NetBackup™ Web UI RHV Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2)
  1. Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
      About the NetBackup web user interface
      Sign in to the NetBackup web UI
  2. Managing RHV servers
      Quick configuration checklist to protect Red Hat Virtualization virtual machines
    2. Configuring secure communication between the Red Hat Virtualization server and NetBackup host
        ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
        ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
        VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients
      About the ports that NetBackup uses to communicate with RHV
    4. Add or browse an RHV manager
        Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master server
        Remove an RHV manager
      Create an intelligent VM group
      Remove an intelligent VM group
      Setting global limits on the use of RHV resources
  3. Protecting RHV virtual machines
      Things to know before you protect RHV virtual machines
      Protect RHV VMs or intelligent VM groups
      Remove protection from VMs or intelligent VM groups
      View the protection status of VMs or intelligent VM groups
  4. Recovering RHV virtual machines
      Things to consider before you recover the RHV virtual machines
      About the pre-recovery check
      Recover an RHV virtual machine
      About the supported virtual disk formats and disk provisioning during VM recovery
  5. Troubleshooting RHV VM protection and recovery
      Troubleshooting tips for NetBackup for RHV
      Error run into during the RHV virtual machines discovery phase
      Error run into while backing up RHV virtual machines
      Error run into while restoring RHV virtual machines
  6. API and command line options for RHV
    1. Using APIs and command line options to manage, protect, or recover RHV virtual machines
        Additional information about the rename file
    2. Additional NetBackup options for RHV configuration
        OVIRT_IMAGEIO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers
        RHV_CREATEDISK_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers
        RHV_AUTODISCOVERY_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers

Create an intelligent VM group

You can create an intelligent VM group based on a set of filters called queries. NetBackup automatically selects virtual machines based on the queries and adds them to the group. You can then apply protection to the group. Note that an intelligent group automatically reflects changes in the VM environment and eliminates the need to manually revise the list of VMs in the group.


This procedure requires the backup administrator role.

To create an intelligent VM group

  1. On the left, click RHV.
  2. Click the Intelligent VM groups tab and then click + Add.
  3. Enter a name and description for the group.
  4. In the Select virtual machines pane, select the appropriate RHV manager.


    The web UI lists the servers that you can access based on your role and permissions (RBAC).

    • Select the default query: Include all VMs.

      When the protection plan runs, all VMs that are part of the RHV manager are selected for backup.

    • Create your own query: Click Add condition.

  5. To add a condition, use the drop-downs to select a keyword and operator and then enter a value.

    The options are described after this procedure: Query options for creating intelligent VM groups.

    The following is an example query:

    In this example, the query adds to the group any VM that has prod in its display name.

    To change the effect of the query, click + Condition and click AND or OR, then select the keyword, operator, and value for the condition. For example:

    This example uses AND to narrow the scope of the query: it selects only the VMs that have prod in their display name and that also have a tag named eng. If a VM does not have prod in its display name as well as a tag named eng, that VM is not added to the group.

    To broaden the scope of the query, use OR:

    In this example, OR causes the query to add the following to the group:

    • The VMs that have prod in their display name (regardless of any tags).

    • The VMs that have a tag named eng (regardless of the display name).

  6. To test the query, click Preview.


    The query-based selection process is dynamic. Changes in the virtual environment can affect which VMs the query selects when the protection plan runs. As a result, the VMs that the query selects later when the protection plan runs may not be identical to those currently listed in the preview.

  7. To save the group without adding it to a protection plan, click Add. To save and add it to a protection plan, click Add and protect, select the plan, and click Protect.


    When you click Preview or save the group, the query options are treated as case-sensitive when the VMs are selected for the group. Under Virtual machines, if you click on a VM that was not selected for the group, the Member of virtual machine groups field reads none.

    However, when you add the group to a protection plan, some of the query options are treated as case-insensitive when the protection plan's backup runs. As a result, the same VM may now be included in the group and is backed up.

    For the case behavior of each option, see Query options for creating intelligent VM groups.

Query options for creating intelligent VM groups

Table: Query keywords




The name of the cluster where the VMs reside.

Not case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The name of the data center.

Not case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The VM's display name.

Case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The name of the VM's tag.

Case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The VM's instance UUID.

For example: 501b13c3-52de-9a06-cd9a-ecb23aa975d1

Not case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The name of the storage domain.

Case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.


The name of the VM template.

Case-sensitive when the protection plan runs.

Table: Query operators



Starts with

Matches the value when it occurs at the start of a string.

For example: If the value you enter is box, this option matches the string box_car but not flatbox.

Ends with

Matches the value when it occurs at the end of a string.

For example: If the value you enter is dev, this option matches the string 01dev but not 01dev99 or devOP.


Matches the value you enter wherever that value occurs in the string.

For example: If the value you enter is dev, this option matches strings such as 01dev, 01dev99, devOP, and development_machine.


Matches only the value that you enter.

For example: If the value you enter is VMtest27, this option matches VMTest27 (same case), but not vmtest27, vmTEST27, or VMtest28.


Matches any value that is not equal to the value that you enter.