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Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.2)
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup KMS status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
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- Robotic status codes
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Device configuration status code 96
Explanation: You must first add this disk array host to the NetBackup host configuration before this operation can be performed. To view hosts, see the nbemmcmd -listhosts command in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Recommended Action:
If you try to update an existing host's credentials, this host no longer exists in NetBackup. It must be added again by using the tpconfig or the nbemmcmd command.
The name you entered for the disk array host does not match any of the computer aliases in the NetBackup computer configuration. Use the nbemmcmd command to add the fully qualified array host name (or the name entered) to the computer alias list for your disk array.