Veritas NetBackup™ Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.1)
  1. Preparing for installation
      Restrictions on the NetBackup installation directory
      Creating the user account to support the NetBackup web server
      About compatibility between NetBackup versions
      About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools
      Recommended SORT procedures for new installations
      Recommended SORT procedures for upgrades
    7. About NetBackup software availability
        About the NetBackup media kit
        About the NetBackup Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) images
    8. About storage device configuration
        Locating supported robot types
    9. How to install NetBackup
        About the NetBackup preinstall checker
        About the NetBackup Product Improvement Program
      About security certificates for NetBackup hosts
      SCCM and Chef deployment tools and documentation now available
      Support is discontinued for push installation of a master server
  2. NetBackup licenses
      About NetBackup license requirements
      About license key entry
      Frequently asked questions about license keys
  3. Installing server software on UNIX systems
    1. Installation and upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
        Do not mix non-English versions of Windows and UNIX platforms unless master and media servers are NetBackup appliances
        NetBackup installations on environments that run different versions of UNIX-based operating systems
        Special installation guidelines for Solaris systems
        Special installation guidelines for HP-UX systems
        Special guidelines for AIX master servers
        Special installation guidelines for UNIX clustered environments
      How the installation script works
    3. About mounting the NetBackup software media
        Mounting NetBackup software media on UNIX or Linux systems
    4. Installing NetBackup master server software on UNIX
        Continuing with NetBackup software installation
      Installing NetBackup media server software on UNIX
    6. About pushing client software from a master server to clients
        Installing client type software on a master server
  4. Installing server software on Windows systems
      Installation and upgrade requirements for Windows and Windows clusters
      Requirements for Windows cluster installations and upgrades
      Performing local, remote, or clustered server installation on Windows systems
      Post-installation tasks for NetBackup cluster environments
      Verifying Windows cluster installations or upgrades
      Installing NetBackup servers silently on Windows systems
  5. About the administrative interfaces
      About the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing multiple versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      Removing earlier versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
  6. Installing NetBackup client software
      About NetBackup client installation
    2. About NetBackup client installation on Windows
        About Windows client installation methods and requirements
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients locally or remotely
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients silently
        How to configure NetBackup clients
    3. About NetBackup client installation on UNIX/Linux
        About UNIX/Linux client installation methods
        Installing UNIX clients locally
        Install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers
      4. About remote installation methods for UNIX/Linux clients
          Installing client software with the ssh method
          Installing client software with the sftp method
          Installing client software on UNIX clients using password-less ssh method
        Adding a UNIX/Linux client after initial server installation
        Upgrading clients after servers are upgraded
  7. Configuring NetBackup
      About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts
    2. About NetBackup server configuration
        Starting the NetBackup Administration Console
        About the Device Configuration Wizard
        About the Volume Configuration Wizard
        About the Catalog Backup Wizard
        About the Backup Policy Configuration Wizard
      Update cloud configuration file on the master server immediately after install or upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.1
  8. Upgrading NetBackup software
      About upgrading NetBackup
      About the NetBackup 8.x Upgrade Portal
  9. Removing NetBackup server and client software
      About NetBackup server software removal on UNIX systems
      About NetBackup client software removal on UNIX and Linux systems
      Removing NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients
      About NetBackup server software removal on Windows systems
      Removing NetBackup server and client software from Windows servers, clusters, and clients
      Removing NetBackup LiveUpdate from Windows systems
      About removal of the Java Console state data from Windows servers and Windows clients
      Removing a clustered media server by migrating all data to a new media server
  10. Reference
      Generate a certificate on the inactive nodes of a clustered master server
      About the NetBackup answer file
      NetBackup master server web server user and group creation
      About the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment
      Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
      Security updates to the NetBackup database

Removing NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients

Use this procedure to remove NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients. You may also need to reference other documents for procedures of specific tasks to remove NetBackup successfully.

Use the following guidelines when you remove NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients:

NetBackup relational database (NBDB) location

If you moved the NBDB files in /usr/openv/db/data from their default installation location, this procedure includes a step that describes how to remove these files.

Clustered environments

Before you begin to remove NetBackup, you must remove NetBackup from the cluster application. Follow the instructions in your cluster documentation on how to remove a group, then you can remove NetBackup.

The virtual host name security certificates are automatically removed from the shared drive of the cluster as a part of NetBackup server software removal.

You must remove NetBackup from each node in the cluster.

HP-UX Service Guard Clusters

If NetBackup has been configured to run as a clustered package, you must also delete the following directory:



When you remove NetBackup, PBX is not removed. You must remove PBX manually. This procedure includes a step that describes how to perform this task.


Do not remove PBX if your server uses other Veritas software products that require PBX to run.

NetBackup Administration Console

The NetBackup Administration Console must be closed when you remove NetBackup. Otherwise, NetBackup may cause a failure that forces you to restart the procedure.

To remove NetBackup from UNIX servers

  1. Log on as the root user on the server or the client.
  2. (Conditional: servers only) Perform a catalog backup.
  3. If the NetBackup Administration Console is open, you must close it now.
  4. (Conditional: servers only) Save all important data from any add-on products that you have installed.
  5. Stop the NetBackup/Media Manager daemons with the following command:


  6. Identify any installed add-on products by using the following command:


    lslpp -L




    rpm -qa



    Look for any of the seven add-on products listed:

    VRTSfrnb (Applies only to servers)
    VRTSjanb (Applies only to servers)
    VRTSzhnb (Applies only to servers)
    VRTSnbsds (Applies only to servers)

    Remove any add-on products found.

  7. (Conditional: servers only) For Solaris systems only, run the following command:

    /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install -deinstall

  8. To unregister NetBackup from the VxUL master configuration that is stored in the /etc/vx/vrtslog.conf file, run the following command:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -r -p 51216

    The -p option specifies the product ID, which is 51216 for NetBackup.

  9. (Conditional: servers only) If BMR is supported and enabled on the server, remove the associated files with the following command:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrsetupmaster -undo -f

  10. To unregister all NetBackup products with LiveUpdate, enter the following command:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nblu_registration -r

  11. (Conditional: servers only) If you moved the NBDB files from their default installation location, you must delete these files manually as follows:
    • Navigate to the following directory where the NBDB files reside:


    • Open the vxdbms.conf file.

      This file contains a list of the database-related files and the path for each file.

    • Delete each of the database-related files.

  12. (Conditional: servers only) If NetBackup Fibre Transport is supported and enabled on the server, remove the associated files with the following command:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbftsrv_config -d

  13. Remove the NetBackup configuration package with the appropriate command as follows:


    installp -u VRTSnbcfg


    swremove VRTSnbcfg


    rpm -e VRTSnbcfg


    pkgrm VRTSnbcfg

  14. For the clients that support PureDisk, remove all PureDisk files with the following command:

    /opt/pdde/ -forceclean

  15. (Conditional: servers only) For the clients that support MSDP, remove all MSDP files with the following command:

    /opt/pdde/ -basedir /usr/openv/pdde/ -ostdir /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/ -forceclean


    Be aware the preceding command is a single command which takes three parameters (basedir, , ostdir, and forceclean), and two directory parameters take paths as input.

  16. (Conditional: servers only) To remove the NetBackup server package, run the command shown.


    The virtual host name security certificates are automatically removed from the shared drive of the cluster as a part of NetBackup server software removal.

    More information about this topic is available. Please refer to the information on retaining host ID-based certificates when reinstalling NetBackup in the Veritas NetBackupSecurity and Encryption Guide.


    installp -u VRTSnetbp


    swremove VRTSnetbp


    rpm -e VRTSnetbp


    pkgrm VRTSnetbp

    • When the script asks if you want to remove the installed package VRTSnetbp, enter y and press Enter.

    • When the script asks if you want to continue with the package removal using superuser permission, enter y and press Enter.

  17. Remove the NetBackup-Java Display Console by using the appropriate native command as follows:


    installp -u VRTSnbjava


    swremove VRTSnbjava


    rpm -e VRTSnbjava


    pkgrm VRTSnbjava

  18. Remove the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment by using the appropriate native command as follows:


    installp -u VRTSnbjre


    swremove VRTSnbjre


    rpm -e VRTSnbjre


    pkgrm VRTSnbjre

  19. Remove the NetBackup client by using the appropriate native command as shown.


    As part of the removal of the NetBackup server software, the security certificates are automatically deleted. If you want to retain the certificates, please save them before removing NetBackup.

    More information about this topic is available. Please refer to the information on retaining host ID-based certificates when reinstalling NetBackup in the NetBackupSecurity and Encryption Guide.


    installp -u VRTSnbclt


    swremove VRTSnbclt


    rpm -e VRTSnbclt


    pkgrm VRTSnbclt


    If there are running NetBackup processes and daemons, terminate them manually for a successful NetBackup removal.

  20. Remove PBX with the appropriate native command as follows:


    Remember, you should not remove PBX if your server uses other Veritas software products that require PBX to run.


    installp -u VRTSpbx


    swremove VRTSpbx


    rpm -e VRTSpbx


    pkgrm VRTSpbx

  21. Remove NetBackup Pre-Check package with the appropriate command as follows:


    installp -u VRTSnbpck


    swremove VRTSnbpck


    rpm -e VRTSnbpck


    pkgrm VRTSnbpck

  22. Remove the /usr/openv directory.


    The rm commands used remove any add-on products that are installed on the computer where you perform this command.

    • Determine if /usr/openv is a symbolic link with the command shown. If /usr/openv is a symbolic link, make note of the actual path. The path is required for a later command.

      file -h /usr/openv

      /usr/openv: symbolic link to /opt/openv

    • If /usr/openv is a symbolic link, run the commands shown:

      cd /usr/openv

      This command changes you into the directory that symbolic link points to, such as /opt/openv.


      List the contents of the directory. Review this information to confirm what you are about to delete.


      Before you continue, make sure that you are at the correct location and verify that the subdirectories are what you expect them to be. To help prevent removing the wrong directories, the previous commands verify your current location and list the files in that directory. After you verify the directory location and its contents, remove the directory with the next commands.

      cd /

      Change to the root directory.

      rm -rf directory

      For the directory value, enter the information from the file command. This command deletes the directory that contains the NetBackup binaries.

      Example: rm -rf /opt/openv

      rm -f /usr/openv

      Delete the symbolic link.

    • If /usr/openv is the actual directory, run the command shown:

      rm -rf /usr/openv


      Depending on your operating system, you may need to use the rmdir command to remove the /usr/openv directory.

      rmdir /usr/openv

  23. For Linux systems only:

    If you modified the startup and the shutdown scripts, run the following command:

    /sbin/chkconfig --del netbackup

    Depending on the distribution of Linux, the startup and the shutdown scripts may already be deleted.

    See About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts.

  24. Remove the scripts shown. Depending on the operating system, the startup and the shutdown scripts may already be deleted.

    On AIX systems:


    On HP-UX systems:


    On Linux Debian systems:


    On Linux Red Hat systems:


    The following startup scripts are only on servers and appear only if NetBackup Fiber Transport was enabled on the server:


    On Linux SUSE systems:


    The following startup scripts are only on servers and appear only if NetBackup Fiber Transport was enabled on the server:


    On other servers and clients:


    The following startup scripts are only on servers and appear only if NetBackup Fiber Transport was enabled on the server:

  25. For AIX systems only:

    • In the /etc/inittab file, remove the following NetBackup entry:

    • In the /etc/rc.shutdown file, remove the following line:

      /etc/rc.netbackup.aix stop
  26. Remove the LiveUpdate components as follows:

    • First, examine the following file to see if NetBackup is the only product that uses LiveUpdate:


    • If NetBackup is the only product that currently uses LiveUpdate, run the following command:

      /opt/Symantec/LiveUpdate/ -a

    • If LiveUpdate is the only product installed in the /opt/Symantec directory, remove the following files:

      rm -f /etc/Symantec.conf


      Before you remove the following product catalog file, make sure that it is empty. The empty file size is equal to 0 bytes. If the product catalog file is not empty, do not remove it because other products still require it.

      rm -f /etc/Product.Catalog.JavaLiveUpdate

  27. To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account, run the appropriate command as follows:


    Do not insert a space between the slash character (/) and the period or the dot character (.) of /.veritas. A space between these characters removes all of your files from the root level and beyond.

    • To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account for all releases, run the following command:

      /bin/rm -rf /.veritas

    • To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account for a specific release, run the following command:

      /bin/rm -rf /.veritas/java/version

      Where version is the six-digit NetBackup version number. For example, NetBackup version 8.0 with no upgrades applied would be entered as 800000.

  28. Inform NetBackup-Java users that they can remove their $HOME/.veritas directory.

    The $HOME/.veritas and the $HOME/.veritas/java directories contain application state information, that is saved when the user exits NetBackup-Java applications. The saved information includes table column order and size. The process removes this directory for the root user only.

    The common subdirectory in $HOME/.veritas/java/.userPrefs/vrts can be removed.

  29. If you enabled NetBackup Access Control, NetBackup placed several files on clients and servers. These files can be divided into the following categories:
    • NetBackup application temporary files

      These files are removed with NetBackup.

    • Individual user (cache) files

      These cache files reside in the $HOME/.vxss directory. Inform all users that they can remove this directory.

      Files are generated in the /.vxss directory by a Single Sign-On operation of the NetBackup Administration Console on the host where the console runs. The NetBackup Administration Console cleans these files when an exit function is performed, so the directory does not always contain temporary files. However, if a system crash were to occur, any files in the directory may be left behind. With the console shutdown , you can delete these files safely with no data loss.

      NetBackup also creates cached certificates for client and server NetBackup applications. These files reside within the /.vxss directory. These files typically have a name that is consistent with a DNS entry for a network interface, as in Example directory entries are as follows:



      These files are created with the command bpnbat -LoginMachine. If you plan to reinstall NetBackup on the same computer at a later date, do one of the following:

      • Preserve the certificates in the vxss/credentials directory.

      • If you do not preserve the certificates, you must provide the computer identity password as originally set on the Root+AB broker. As an alternative, you can reset the password on the Root+AB broker when you reinstall.

      For more information on Root+AB brokers, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

      For more information on NetBackup Access Control and how to remove it, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.