library. |
348 | ncforaclepi | NetBackup Client Oracle Plug-in. |
351 | ncflbc | Live Browse Client. |
352 | ncfgre | Granular restore. |
355 | ncftarpi | NetBackup TAR Plug-in. |
356 | ncfvxmspi | NetBackup Client VxMS Plug-in. |
357 | ncfnbrestore | NetBackup Restore. |
359 | ncfnbbrowse | NetBackup Browser. |
360 | ncforautil | NetBackup Client Oracle utility. |
361 | ncfdb2pi | NetBackup Client DB2 Plug-in. |
362 | nbars | NetBackup Agent Request Services. |
363 | dars | Database Agent Request Server process call |
366 | ncfnbcs | NetBackup Client Service. |
369 | impmgr | NetBackup Import Manager. |
371 | nbim | Indexing manager. |
372 | nbhsm | Hold service. |
375 | ncfnbusearchserverpi | NetBackup Client Search Server Plug-in. |
377 | ncfnbdiscover | NetBackup Client Component Discovery. |
380 | ncfnbquiescence | NetBackup Client Component Quiescence/Unquiescence. |
381 | ncfnbdboffline | NetBackup Client Component Offline/Online. |
386 | ncfvmwarepi | NetBackup NCF VMware Plug-in. |
387 | nbrntd | NetBackup Remote Network Transport. If multiple backup streams run
concurrently, the Remote Network Transport Service writes a large amount of information to the log files. In such a scenario, set the logging level for OID 387 to 2 or less. See Changing the logging level. |
395 | stsem | STS Event Manager. |
396 | nbutils | NetBackup Utilities. |
400 | nbdisco | NetBackup Discovery. |
401 | ncfmssqlpi | NetBackup Client MSSQL plug-in. |
402 | ncfexchangepi | NetBackup Client Exchange plug-in. |
403 | ncfsharepointpi | NetBackup Client SharePoint plug-in. |
412 | ncffilesyspi | NetBackup Client File System plug-in. |
480 | libvcloudsuite | NetBackup vCloudSuite Library. |
486 | nbpxyhelper | The vnetd proxy helper process. |
490 | nbpxytnl | The HTTP tunnel of the vnetd proxy. |
491 | ncfcloudpi | NetBackup Cloud Discovery Plug-in |
497 | ncfcloudpi | NetBackup Cloud Discovery Plug-in |