Veritas NetBackup™ Bare Metal Restore™ Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Bare Metal Restore
- Configuring BMR
- Protecting clients
- Setting up restore environments
- Shared resource trees
- Pre-requisites for Shared Resource Tree
- Creating a shared resource tree
- Managing shared resource trees
- Adding software to a shared resource tree
- Importing a shared resource tree
- Copying a shared resource tree
- Deleting a shared resource tree
- Managing boot media
- Restoring clients
- BMR disk recovery behavior
- About restoring BMR clients using network boot
- About restoring BMR clients using media boot
- About restoring to a specific point in time
- About restoring to dissimilar disks
- Restoring to a dissimilar system
- About restoring NetBackup media servers
- About external procedures
- About external procedure environment variables
- About SAN (storage area network) support
- About multiple network interface support
- Managing Windows drivers packages
- Managing clients and configurations
- Client configuration properties
- Managing BMR boot servers
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting issues regarding creation of virtual machine from client backup
- A restore task may remain in a finalized state in the disaster recovery domain even after the client restores successfully
- Creating virtual machine from client backup
- Virtual machine creation from backup
- Monitoring Bare Metal Restore Activity
- Appendix A. NetBackup BMR related appendices
- Network services configurations on BMR boot Server
- BMR client recovery to other NetBackup Domain using Auto Image Replication
UNIX and Linux environment variables
The following environment variables are exported on all UNIX and Linux systems:
Table: UNIX and Linux environment variables
Variable | Description |
$BMRC | Path name to the bmrc executable file ( |
$bootServerAddress | Boot server IP address |
$clAddress | The IP address of the client |
$clAddressHex | Client IP address that is converted to hex |
$client_firstboot | Name of client-specific, first boot external procedure |
$client_postrestore | Name of client-specific, post-restore external procedure |
$client_prediscover | Name of client-specific discover external procedure |
$client_preformat | Name of client-specific preformat external procedure |
$client_prerestore | Name of client-specific prerestore external procedure |
$clName | The name of the client. |
$clOs | BMR abbreviated OS specification |
$configName | The name of the configuration |
$default_firstboot | Name of OS default first boot external procedure |
$default_postrestore | Name of OS default postrestore external procedure |
$default_prediscover | Name of OS default prediscover external procedure |
$default_preformat | Name of OS default preformat external procedure |
$default_prerestore | Name of OS default prerestore external procedure |
$defaultGateway | The name of the default gateway |
$extProcName | Current external procedure name |
$importNonRootVgs | Import nonsystem volume and disk groups |
$logging | Log restore; yes=yes, no=no |
$newConfig | Name of the configuration to discover |
$onEpError | Restore behavior on External Procedure Error: 0=cancel 1=prompt 2=ignore |
$runEp | Start external procedures if found 0=no, 1=yes |
$runMode | Mode of BMR process discover or restore |
$serverAddress | NetBackup server IP address |
$serverGateway | Gateway to the NetBackup server |
$serverName | NetBackup server name |