Cluster Server 7.3.1 Configuration and Upgrade Guide - Solaris
- Section I. Configuring Cluster Server using the script-based installer
- I/O fencing requirements
- Preparing to configure VCS clusters for data integrity
- About planning to configure I/O fencing
- Setting up the CP server
- Configuring VCS
- Configuring a secure cluster node by node
- Verifying and updating licenses on the system
- Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing using installer
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing using installer
- Section II. Automated configuration using response files
- Performing an automated VCS configuration
- Performing an automated I/O fencing configuration using response files
- Section III. Manual configuration
- Manually configuring VCS
- Configuring LLT manually
- Configuring VCS manually
- Configuring VCS in single node mode
- Modifying the VCS configuration
- Manually configuring the clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing manually
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing manually
- Configuring server-based fencing on the VCS cluster manually
- Setting up non-SCSI-3 fencing in virtual environments manually
- Setting up majority-based I/O fencing manually
- Manually configuring VCS
- Section IV. Upgrading VCS
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Performing a VCS upgrade using the installer
- Tasks to perform after upgrading to 2048 bit key and SHA256 signature certificates
- Performing an online upgrade
- Performing a rolling upgrade of VCS
- Performing a phased upgrade of VCS
- About phased upgrade
- Performing a phased upgrade using the product installer
- Performing an automated VCS upgrade using response files
- Upgrading VCS using Live Upgrade and Boot Environment upgrade
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Section V. Adding and removing cluster nodes
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a multi-node VCS cluster
- Manually adding a node to a cluster
- Setting up the node to run in secure mode
- Configuring I/O fencing on the new node
- Adding a node using response files
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Section VI. Installation reference
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Configuration files
- Appendix C. Configuring LLT over UDP
- Using the UDP layer for LLT
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv4
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv6
- Appendix D. Configuring the secure shell or the remote shell for communications
- Appendix E. Installation script options
- Appendix F. Troubleshooting VCS configuration
- Appendix G. Sample VCS cluster setup diagrams for CP server-based I/O fencing
- Appendix H. Reconciling major/minor numbers for NFS shared disks
- Appendix I. Upgrading the Steward process
Configuring the CP server using the installer program
Use the configcps option available in the installer program to configure the CP server.
Perform one of the following procedures:
For CP servers on single-node VCS cluster: | See “To configure the CP server on a single-node VCS cluster”. |
For CP servers on an SFHA cluster: |
To configure the CP server on a single-node VCS cluster
- Verify that the
package is installed on the node. - Run the installer program with the configcps option.
# /opt/VRTS/install/installer -configcps
- Installer checks the cluster information and prompts if you want to configure CP Server on the cluster.
Enter y to confirm.
- Select an option based on how you want to configure Coordination Point server.
1) Configure Coordination Point Server on single node VCS system 2) Configure Coordination Point Server on SFHA cluster 3) Unconfigure Coordination Point Server
- Enter the option: [1-3,q] 1.
The installer then runs the following preconfiguration checks:
Checks to see if a single-node VCS cluster is running with the supported platform.
The CP server requires VCS to be installed and configured before its configuration.
The installer automatically installs a license that is identified as a CP server-specific license. It is installed even if a VCS license exists on the node. CP server-specific key ensures that you do not need to use a VCS license on the single-node. It also ensures that Veritas Operations Manager (VOM) identifies the license on a single-node coordination point server as a CP server-specific license and not as a VCS license.
- Restart the VCS engine if the single-node only has a CP server-specific license.
A single node coordination point server will be configured and VCS will be started in one node mode, do you want to continue? [y,n,q] (y)
- Communication between the CP server and application clusters is secured by using the HTTPS protocol from release 6.1.0 onwards.
Enter the name of the CP Server.
Enter the name of the CP Server: [b] cps1
- Enter valid virtual IP addresses for the CP Server with HTTPS-based secure communication. A CP Server can be configured with more than one virtual IP address. For HTTPS-based communication, only IPv4 addresses are supported.
Enter Virtual IP(s) for the CP server for HTTPS, separated by a space: [b]
Ensure that the virtual IP address of the CP server and the IP address of the NIC interface on the CP server belongs to the same subnet of the IP network. This is required for communication to happen between client nodes and CP server.
- Enter the corresponding CP server port number for each virtual IP address or press Enter to accept the default value (443).
Enter the default port '443' to be used for all the virtual IP addresses for HTTPS communication or assign the corresponding port number in the range [49152, 65535] for each virtual IP address. Ensure that each port number is separated by a single space: [b] (443) 54442 54443 54447
- Enter the absolute path of the CP server database or press Enter to accept the default value (/etc/VRTScps/db).
Enter absolute path of the database: [b] (/etc/VRTScps/db)
- Verify and confirm the CP server configuration information.
CP Server configuration verification: ------------------------------------------------- CP Server Name: cps1 CP Server Virtual IP(s) for HTTPS:,, CP Server Port(s) for HTTPS: 54442, 54443, 54447 CP Server Database Dir: /etc/VRTScps/db ------------------------------------------------- Is this information correct? [y,n,q,?] (y)
- The installer proceeds with the configuration process, and creates a vxcps.conf configuration file.
Successfully generated the /etc/vxcps.conf configuration file Successfully created directory /etc/VRTScps/db on node
- Configure the CP Server Service Group (CPSSG) for this cluster.
Enter how many NIC resources you want to configure (1 to 2): 2
Answer the following questions for each NIC resource that you want to configure.
- Enter a valid network interface for the virtual IP address for the CP server process.
Enter a valid network interface on sys1 for NIC resource - 1: e1000g0 Enter a valid network interface on sys1 for NIC resource - 2: e1000g1
- Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP addresses.
Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP (1 to 2): 1 Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP (1 to 2): 2
- Enter the networkhosts information for each NIC resource.
Veritas recommends configuring NetworkHosts attribute to ensure NIC resource to be always online
Do you want to add NetworkHosts attribute for the NIC device e1000g0 on system sys1? [y,n,q] y Enter a valid IP address to configure NetworkHosts for NIC e1000g0 on system sys1:
Do you want to add another Network Host? [y,n,q] n
- Enter the netmask for virtual IP addresses. If you entered an IPv6 address, enter the prefix details at the prompt.
Note that if you are using HTTPS-based communication, only IPv4 addresses are supported.
Enter the netmask for virtual IP for HTTPS (
- Installer displays the status of the Coordination Point Server configuration. After the configuration process has completed, a success message appears.
For example: Updating with CPSSG service group.. Done Successfully added the CPSSG service group to VCS configuration. Trying to bring CPSSG service group ONLINE and will wait for upto 120 seconds The Veritas coordination point server is ONLINE The Veritas coordination point server has been configured on your system.
- Run the hagrp -state command to ensure that the CPSSG service group has been added.
For example: # hagrp -state CPSSG #Group Attribute System Value CPSSG State.... |ONLINE|
It also generates the configuration file for CP server (/etc/vxcps.conf). The vxcpserv process and other resources are added to the VCS configuration in the CP server service group (CPSSG).
For information about the CPSSG, refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.
To configure the CP server on an SFHA cluster
- Verify that the
package is installed on each node. - Ensure that you have configured passwordless ssh or rsh on the CP server cluster nodes.
- Run the installer program with the configcps option.
# ./installer -configcps
- Specify the systems on which you need to configure the CP server.
- Installer checks the cluster information and prompts if you want to configure CP Server on the cluster.
Enter y to confirm.
- Select an option based on how you want to configure Coordination Point server.
1) Configure Coordination Point Server on single node VCS system 2) Configure Coordination Point Server on SFHA cluster 3) Unconfigure Coordination Point Server
- Enter 2 at the prompt to configure CP server on an SFHA cluster.
The installer then runs the following preconfiguration checks:
Checks to see if an SFHA cluster is running with the supported platform.
The CP server requires SFHA to be installed and configured before its configuration.
- Communication between the CP server and application clusters is secured by HTTPS from Release 6.1.0 onwards.
Enter the name of the CP server.
Enter the name of the CP Server: [b] cps1
- Enter valid virtual IP addresses for the CP Server. A CP Server can be configured with more than one virtual IP address. For HTTPS-based communication, only IPv4 addresses are supported.
Enter Virtual IP(s) for the CP server for HTTPS, separated by a space: [b]
- Enter the corresponding CP server port number for each virtual IP address or press Enter to accept the default value (443).
Enter the default port '443' to be used for all the virtual IP addresses for HTTPS communication or assign the corresponding port number in the range [49152, 65535] for each virtual IP address. Ensure that each port number is separated by a single space: [b] (443) 65535 65534 65537
- Enter absolute path of the database.
CP Server uses an internal database to store the client information. As the CP Server is being configured on SFHA cluster, the database should reside on shared storage with vxfs file system. Please refer to documentation for information on setting up of shared storage for CP server database. Enter absolute path of the database: [b] /cpsdb
- Verify and confirm the CP server configuration information.
CP Server configuration verification: CP Server Name: cps1 CP Server Virtual IP(s) for HTTPS:,, CP Server Port(s) for HTTPS: 65535, 65534, 65537 CP Server Database Dir: /cpsdb Is this information correct? [y,n,q,?] (y)
- The installer proceeds with the configuration process, and creates a vxcps.conf configuration file.
Successfully generated the /etc/vxcps.conf configuration file Copying configuration file /etc/vxcps.conf to sys0....Done Creating mount point /cps_mount_data on sys0. ... Done Copying configuration file /etc/vxcps.conf to sys0. ... Done Press Enter to continue.
- Configure CP Server Service Group (CPSSG) for this cluster.
Enter how many NIC resources you want to configure (1 to 2): 2 Answer the following questions for each NIC resource that you want to configure.
- Enter a valid network interface for the virtual IP address for the CP server process.
Enter a valid network interface on sys1 for NIC resource - 1: e1000g0 Enter a valid network interface on sys1 for NIC resource - 2: e1000g1
- Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP addresses.
Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP (1 to 2): 1 Enter the NIC resource you want to associate with the virtual IP (1 to 2): 2
- Enter the networkhosts information for each NIC resource.
Veritas recommends configuring NetworkHosts attribute to ensure NIC resource to be always online
Do you want to add NetworkHosts attribute for the NIC device e1000g0 on system sys1? [y,n,q] y Enter a valid IP address to configure NetworkHosts for NIC e1000g0 on system sys1:
Do you want to add another Network Host? [y,n,q] n Do you want to apply the same NetworkHosts for all systems? [y,n,q] (y)
- Enter the netmask for virtual IP addresses. If you entered an IPv6 address, enter the prefix details at the prompt.
Note that if you are using HTTPS-based communication, only IPv4 addresses are supported.
Enter the netmask for virtual IP for HTTPS (
- Configure a disk group for CP server database. You can choose an existing disk group or create a new disk group.
Veritas recommends to use the disk group that has at least two disks on which mirrored volume can be created. Select one of the options below for CP Server database disk group: 1) Create a new disk group 2) Using an existing disk group Enter the choice for a disk group: [1-2,q] 2
- Select one disk group as the CP Server database disk group.
Select one disk group as CP Server database disk group: [1-3,q] 3 1) mycpsdg 2) cpsdg1 3) newcpsdg
- Select the CP Server database volume.
You can choose to use an existing volume or create new volume for CP Server database. If you chose newly created disk group, you can only choose to create new volume for CP Server database.
Select one of the options below for CP Server database volume: 1) Create a new volume on disk group newcpsdg 2) Using an existing volume on disk group newcpsdg
- Enter the choice for a volume: [1-2,q] 2.
- Select one volume as CP Server database volume [1-1,q] 1
1) newcpsvol
- After the VCS configuration files are updated, a success message appears.
For example: Updating with CPSSG service group .... Done Successfully added the CPSSG service group to VCS configuration.
- If the cluster is secure, installer creates the softlink
and check if credentials are already present at/cpsdb/CPSERVER
. If not, installer creates credentials in the directory, otherwise, installer asks if you want to reuse exsting credentials.Do you want to reuse these credentials? [y,n,q] (y)
- After the configuration process has completed, a success message appears.
For example: Trying to bring CPSSG service group ONLINE and will wait for upto 120 seconds The Veritas Coordination Point Server is ONLINE The Veritas Coordination Point Server has been configured on your system.
- Run the hagrp -state command to ensure that the CPSSG service group has been added.
For example: # hagrp -state CPSSG #Group Attribute System Value CPSSG State cps1 |ONLINE| CPSSG State cps2 |OFFLINE|
It also generates the configuration file for CP server (
). The vxcpserv process and other resources are added to the VCS configuration in the CP server service group (CPSSG).
For information about the CPSSG, refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.