Faster Upgrade and More Secure with NetBackup Appliance 4.0

Protection March 15, 2021

NetBackup Appliance version 4.0 is now generally available. This release enables NetBackup Appliance (NBA) customers to consume the most current NetBackup (NBU) release to date, NetBackup 9, with a significantly improved upgrade experience, 30 percent improvement in upgrade times, and a slew of security enhancements.

The NetBackup Appliance 4.0 is supported on the 5240, 5250, 5330, and 5340 appliance models. Direct upgrades are supported from v 3.0 and newer. Customers with current maintenance entitlements can log into the Support site to download all pertinent upgrade packages, including the Appliance Upgrade Readiness Analyzer (AURA), the pre-upgrade checklist, and the upgrade installation files. AMS v1.4.1 is also available for download for those customers who leverage the Appliance Management Server (AMS) to push out upgrades.

With more customers scanning the appliance for security vulnerabilities on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily basis, the best route to a passing grade is to upgrade to NetBackup Appliance 4.0.