Veritas NetBackup™ Deduplication Guide

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Product(s): NetBackup (
  1. Introducing the NetBackup media server deduplication option
      About the NetBackup deduplication options
  2. Planning your deployment
      Planning your MSDP deployment
      NetBackup naming conventions
      About MSDP deduplication nodes
      About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
      About MSDP storage capacity
    6. About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
        Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP
    7. About NetBackup media server deduplication
        About MSDP storage servers
        About MSDP load balancing servers
        About MSDP server requirements
        About MSDP unsupported configurations
    8. About NetBackup Client Direct deduplication
        About MSDP client deduplication requirements and limitations
    9. About MSDP remote office client deduplication
        About MSDP remote client data security
        About remote client backup scheduling
      About the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
      About the network interface for MSDP
      About MSDP port usage
      About MSDP optimized synthetic backups
      About MSDP and SAN Client
      About MSDP optimized duplication and replication
    16. About MSDP performance
        How file size may affect the MSDP deduplication rate
    17. About MSDP stream handlers
        Oracle stream handler
        Microsoft SQL Server stream handler
    18. MSDP deployment best practices
        Use fully qualified domain names
        About scaling MSDP
        Send initial full backups to the storage server
        Increase the number of MSDP jobs gradually
        Introduce MSDP load balancing servers gradually
        Implement MSDP client deduplication gradually
        Use MSDP compression and encryption
        About the optimal number of backup streams for MSDP
        About storage unit groups for MSDP
        About protecting the MSDP data
        Save the MSDP storage server configuration
        Plan for disk write caching
  3. Provisioning the storage
      About provisioning the storage for MSDP
      Do not modify MSDP storage directories and files
      About volume management for NetBackup MSDP
  4. Licensing deduplication
      About the MSDP license
      Licensing NetBackup MSDP
  5. Configuring deduplication
      Configuring MSDP server-side deduplication
      Configuring MSDP client-side deduplication
      About the MSDP Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent
    4. Configuring the Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent behavior
        MSDP mtstrm.conf file parameters
      Configuring deduplication plug-in interaction with the Multi-Threaded Agent
      About MSDP fingerprinting
      About the MSDP fingerprint cache
    8. Configuring the MSDP fingerprint cache behavior
        MSDP fingerprint cache behavior options
      About seeding the MSDP fingerprint cache for remote client deduplication
      Configuring MSDP fingerprint cache seeding on the client
    11. Configuring MSDP fingerprint cache seeding on the storage server
        NetBackup seedutil options
      Enabling 250-TB support for MSDP
    13. About MSDP Encryption using NetBackup KMS service
        Upgrading KMS for MSDP
      About MSDP Encryption using external KMS server
    15. Configuring a storage server for a Media Server Deduplication Pool
        MSDP storage path properties
        MSDP network interface properties
      Configuring a storage server for a PureDisk Deduplication Pool
      About disk pools for NetBackup deduplication
    18. Configuring a disk pool for deduplication
        Media Server Deduplication Pool properties
      Creating the data directories for 250-TB MSDP support
      Adding volumes to a 250-TB Media Server Deduplication Pool
    21. Configuring a Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit
        Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
        MSDP storage unit recommendations
      Configuring client attributes for MSDP client-side deduplication
      Disabling MSDP client-side deduplication for a client
      About MSDP compression
      About MSDP encryption
      MSDP compression and encryption settings matrix
      Configuring encryption for MSDP backups
      Configuring encryption for MSDP optimized duplication and replication
      About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP
      Modes of rolling data conversion
      MSDP encryption behavior and compatibilities
      Configuring optimized synthetic backups for MSDP
      About a separate network path for MSDP duplication and replication
      Configuring a separate network path for MSDP duplication and replication
    35. About MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
      1. About the media servers for MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
          About MSDP push duplication within the same domain
          About MSDP pull duplication within the same domain
    36. Configuring MSDP optimized duplication within the same NetBackup domain
      1. Configuring NetBackup optimized duplication or replication behavior
          Setting NetBackup configuration options by using the command line
      About MSDP replication to a different domain
    38. Configuring MSDP replication to a different NetBackup domain
      1. About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
          One-to-many Auto Image Replication model
          Cascading Auto Image Replication model
          About the domain relationship for replication
          About the replication topology for Auto Image Replication
        5. Viewing the replication topology for Auto Image Replication
            Sample volume properties output for MSDP replication
        About trusted master servers for Auto Image Replication
        About the certificate to be used for adding a trusted master server
        Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed (host ID-based) certificate
        Adding a trusted master server using external CA-signed certificate
        Removing a trusted master server
        Enabling NetBackup clustered master server inter-node authentication
        Configuring NetBackup CA and NetBackup host ID-based certificate for secure communication between the source and the target MSDP storage servers
        Configuring external CA for secure communication between the source MSDP storage server and the target MSDP storage server
      10. Configuring a target for MSDP replication to a remote domain
          Target options for MSDP replication
          Configuring a NetBackup Deduplication Engine user with limited permissions for Auto Image Replication
      About configuring MSDP optimized duplication and replication bandwidth
      About storage lifecycle policies
      About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication
    42. Creating a storage lifecycle policy
        Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
      About MSDP backup policy configuration
      Creating a backup policy
    45. Resilient Network properties
        Resilient connection resource usage
      Specifying resilient connections
      Adding an MSDP load balancing server
      About variable-length deduplication on NetBackup clients
      About the MSDP pd.conf configuration file
    50. Editing the MSDP pd.conf file
        MSDP pd.conf file parameters
      About the MSDP contentrouter.cfg file
      About saving the MSDP storage server configuration
      Saving the MSDP storage server configuration
      Editing an MSDP storage server configuration file
      Setting the MSDP storage server configuration
      About the MSDP host configuration file
      Deleting an MSDP host configuration file
      Resetting the MSDP registry
    59. About protecting the MSDP catalog
        About the MSDP shadow catalog
        About the MSDP catalog backup policy
      Changing the MSDP shadow catalog path
      Changing the MSDP shadow catalog schedule
      Changing the number of MSDP catalog shadow copies
    63. Configuring an MSDP catalog backup
        MSDP drcontrol options
      Updating an MSDP catalog backup policy
      About MSDP FIPS compliance
      Configuring the NetBackup client-side deduplication to support multiple interfaces of MSDP
      About MSDP multi-domain support
      About MSDP mutli-domain VLAN Support
    69. About NetBackup WORM storage support for immutable and indelible data
        About the NetBackup command line options to configure immutable and indelible data
  6. Configuring deduplication to the cloud with NetBackup Cloud Catalyst
    1. Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud
      1. Optimized duplication is used to copy data from an MSDP storage server to a Cloud Catalyst storage server (preferred use case)
          MSDP storage servers fan-in to a single Cloud Catalyst storage server
        Backups go directly to a Cloud Catalyst storage server
      Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
      Configuring a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
    4. Configuring a Cloud Catalyst storage server for deduplication to the cloud
        How to configure a NetBackup Cloud Catalyst Appliance
        How to configure a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
        Configuring a Cloud Catalyst storage server as the target for the deduplications from MSDP storage servers
        Certificate validation using Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
        Managing Cloud Catalyst storage server with IAM Role or CREDS_CAPS credential broker type
        Configuring a storage lifecycle policy for NetBackup Cloud Catalyst
      About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
      About the Cloud Catalyst cache
      Controlling data traffic to the cloud when using Cloud Catalyst
      Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst
      Configuring a Cloud Catalyst storage server as the source for optimized duplication
      Decommissioning Cloud Catalyst cloud storage
      NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes
      Disaster recovery for Cloud Catalyst
      About image sharing in cloud using Cloud Catalyst
  7. MSDP cloud support
    1. About MSDP cloud support
        Operating system requirement for configuration
      Creating a cloud storage unit
      Updating cloud credentials for a cloud LSU
      Updating encryption configurations for a cloud LSU
      Deleting a cloud LSU
      Backup data to cloud by using cloud LSU
      Duplicate data cloud by using cloud LSU
      Configuring AIR to use cloud LSU
      About backward compatibility support
      About the configuration items in cloud.json, contentrouter.cfg and spa.cfg
      About the tool updates for cloud support
      About the disaster recovery for cloud LSU
      About Image Sharing using MSDP cloud
  8. Monitoring deduplication activity
      Monitoring the MSDP deduplication and compression rates
    2. Viewing MSDP job details
        MSDP job details
      About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting
      About MSDP container files
      Viewing storage usage within MSDP container files
      Viewing MSDP disk reports
      About monitoring MSDP processes
      Reporting on Auto Image Replication jobs
  9. Managing deduplication
    1. Managing MSDP servers
        Viewing MSDP storage servers
        Determining the MSDP storage server state
        Viewing MSDP storage server attributes
        Setting MSDP storage server attributes
        Changing MSDP storage server properties
        Clearing MSDP storage server attributes
        About changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
        Changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
        Removing an MSDP load balancing server
        Deleting an MSDP storage server
        Deleting the MSDP storage server configuration
    2. Managing NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
        Determining which media servers have deduplication credentials
        Adding NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
        Changing NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
        Deleting credentials from a load balancing server
    3. Managing Media Server Deduplication Pools
        Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pools
        Determining the Media Server Deduplication Pool state
        Changing Media Server Deduplication Pool state
        Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pool attributes
        Setting a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
      6. Changing a Media Server Deduplication Pool properties
          How to resolve volume changes for Auto Image Replication
        Clearing a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
        Determining the MSDP disk volume state
        Changing the MSDP disk volume state
        Inventorying a NetBackup disk pool
        Deleting a Media Server Deduplication Pool
      Deleting backup images
      About MSDP queue processing
      Processing the MSDP transaction queue manually
      About MSDP data integrity checking
    8. Configuring MSDP data integrity checking behavior
        MSDP data integrity checking configuration parameters
      About managing MSDP storage read performance
    10. About MSDP storage rebasing
        MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
      About the MSDP data removal process
      Resizing the MSDP storage partition
      How MSDP restores work
      Configuring MSDP restores directly to a client
      About restoring files at a remote site
      About restoring from a backup at a target master domain
      Specifying the restore server
  10. Recovering MSDP
      About recovering the MSDP catalog
      Restoring the MSDP catalog from a shadow copy
      Recovering from an MSDP storage server disk failure
      Recovering from an MSDP storage server failure
      Recovering the MSDP storage server after NetBackup catalog recovery
  11. Replacing MSDP hosts
      Replacing the MSDP storage server host computer
  12. Uninstalling MSDP
      About uninstalling MSDP
      Deactivating MSDP
  13. Deduplication architecture
      MSDP server components
      Media server deduplication backup process
      MSDP client components
      MSDP client - side deduplication backup process
  14. Troubleshooting
    1. About unified logging
        About using the vxlogview command to view unified logs
        Examples of using vxlogview to view unified logs
    2. About legacy logging
        Creating NetBackup log file directories for MSDP
      NetBackup MSDP log files
    4. Troubleshooting MSDP installation issues
        MSDP installation on SUSE Linux fails
    5. Troubleshooting MSDP configuration issues
        MSDP storage server configuration fails
        MSDP database system error (220)
        MSDP server not found error
        License information failure during MSDP configuration
        The disk pool wizard does not display an MSDP volume
    6. Troubleshooting MSDP operational issues
        Verify that the MSDP server has sufficient memory
        MSDP backup or duplication job fails
        MSDP client deduplication fails
        MSDP volume state changes to DOWN when volume is unmounted
        MSDP errors, delayed response, hangs
        Cannot delete an MSDP disk pool
        MSDP media open error (83)
        MSDP media write error (84)
        MSDP no images successfully processed (191)
        MSDP storage full conditions
        Troubleshooting MSDP catalog backup
        Storage Platform Web Service (spws) does not start
        Disk volume API or command line option does not work
      Viewing MSDP disk errors and events
      MSDP event codes and messages
    9. Troubleshooting Cloud Catalyst issues
      1. Cloud Catalyst logs
          Error messages in esfs_filesystem
      2. Problems encountered while using the Cloud Storage Server Configuration Wizard
          Unable to select the desired media server
          Unable to select the Deduplication option
        3. Storage Server Creation Status errors
            Login credentials or certificate failed message
            Failure to add credentials
      3. Disk pool problems
          Disk pool creation problem due to timeout issue
          One disk pool for each Cloud Catalyst storage server
      4. Problems during cloud storage server configuration
          Media server not available in Media Servers tab to add credentials
          Add credentials failed message for media server
        Status 191: No images were successfully processed
        Media write error (84) if due to a full local cache directory
        Troubleshooting restarting ESFS after the Cloud Catalyst storage server is down
        Restarting the vxesfsd process
        Problems restarting vxesfsd
        Unable to create CloudCatalyst with a media server that has version earlier to 8.2
      11. Cloud Catalyst troubleshooting tools
          esfs_check consistency checking tool
          setlsu_ioctl tool
          cred_ioctl tool
      Unable to obtain the administrator password to use an AWS EC2 instance that has a Windows OS
    11. Trouble shooting multi-domain issues
        Unable to configure OpenStorage server from another domain
        MSDP storage server is down when you configure an OpenStorage server
        MSDP server is overloaded when it is used by multiple NetBackup domains
  15. Appendix A. Migrating to MSDP storage
      Migrating from PureDisk to the NetBackup MSDP
      Migrating from another storage type to MSDP


Active secondary operations, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
Add at least one index marker, Adding volumes to a 250-TB Media Server Deduplication Pool
Add credentials failed, Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst, Add credentials failed message for media server
adding trusted master server using external certificate, Adding a trusted master server using external CA-signed certificate
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, About MSDP encryption
AES encryption
Blowfish encryption, MSDP encryption behavior and compatibilities
AES-256, About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP, Modes of rolling data conversion
appliance deduplication, About the NetBackup deduplication options
clearing deduplication pool, Clearing a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
clearing deduplication storage server, Clearing MSDP storage server attributes
OptimizedImage, About MSDP optimized synthetic backups
setting deduplication pool, Setting a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
setting deduplication storage server, Setting MSDP storage server attributes
viewing deduplication pool, Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pool attributes
viewing deduplication storage server, Viewing MSDP storage server attributes
Auto Image Replication
about, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
and trusted master servers, About trusted master servers for Auto Image Replication
Backup operation in source domain, About MSDP replication to a different domain, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
configuring MSDP replication to a different domain, Configuring MSDP replication to a different NetBackup domain
for MSDP, Configuring a target for MSDP replication to a remote domain
no disk spanning support, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
overview, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
supported for Cloud Catalyst, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
synchronizing clocks of master servers, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
targeted, About trusted master servers for Auto Image Replication
Targeted, Enabling NetBackup clustered master server inter-node authentication
topology of storage, About the replication topology for Auto Image Replication


cache hits field of the job details, MSDP job details
Cannot upload MSDP system files error, Disk pool creation problem due to timeout issue
capacity and usage reporting for deduplication, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting
case sensitivity
in NetBackup names, NetBackup naming conventions
catalog, MSDP (see about recovering the MSDP catalog) (see MSDP catalog)
certificate, generating for Cloud Catalyst storage server, How to configure a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
changing deduplication server hostname, About changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
changing the deduplication storage server name and path, Changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
CIFS, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
clearing deduplication pool attributes, Clearing a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
client deduplication
components, MSDP client components
disabling for a specific client, Disabling MSDP client-side deduplication for a client
host requirements, About MSDP client deduplication requirements and limitations
Client Direct deduplication
load balancing, Configuring client attributes for MSDP client-side deduplication
where not supported, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
Cloud Catalyst
additional drcontrol option, MSDP drcontrol options
additional MSDP catalog paths, About the MSDP catalog backup policy
configuring, How to configure a NetBackup Cloud Catalyst Appliance
documentation, Configuring a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
for deduplication to the cloud, Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud
technical specifications, Configuring a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
direct to cloud (not the preferred use case), Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud, Backups go directly to a Cloud Catalyst storage server
disaster recovery, Disaster recovery for Cloud Catalyst
limitations, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
load balancing, About MSDP load balancing servers, About MSDP server requirements, Configuring a storage server for a Media Server Deduplication Pool, Configuring client attributes for MSDP client-side deduplication, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
local cache directory, Configuring a Cloud Catalyst storage server as the target for the deduplications from MSDP storage servers, About the Cloud Catalyst cache
Local cache directory, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
esfs_filesystem, Error messages in esfs_filesystem
location, Cloud Catalyst logs
media server version, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations, Unable to select the desired media server
overview, Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud
preferred use case, Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud, Optimized duplication is used to copy data from an MSDP storage server to a Cloud Catalyst storage server (preferred use case), How to configure a NetBackup Cloud Catalyst Appliance, How to configure a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server, Configuring a storage lifecycle policy for NetBackup Cloud Catalyst
pull optimized duplication, Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst
push optimized duplication, Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst
vxesfsd process, NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes
master server inter-node authentication, Enabling NetBackup clustered master server inter-node authentication
Common Internet File System, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
compacting container files, About MSDP container files
for MSDP backups, About MSDP compression
for MSDP optimized duplication and replication, About MSDP compression
pd.conf file setting, MSDP pd.conf file parameters
configuring a deduplication pool, Configuring a disk pool for deduplication
configuring a deduplication storage server, Configuring a storage server for a Media Server Deduplication Pool, Configuring a storage server for a PureDisk Deduplication Pool
configuring a deduplication storage unit, Configuring a Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit
configuring deduplication, Configuring MSDP server-side deduplication, Configuring MSDP client-side deduplication, Configuring a storage lifecycle policy for NetBackup Cloud Catalyst
container files
about, About MSDP container files
compaction, About MSDP container files
viewing capacity within, Viewing storage usage within MSDP container files
contentrouter.cfg file
about, About the MSDP contentrouter.cfg file
parameters for data integrity checking, MSDP data integrity checking configuration parameters
ServerOptions for encryption, Configuring encryption for MSDP backups
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
CR sent field of the job details, MSDP job details
crcontrol, Modes of rolling data conversion
credentials, About the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
adding NetBackup Deduplication Engine, Adding NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
changing NetBackup Deduplication Engine, Changing NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
on media servers in Cloud Catalyst configuration, Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst


data classifications
in storage lifecycle policies, About storage lifecycle policies, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
data conversion
encryption, Modes of rolling data conversion
data integrity checking
about deduplication, About MSDP data integrity checking
configuration settings for deduplication, MSDP data integrity checking configuration parameters
configuring behavior for deduplication, Configuring MSDP data integrity checking behavior
data removal process
for deduplication, About the MSDP data removal process
database system error, MSDP database system error (220)
deactivating media server deduplication, Deactivating MSDP
dedup field of the job details, MSDP job details
about credentials, About the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
about fingerprinting, About MSDP fingerprinting
about the license, About the MSDP license
adding credentials, Adding NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
and Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP
and iSCSI, Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP
cache hits field of the job details, MSDP job details
capacity and usage reporting, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting
changing credentials, Changing NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
client backup process, MSDP client - side deduplication backup process
configuration file, About the MSDP pd.conf configuration file
configuring, Configuring MSDP server-side deduplication, Configuring MSDP client-side deduplication, Configuring a storage lifecycle policy for NetBackup Cloud Catalyst
configuring optimized synthetic backups, Configuring optimized synthetic backups for MSDP
container files, About MSDP container files
CR sent field of the job details, MSDP job details
data removal process, About the MSDP data removal process
dedup field of the job details, MSDP job details
event codes, MSDP event codes and messages
license for, About the MSDP license
licensing, Licensing NetBackup MSDP
limitations, About MSDP unsupported configurations
media server process, Media server deduplication backup process
network interface, About the network interface for MSDP
node, About MSDP deduplication nodes
performance, About MSDP performance
planning deployment, Planning your MSDP deployment
requirements for optimized within the same domain, About MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
scaling, About scaling MSDP
scanned field of the job details, MSDP job details
storage capacity, About MSDP storage capacity
storage destination, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
storage management, About volume management for NetBackup MSDP
storage requirements, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
storage unit properties, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
to the cloud, Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud
deduplication configuration file
editing, Configuring deduplication plug-in interaction with the Multi-Threaded Agent, Editing the MSDP pd.conf file
parameters, MSDP pd.conf file parameters
deduplication data integrity checking
about, About MSDP data integrity checking
configuring behavior for, Configuring MSDP data integrity checking behavior
settings, MSDP data integrity checking configuration parameters
deduplication deduplication pool (see deduplication pool)
deduplication disk volume
changing the state, Changing the MSDP disk volume state
determining the state, Determining the MSDP disk volume state
deduplication encryption
enabling for MSDP backups, Configuring encryption for MSDP backups
deduplication host configuration file, About the MSDP host configuration file
deleting, Deleting an MSDP host configuration file
deduplication hosts
and firewalls, About MSDP port usage
client requirements, About MSDP client deduplication requirements and limitations
load balancing server, About MSDP load balancing servers
server requirements, About MSDP server requirements
storage server, About MSDP storage servers
deduplication installation
log file, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication logs
about, NetBackup MSDP log files
client deduplication proxy plug-in log, NetBackup MSDP log files
client deduplication proxy server log, NetBackup MSDP log files
configuration script, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication plug-in log, NetBackup MSDP log files
NetBackup Deduplication Engine, NetBackup MSDP log files
NetBackup Deduplication Manager, NetBackup MSDP log files
VxUL deduplication logs, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication node
about, About MSDP deduplication nodes
adding a load balancing server, Adding an MSDP load balancing server
removing a load balancing server, Removing an MSDP load balancing server
deduplication optimized synthetic backups
about, About MSDP optimized synthetic backups
deduplication plug-in
about, MSDP server components
log file, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication plug-in configuration file
configuring, Configuring the Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent behavior
deduplication pool (see deduplication pool)
about, About disk pools for NetBackup deduplication
changing properties, Changing a Media Server Deduplication Pool properties
clearing attributes, Clearing a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
configuring, Configuring a disk pool for deduplication
deleting, Deleting a Media Server Deduplication Pool
determining the state, Determining the Media Server Deduplication Pool state
properties, Media Server Deduplication Pool properties
setting attributes, Setting a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
viewing, Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pools
viewing attributes, Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pool attributes
deduplication port usage
about, About MSDP port usage
troubleshooting, MSDP media write error (84)
deduplication processes do not start, Verify that the MSDP server has sufficient memory
deduplication rate
how file size affects, How file size may affect the MSDP deduplication rate
deduplication reference database
about, MSDP server components
deduplication registry
resetting, Resetting the MSDP registry
deduplication servers
components, MSDP server components
host requirements, About MSDP server requirements
deduplication storage capacity
about, About MSDP storage capacity
viewing capacity in container files, Viewing storage usage within MSDP container files
deduplication storage destination, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
deduplication storage requirements, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
deduplication storage server
about, About MSDP storage servers
change the name, Changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
changing properties, Changing MSDP storage server properties
clearing attributes, Clearing MSDP storage server attributes
components, MSDP server components
configuration failure, License information failure during MSDP configuration
configuring, Configuring a storage server for a Media Server Deduplication Pool, Configuring a storage server for a PureDisk Deduplication Pool
defining target for Auto Image Replication, About the domain relationship for replication
deleting, Deleting an MSDP storage server
deleting the configuration, Deleting the MSDP storage server configuration
determining the state, Determining the MSDP storage server state
editing configuration file, Editing an MSDP storage server configuration file
getting the configuration, Saving the MSDP storage server configuration
recovery, Recovering from an MSDP storage server failure
replacing the host, Replacing the MSDP storage server host computer
setting attributes, Setting MSDP storage server attributes
setting the configuration, Setting the MSDP storage server configuration
viewing, Viewing MSDP storage servers
viewing attributes, Viewing MSDP storage server attributes
deduplication storage server configuration file
about, About saving the MSDP storage server configuration
deduplication storage server name
changing, About changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
deduplication storage type, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
Deduplication storage unit
Only use the following media servers, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
Use any available media server, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
deduplication to the cloud
direct to cloud, Backups go directly to a Cloud Catalyst storage server
deduplication, compression rate
monitoring, Monitoring the MSDP deduplication and compression rates
deleting backup images, Deleting backup images
deleting Cloud Catalyst cloud storage, Decommissioning Cloud Catalyst cloud storage
deleting deduplication host configuration file, Deleting an MSDP host configuration file
df command, MSDP storage full conditions, Media write error (84) if due to a full local cache directory
disaster recovery
for Cloud Catalyst, Disaster recovery for Cloud Catalyst
protecting the data, About protecting the MSDP data
recovering the storage server after catalog recovery, Recovering the MSDP storage server after NetBackup catalog recovery
disk failure
deduplication storage server, Recovering from an MSDP storage server disk failure
disk logs, Viewing MSDP disk reports
disk logs report, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting
disk pool status report, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting, Viewing MSDP disk reports
disk pools
cannot delete, Cannot delete an MSDP disk pool
changing the state, Changing Media Server Deduplication Pool state
creation failure for Cloud Catalyst, Disk pool creation problem due to timeout issue
failure for Cloud Catalyst, One disk pool for each Cloud Catalyst storage server
disk storage unit report, Viewing MSDP disk reports
Disk type, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
disk volume
changing the state, Changing the MSDP disk volume state
determining the state of a deduplication, Determining the MSDP disk volume state
volume state changes to down, MSDP volume state changes to DOWN when volume is unmounted
replicating backups to another (see Auto Image Replication)
DownloadThreads Cloud Catalyst setting, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
optimized, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
duplication jobs, cancelling, Cannot delete an MSDP disk pool
Duplication to remote master (see Auto Image Replication)


Fibre Channel
and iSCSI comparison, Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP
support for, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP, Fibre Channel and iSCSI comparison for MSDP
file system
CIFS, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
NFS, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
Veritas File System for deduplication storage, About volume management for NetBackup MSDP
ZFS, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
File System Database (FSDB), NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes
Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE), NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes, Problems during cloud storage server configuration
about deduplication, About MSDP fingerprinting
firewalls and deduplication hosts, About MSDP port usage
FlashBackup policy
Maximum fragment size (storage unit setting), Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
FQDN or IP Address property in Resilient Network host properties, Resilient Network properties
FSDB (File System Database), NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes
FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace), NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes, Problems during cloud storage server configuration


garbage collection (see queue processing)
Global logging level property, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file


job ID search in unified logs, Examples of using vxlogview to view unified logs


legacy logging, About legacy logging
Level (logging) Cloud Catalyst setting, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
for deduplication, About the MSDP license
license information failure
for deduplication, License information failure during MSDP configuration
licensing deduplication, Licensing NetBackup MSDP
media server deduplication, About MSDP unsupported configurations
little endian, Recovering from an MSDP storage server failure, Replacing the MSDP storage server host computer
load balancing server
about, About MSDP load balancing servers
adding to a deduplication node, Adding an MSDP load balancing server
for deduplication, About MSDP load balancing servers
removing from deduplication node, Removing an MSDP load balancing server
Local cache directory for Cloud Catalyst, How to configure a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server, Configuring a Cloud Catalyst storage server as the target for the deduplications from MSDP storage servers, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file, MSDP storage full conditions
legacy, About legacy logging
level default for Cloud Catalyst, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
about deduplication, NetBackup MSDP log files
Auto Image Replication, NetBackup MSDP log files
client deduplication proxy plug-in log, NetBackup MSDP log files
client deduplication proxy server log, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication configuration script log, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication installation, NetBackup MSDP log files
deduplication plug-in log, NetBackup MSDP log files
disk, Viewing MSDP disk reports
NetBackup Deduplication Engine log, NetBackup MSDP log files
NetBackup Deduplication Manager log, NetBackup MSDP log files
optimized duplication, NetBackup MSDP log files
VxUL deduplication logs, NetBackup MSDP log files
LowWatermark Cloud Catalyst setting, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file


maintenance processing (see queue processing)
master servers
inter-node authentication for clustering, Enabling NetBackup clustered master server inter-node authentication
Maximum concurrent jobs, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
Maximum fragment size, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
Media open error (83), Media write error (84) if due to a full local cache directory
media server deduplication
process, Media server deduplication backup process
Media Server Deduplication Pool, About disk pools for NetBackup deduplication, Configuring a target for MSDP replication to a remote domain
changing the state, Changing Media Server Deduplication Pool state
creating directories for 250-TB support, Creating the data directories for 250-TB MSDP support
enable 250-TB support, Enabling 250-TB support for MSDP
media server deduplication pool (see deduplication pool)
Media write error (84), Media write error (84) if due to a full local cache directory
migrating from PureDisk to NetBackup deduplication, Migrating from PureDisk to the NetBackup MSDP
migrating to NetBackup deduplication, Migrating from another storage type to MSDP
mklogdir.bat, About legacy logging
replication, About MSDP replication to a different domain
replication target, configuring, Configuring a target for MSDP replication to a remote domain
MSDP catalog, About protecting the MSDP catalog, About recovering the MSDP catalog
(see also MSDP catalog backup)
(see also MSDP catalog recovery)
about the catalog backup policy, About the MSDP catalog backup policy
about the shadow catalog, About the MSDP shadow catalog
changing the number of shadow copies, Changing the number of MSDP catalog shadow copies
changing the shadow catalog path, Changing the MSDP shadow catalog path
changing the shadow catalog schedule, Changing the MSDP shadow catalog schedule
shadow copy log files, NetBackup MSDP log files
MSDP catalog backup
about protecting the MSDP catalog, About the MSDP catalog backup policy
configuring, Configuring an MSDP catalog backup, Updating an MSDP catalog backup policy
MSDP catalog recovery
about, About recovering the MSDP catalog
error codes, Troubleshooting MSDP catalog backup
process the transation queue., Processing the MSDP transaction queue manually
recover from a shadow copy, Restoring the MSDP catalog from a shadow copy
MSDP drcontrol utility
options, MSDP drcontrol options
MSDP replication
about, About MSDP optimized duplication and replication
MSDP storage rebasing (see rebasing)
mtstrm.conf file
configuring, Configuring the Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent behavior


nbstserv process, About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication
storage units, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
naming conventions, NetBackup naming conventions
NetBackup 5200 series appliance
as a storage destination, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
NetBackup 5300 series appliance
as a storage destination, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
NetBackup appliance deduplication, About the NetBackup deduplication options
NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu, How to configure a NetBackup Cloud Catalyst Appliance
NetBackup Cloud Catalyst, Using NetBackup Cloud Catalyst to upload deduplicated data to the cloud
(see also Cloud Catalyst)
NetBackup deduplication
about, About the NetBackup deduplication options
license for, About the MSDP license
NetBackup Deduplication Engine
about, MSDP server components
about credentials, About the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
adding credentials, Adding NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
changing credentials, Changing NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials
logs, NetBackup MSDP log files
NetBackup Deduplication Manager
about, MSDP server components
logs, NetBackup MSDP log files
NetBackup deduplication options, About the NetBackup deduplication options
NetBackup Service Monitor (nbsvcmon), Restarting the vxesfsd process
network interface
for deduplication, About the network interface for MSDP
NFS, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
deduplication, About MSDP deduplication nodes


optimized duplication, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
OpenStorage Disk Option, About storage lifecycle policies
OpsCenter, Cloud Catalyst requirements and limitations
optimized deduplication
configuring bandwidth, About configuring MSDP optimized duplication and replication bandwidth
configuring for MSDP, Configuring MSDP optimized duplication within the same NetBackup domain
limitations, About MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
logs, NetBackup MSDP log files
pull configuration within the same domain, About MSDP pull duplication within the same domain
separate network for, Configuring a separate network path for MSDP duplication and replication
optimized deduplication copy
guidance for, About the media servers for MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
optimized duplication
about, About MSDP optimized duplication and replication
about the media server in common within the same domain, About the media servers for MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
load balancing for, How to configure a NetBackup Cloud Catalyst Appliance, How to configure a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
push and pull considerations for Cloud Catalyst, Configuring source control or target control optimized duplication for Cloud Catalyst
push configuration within the same domain, About MSDP push duplication within the same domain
optimized duplication encryption
configuring for MSDP, Configuring encryption for MSDP optimized duplication and replication
optimized MSDP deduplication
requirements, About MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
within the same domain, About MSDP optimized duplication within the same domain
optimized synthetic backups
configuring for deduplication, Configuring optimized synthetic backups for MSDP
deduplication, About MSDP optimized synthetic backups
OptimizedImage attribute, About MSDP optimized synthetic backups


ReadOnly Cloud Catalyst setting, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
about, About MSDP storage rebasing
FP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLD parameter, MSDP pd.conf file parameters
FP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLD parameter, MSDP pd.conf file parameters
RebaseMaxPercentage parameter, MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
RebaseMaxTime parameter, MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
RebaseMinContainers parameter, MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
RebaseScatterThreshold parameter, MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
server-side rebasing parameters, MSDP server-side rebasing parameters
deduplication storage server, Recovering from an MSDP storage server failure
from deduplication storage server disk failure, Recovering from an MSDP storage server disk failure
Red Hat Linux
deduplication processes do not start, Verify that the MSDP server has sufficient memory
replacing the deduplication storage server, Replacing the MSDP storage server host computer
between NetBackup domains (see Auto Image Replication)
configuring MSDP replication to a different domain, Configuring MSDP replication to a different NetBackup domain
for MSDP, About MSDP optimized duplication and replication, About MSDP replication to a different domain
to an alternate NetBackup domain (see Auto Image Replication)
replication encryption
configuring for MSDP, Configuring encryption for MSDP optimized duplication and replication
disk logs, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting, Viewing MSDP disk reports
disk pool status, About MSDP storage capacity and usage reporting, Viewing MSDP disk reports
disk storage unit, Viewing MSDP disk reports
resetting the deduplication registry, Resetting the MSDP registry
Resiliency property in Resilient Network host properties, Resilient Network properties
Resilient connection
Resilient Network host properties, Resilient Network properties
resilient network connection
log file, NetBackup MSDP log files
Resilient Network host properties, Resilient Network properties
FQDN or IP Address property in, Resilient Network properties
Resiliency property in, Resilient Network properties
at a remote site, About restoring files at a remote site
how deduplication restores work, How MSDP restores work
specifying the restore server, Specifying the restore server
reverse host name lookup
prohibiting, License information failure during MSDP configuration
reverse name lookup, License information failure during MSDP configuration
rolling conversion
AES encryption, About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP


scaling deduplication, About scaling MSDP
scanned field of the job details, MSDP job details
Secure Hash Algorithm, About MSDP fingerprinting, About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP
server not found error, MSDP server not found error
setlsu_ioctl tool, setlsu_ioctl tool
setting deduplication pool attributes, Setting a Media Server Deduplication Pool attribute
SHA-2, About MSDP fingerprinting, About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP, Modes of rolling data conversion
SHA-512/256, About the rolling data conversion mechanism for MSDP, Modes of rolling data conversion
SLP Parameters, Configuring NetBackup optimized duplication or replication behavior
operation type, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
spa.cfg file
parameters for data integrity checking, MSDP data integrity checking configuration parameters
SSE4.2, Configuring a Linux media server as a Cloud Catalyst storage server
status code 191 (no images were successfully processed), Status 191: No images were successfully processed
storage capacity
about, About MSDP storage capacity
for deduplicaton, About MSDP storage capacity
viewing capacity in container files, Viewing storage usage within MSDP container files
Storage Lifecycle Manager service (nbstserv), About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication
storage lifecycle policies
Active secondary operations, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
best practices document, About storage lifecycle policies
cancelling duplication jobs, Cannot delete an MSDP disk pool
Data classification setting, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
hierarchy, Creating a storage lifecycle policy
operations, Creating a storage lifecycle policy
Postponed secondary operations, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
Priority for secondary operations, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
Storage lifecycle policy name, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
utility, About storage lifecycle policies
Validate Across Backup Policies button, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
storage paths
about reconfiguring, About changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
changing, Changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
storage rebasing (see rebasing)
storage requirements
for deduplication, About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements
storage server
about the configuration file, About saving the MSDP storage server configuration
change the name, Changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
changing properties for deduplication, Changing MSDP storage server properties
changing the name, About changing the MSDP storage server name or storage path
components for deduplication, MSDP server components
configuring for deduplication, Configuring a storage server for a Media Server Deduplication Pool, Configuring a storage server for a PureDisk Deduplication Pool
deduplication, About MSDP storage servers
define target for Auto Image Replication, About the domain relationship for replication
deleting a deduplication, Deleting an MSDP storage server
deleting the deduplication configuration, Deleting the MSDP storage server configuration
determining the state of a deduplication, Determining the MSDP storage server state
editing deduplication configuration file, Editing an MSDP storage server configuration file
getting deduplication configuration, Saving the MSDP storage server configuration
recovery, Recovering from an MSDP storage server failure
replacing the deduplication host, Replacing the MSDP storage server host computer
setting the deduplication configuration, Setting the MSDP storage server configuration
viewing, Viewing MSDP storage servers
viewing attributes, Viewing MSDP storage server attributes
storage server configuration
getting, Saving the MSDP storage server configuration
setting, Setting the MSDP storage server configuration
storage server configuration file
editing, Editing an MSDP storage server configuration file
storage type
for deduplication, About the NetBackup deduplication destinations
storage unit
configuring for deduplication, Configuring a Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit
properties for deduplication, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
recommendations for deduplication, MSDP storage unit recommendations
storage unit groups
and storage lifecycle polices, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
not supported for Auto Image Replication source, About MSDP replication to a different domain, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication
Storage unit name, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
Storage unit type, Media Server Deduplication Pool storage unit properties
stream handlers
NetBackup, About MSDP stream handlers
synthetic backups
no Auto Image Replication support, About NetBackup Auto Image Replication


unified logging, About unified logging
format of files, About using the vxlogview command to view unified logs
uninstalling media server deduplication, About uninstalling MSDP
UploadThreads Cloud Catalyst setting, About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), About NetBackup Auto Image Replication


Validate Across Backup Policies button in SLP, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
Validation Report tab, Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings
Veritas NetBackup Extendable Storage File System Service (vxesfsd), About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file, NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes, Restarting the vxesfsd process, Problems restarting vxesfsd, esfs_check consistency checking tool
Veritas NetBackup Extendable Storage Proxy (vxesp), esfs_check consistency checking tool
viewing deduplication pool attributes, Viewing Media Server Deduplication Pool attributes
viewing storage server attributes, Viewing MSDP storage server attributes
VM backup, About MSDP backup policy configuration
volume manager
Veritas Volume Manager for deduplication storage, About volume management for NetBackup MSDP
VxESFS (Veritas NetBackup Extendable Storage File System), About the Cloud Catalyst esfs.json configuration file
vxesfsd (Veritas NetBackup Extendable Storage File System Service), NetBackup Cloud Catalyst workflow processes, Restarting the vxesfsd process, Problems restarting vxesfsd, esfs_check consistency checking tool
vxlogview command, About using the vxlogview command to view unified logs
with job ID option, Examples of using vxlogview to view unified logs