LDOM: LUN addition and removal overview steps for Solaris LDOM environments

Artikel: 100049623
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2021-10-06
Bewertungen: 5 0
Produkt(e): InfoScale & Storage Foundation



This articles outlines the steps to add and remove disks to and from LDOM environments.

The " /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh" can be executed at any time to ensure the stack is clean from the I/O domains.

​​​​​​​The cfgadm interface does not exist in the GUEST domains. 




 1. Prior to adding Storage LUNs at the Array end to the I/O domains, ensure the Primary & Secondary I/O domains are clean:           


Primary Control  Domain

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh 

​​​​​​​Secondary I/  Domain 

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh 


 2. Storage Array --> Storage Array LUN add commands/activity

 Discover new storage devices     


 3. Primary Control    Domain

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh


NOTE: Once the newly presented disk is visible to the host, ensure it has a valid Solaris disk label, using the prtvtoc command. The OS should be able to display a working disk label for all device paths

If not, ensure the disk has a valid disk label using the format utility.


# format -e <c#t#d#>

The disk can be labelled as SMI or EFI

Do not export any newly presented disks without checking it has a valid disk label first.


 4. Secondary  IO Domain

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh    

5 . Create backend and virtual disks from the      Primary Control  Domain -->

# ldm add-vdsdev for ldom using Primary path 

# ldm add-vdsdev for ldom using IO Domain path 

# ldm add-vdisk Primary-vdisk ldom 

# ldm add-vdisk IODomain-vdisk ldom



The GUEST domain  should now be able to detect the exported devices, to discover the new devices run: 

# vxdiskconfig 




It is crucial that the Storage Admin inform the sysadmin prior to removing the LUN from the assigned servers.
This reduces the chances of the cfgadm (Leadville stack) reporting the access path in the unwanted “failing” state.


Remove disk from disk  group 

The cfgadm interface does not exist in the GUEST domains. 


# vxdmpadm -f disable dmpnodename=<dmpnode-name>

To enable the Virtual disk to be removed from the Control domain, the Virtual disk must be closed at the VxVM layer

# vxdisk rm <dmpnode-name> 


2. Primary Control  Domain

# ldm rm-vdisk Primary-vdisk ldom

# ldm rm-vdisk IODomain-vdisk ldom

# ldm rm-vdsdev for ldom using Primary path

# ldm rm-vdsdev for ldom using IO Domain path

3. Primary Control  Domain

# vxdisk rm <Veritas-disk-access-name>


4. Secondary  I/O Domain

# vxdisk rm <Veritas-disk-access-name> ​​​​​​​    


5. Storage Array

Storage Array LUN removal commands and activity


6. Secondary IO Domain

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh

7. Primary Control Domain 

# /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/dmpdr -o refresh



Related articles:

The following article  outlines the LUN removal steps from an LDOM Guest in detail:


The following article outlines the removal steps from the I/O domain, however, the dmpdr -o refresh utility can be used to simplify the process from the I/O domains:


The following articles outlines the LUN addition detailed steps




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