Veritas Access Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
- Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
- Adding users or roles
- Configuring the network
- Configuring authentication services
- Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
- Configuring storage
- Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
- Configuring ISCSI
- Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
- Configuring storage
- Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
- Configuring the NFS server
- Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
- Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
- About Active Directory (AD)
- About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
- About setting trusted domains
- About managing home directories
- About CIFS clustering modes
- About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
- About managing local users and groups
- Configuring an FTP server
- Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
- Configuring the NFS server
- Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Considerations for creating a file system
- Modifying a file system
- Managing a file system
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
- Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
- Creating shares for applications
- Creating and maintaining NFS shares
- Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
- Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
- Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
- Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Compression tasks
- Configuring SmartTier
- Configuring SmartIO
- Configuring episodic replication
- Episodic replication job failover and failback
- Configuring continuous replication
- How Veritas Access continuous replication works
- Continuous replication failover and failback
- Using snapshots
- Using instant rollbacks
- Compressing files
- Section X. Reference
Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters
You need to set up communication between your source and your destination clusters.
Make sure that you already created an online file system on the Veritas Access source cluster and an online file system on the Veritas Access destination cluster.
Veritas Access episodic replication authentication strategy is based on RSA-key authentication, and both the source and the destination clusters have to export their episodic replication public keys. The source cluster imports the destination cluster's public key and the destination cluster imports the source cluster's public key.
After you have determined which two Veritas Access clusters to use, you need to authenticate them.
The Replication> episodic config commands must be executed in a specific order.
Use the Replication> episodic config del_keys after the Replication> episodic config deauth command, or it fails.
You can only run the Replication> episodic config unbind command (to unbind the virtual IP) after you have run the Replication> episodic service stop command.
You need to run the Replication> episodic config bind command (to bind the virtual IP) before you can run the Replication> episodic service start command.
You need to run the Replication> episodic config export_keys and Replication> episodic config import_keys to export and import the keys of both the source and the destination clusters.
You can only run the Replication> episodic config auth command after both the source and destination have imported each others keys.
You need to run the Replication> episodic config auth command to create a link from every cluster to any remaining cluster that is used for episodic replication irrespective of their role as a source or a destination cluster.
After the source and the destination clusters have successfully imported each other's public keys, you need to run the Replication> episodic config auth command on the source cluster to complete the authentication between the two clusters. This command checks the two-way communication between the source and the destination cluster, and authenticates the clusters allowing the Veritas Access episodic replication service to begin.
The Replication> episodic config auth command must be executed from the source cluster.
This section provides a walk-through for the creation and export/import of these encrypted keys for both the source and the destination cluster.
Without the correct authentication of the source and the destination encryption keys, Veritas Access episodic replication does not function correctly.
To export the source cluster's key to the destination cluster
- To export the source cluster's key to the destination cluster, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config export_keys [URL]
The location you want to copy the public keys to.
If you do not want to enter a URL, you can copy the output from the Replication> episodic config export_keys command into the Replication> episodic config import_keys command at the destination cluster.
By default, the output is displayed to your computer screen.
The SCP and FTP protocols are supported.
- To import the source cluster's key to the destination cluster, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config import_keys [URL/keyfile]
The location you want to copy the public keys from.
The file name of the key that is generated by the export.
If you did not enter a URL during the Replication> episodic config export_keys command, you can cut and paste the output and enter it into the Replication> episodic config import_keys command.
- To verify that the key has been imported correctly, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config show
To export the destination cluster's key to the source cluster
- To export the destination cluster's key to the source cluster, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config export_keys [URL]
The location you want to copy the public keys to.
The SCP and FTP protocols are supported.
If you do not want to enter a URL, you can cut and paste the output from the Replication> episodic config export_keys command to the Replication> episodic config import_keys command. By default, the output is displayed to your computer screen.
- To import the destination cluster's key to the source cluster, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config import_keys [URL/keyfile]
Enter the URL of the location you want to copy the public keys from.
Enter the file name of the key that is generated by the export.
If you did not enter a URL during the Replication> episodic config export_keys command, you can cut and paste the output and enter it into the Replication> episodic config import_keys command.
- To verify that the key has been imported correctly, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config show
To authenticate source cluster and destination clusters for episodic replication
- This command should be executed on the source cluster as well as on the destination cluster. To authenticate the public keys on the source cluster and the destination clusters, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config auth conIP link_name
Enter the destination cluster console IP address.
Both the source cluster and the destination cluster need to be assigned a unique identifier (name). This identifier is used to identify the link that is established between the source and the destination clusters. You can use the link name instead of the virtual IP addresses of the source and the destination clusters when using the other episodic replication commands. For example: Pune_Shanghai.
- To confirm the authentication, enter the following:
Replication> episodic config show
These steps must be executed on the destination side cluster to authenticate the public keys on the source and the destination cluster.
Once you have configured the clusters and links, you need to set up the file systems you want to replicate.