Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbdeployutil — deployment utility that gathers and analyzes master server information regarding clients and capacity
--debug-inputs dir1 [dir2 dir3]
--gather [--bpimagelist=options] [--capacity ¦ --traditional] [--client hostname1, [hostname2, ...] | --clientlist=filename] [--hoursago=number] [--log=filename] [--master=hostname] [--nolog] [--output=directory] [--runtimestats] [-start date [-end date]]
--report [--capacity ¦ --traditional] [--day-boundary=time] [dir1 dir2 dir# | --dirsfile=filename | --parentdir=directory] [--log=filename] [--nolog] [--overlap-details] [--runtimestats]
--retry dir1 [dir2 dir#]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbdeployutil utility gathers and analyzes deployment information from the master server. The utility performs a deployment analysis according to one of two NetBackup licensing models, either Traditional Licensing or Capacity Licensing. A Traditional Licensing deployment analysis counts the number of clients and servers then compares this information against licensed options. Capacity Licensing deployment analysis calculates how much source data is protected.
The command is run in two steps. nbdeployutil gathers the data in the first step and analyzes the data in the second step.
The nbdeployutil command supports incremental reporting. With this feature, nbdeployutil runs based on a specified frequency to incrementally gather data and generate capacity-based licensing reports. For more information on how to enable and use this feature, please see the Veritas NetBackup Administrator's Guide Volume II.
The utility generates a log file named nbdeployutil-gather-timestamp.log
during the gathering operation. The utility generates a log file named nbdeployutil-report-timestamp.log
during the analysis and the report generating operation. By default the log files are created in the directory where the gathered data resides.
For more information on Traditional and Capacity based licensing, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide Volume II.
- --debug-inputs
Converts the files that are used to generate the report into human-readable format. These new files are easier to read than the raw output. You can only specify the directories that contain basic ASCII characters. Directories with extended ASCII characters are not permitted.
- --gather
Collects data for analysis with the report option. If the capacity or traditional parameter is used, only data for that specific license model is collected. If neither capacity nor traditional is specified, gather collects data for both license models.
- --report
Produces a license report based on the data that is collected with the gather option. Specify the directory or list of directories for the utility to use for the report. You must use either the capacity or the traditional parameter when using the --report operation.
- --retry
Reruns the gather operation and attempts to reconnect to hosts which failed during gather process as determined by the information in the gather directory. This action is helpful with the traditional licensing model when multiple hosts are reported as unreachable.
- --version
Returns the version of the command. This option is used to identify the latest NetBackup product version the command is designed to run against. The version string also indicates special versions of the utility, such as engineering binaries. This option is useful if utility was manually copied to a pre-7.1 master server.
- --bpimagelist
Use to pass specific options to bpimagelist command during the gather part of the process.
- --capacity
Specifies the license model when used with gather or report. Use capacity to report on deployment according to NetBackup's per terabyte capacity licensing model.
- --client or --clientlist
Collects the data or reports on data for a specified client or list of clients only. When using client, separate multiple clients with a comma. To use the clientlist parameter, list the clients in the filename on separate lines. When you use the --client or the --clientlist option, the report may show some media servers as not connectable even though the utility can connect to them. This problem should not affect the summary information.
- --day-boundary
Moves the start of the report window for creating reports. The default report window starts at midnight and runs to 11:59:59 P.M. Specify the time value as hh:mm in 24 hour notation, where 6:00 A.M. is 06:00 and 6:00 P.M. is 18:00.
- --dirsfile
A file containing a list of directories which the report parameter uses to generate a report. This parameter is an alternative to listing all the files after the report parameter. You can also use the parentdir parameter to list a parent directory for the report parameter to use.
- --end
Specifies the end date for a restricted date range of the collection period. This option is used only with the start option. The format for this parameter is "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss". Specify the time value hh:mm:ss in 24 hour notation, where 6:00 A.M. is 06:00:00 and 6:00 P.M. is 18:00:00. Double quotation marks must surround the date time value.
- --hoursago
Changes the default value for the image gather time interval. The value is specified in hours. The default value is 2160 hours (90 days).
- --log
Forces the log output to go to a specific log file. By default, the log output is written to a log file within the directory where the gathered data and report is stored.
- --master
Gathers capacity licensing data for the specified master server. This option is only used with --gather. For the local host to gather data from a remote server, the host name must appear in the server list of the remote server.
This option only supports remotely gathered capacity licensing information. Remotely gathered traditional licensing data is not supported.
- --nolog
Disable the creation of the debug log file.
- --output
Saves the results in the indicated output directory. You can only specify the directories that contain basic ASCII characters. Directories with extended ASCII characters are not permitted. If the operation is a gather, the output directory holds gathered data. For report operations, the report and log file are put in the output directory instead of co-located with the gathered data in the specified input directory. If the output option is not specified, the output is placed in the following directory:
/usr/openv/var/global/reports/ YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_masterserver
install_path\ VERITAS\netbackup\var\global\reports\YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_masterserver
- --overlap-details
Displays the duplicate backup selections in the Duplicate Selections column of the capacity licensing report. This option can only be used for ASCII or English-only characters in the backup selection data.
- --parentdir
Specifies the top level in a directory tree containing many directories with the gathered licensing data that the report parameter should use to generate a report. You can also use the dirsfile parameter to specify a file that contains a list of directories.
- --runtimestats
Displays runtime statistics for the utility. The statistics include memory and CPU usage.
Example UNIX output:
stats mem 40.1 M, cpu 27.0% after splitting t/fixture/ nbdeployutil_sidon/bpimagelist_sidon.out stats mem 40.1 M, cpu 28.0% after parsing records from t/fixture/ nbdeployutil_sidon/tmp/policy_db_arc_tab_2gig_nt_client_totem7.out stats mem 40.6 M, cpu 50.0% after calculating for UNKNOWN-1 in t/fixture/nbdeployutil_sidon/ stats mem 40.6 M, cpu 51.0% after main report loop took 1 sec
- --start
Specifies the start date for a restricted date range for the collection period. The format for this parameter is "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss". Specify the time value hh:mm:ss in 24 hour notation, where 6:00 A.M. is 06:00:00 and 6:00 P.M. is 18:00:00. Be aware the double quotation marks around the date time value are required.
- --traditional
Used with gather or report to specify the license model. Use --traditional to report on deployment according to NetBackup traditional per server licensing model. The default value is 2160 hours (90 days).
- --verbose
Outputs detailed progress information of the utility to the screen, which has no effect on the information in the debug log file. The contents of the log file are always verbose.
The following are the prerequisites for the nbdeployutil utility:
The master server daemons or services must run in the environment to gather the data.
Confirm that sufficient disk space exists on the master server that runs the gather command. Gathering capacity licensing data collects bpimagelist output for the previous 90 days. The size of the output is a function of the number of images in the catalog for that period. The default time period can be moved or shrunk. Shorter time range analysis causes less accurate or incomplete figures.
Microsoft Excel is required to view the report. The software does not have to be installed on the master server.
Example 1 - Create a deployment analysis report for both NetBackup's capacity licensing model and traditional license model. The directory paths are for a Windows system, but this example applies to a UNIX system as well.
# nbdeployutil --gather NetBackup Deployment Utility, version 7.1.0000.0000 Gathering license deployment information... Discovered master server marybl2g1 Output for marybl2g1 at: D:\Program Files\VERITAS\netbackup\ var\global\reports\20101029_170534_marybl2g1 Gather DONE Execution time: 1 min To create a report for this master server, run the following: nbdeployutil.exe --report "D:\Program Files\VERITAS\netbackup\ var\global\reports\20101029_170534_marybl2g1" D:\>nbdeployutil.exe --report --traditional "D:\Program Files\ VERITAS\netbackup\var\global\reports\ 20101029_170534_marybl2g1" NetBackup Deployment Utility, version 7.1.0000.0000 Analyzing license deployment for master marybl2g1 ... Report created at: D:\Program Files\VERITAS\netbackup\var\global\ reports\20101029_170534_marybl2g1\report-20101029_170705.xls Analysis DONE Execution time: 27 secs
Example 2 - Targeted deployment capacity analysis. The command gathers data for a subset of clients for a timeframe different than the default. The directory paths are for a Windows system, but this example applies to a UNIX system as well.
# nbdeployutil.exe --gather --output pickedclient --start "11/01/10 06:00:00" --end "11/02/10 01:00:00" --clients marybl2g1,marybl7g1 / --verbose NetBackup Deployment Utility, version 7.1.0000.0000 Gathering license deployment information... run: bpgetconfig Discovered master server marybl2g1 run: bpimagelist -M marybl2g1 -d "11/01/10 06:00:00" -e "11/02/10 01:00:00" -l -client marybl2g1 run: bpimagelist -M marybl2g1 -d "11/01/10 06:00:00" -e "11/02/10 01:00:00" -l -client marybl7g1 Output for marybl2g1 at: pickedclient\20101102_155246_marybl2g1 Gather DONE Execution time: 4 secs To create a report for this master server, run the following: nbdeployutil.exe --report "pickedclient\20101102_155246_marybl2g1" D:\># nbdeployutil.exe --report --capacity pickedclient\ 20101102_154010_marybl2g1 --start "11/01/10 06:00:00" --end "11/02/10 01:00:00" --clients marybl2g1, marybl7g1 --verbose NetBackup Deployment Utility, version 7.1.0000.0000 Analyzing license deployment ... Master marybl2g1 Report created at: pickedclient\20101102_154010_marybl2g1\ report-20101102_155414.xls Analysis DONE Execution time: 2 secs
See bpimagelist.