Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Administrator's Guide
- Overview of NetBackup OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter components
- About starting the OpsCenter console
- About OpsCenter console components
- About the View pane
- Sizing the Content pane
- About using tables
- Installing OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- About the OpsCenter licensing model
- Managed NetBackup master server considerations
- About designing your OpsCenter Server
- About planning an OpsCenter Agent deployment
- Installing OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter upgrade on Windows and UNIX
- About post-installation tasks
- About uninstalling OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About clustering OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- Getting started with OpsCenter
- Administering OpsCenter
- About the services and processes used by OpsCenter
- OpsCenter server scripts on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter database administration
- About backup and restore of OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics
- About communication ports and firewall considerations in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter log files
- Understanding OpsCenter settings
- Setting user preferences
- About managing licenses
- Configuring the data purge period on the OpsCenter Server
- Configuring SMTP server settings for OpsCenter
- Adding host aliases in OpsCenter
- Merging objects (hosts) in OpsCenter
- Modifying tape library information in OpsCenter
- Copying a user profile in OpsCenter
- Setting report export location in OpsCenter
- About managing Object Types in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter users
- About adding AD / LDAP user groups in OpsCenter
- About managing recipients in OpsCenter
- About managing cost analysis and chargeback for OpsCenter Analytics
- Understanding data collection
- About data collection in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter Agents
- About managing OpsCenter Data Collectors
- About configuring data collection for NetBackup
- About the Breakup Jobs option
- Viewing master server details and data collection status
- Collecting data from PureDisk
- Managing OpsCenter views
- About OpsCenter views
- About managing OpsCenter views
- View filters in OpsCenter
- Monitoring NetBackup using OpsCenter
- Controlling the scope of Monitor views
- About monitoring NetBackup using the Overview tab
- About monitoring NetBackup jobs
- Monitor > Services view
- About monitoring Audit Trails
- Managing NetBackup using OpsCenter
- About managing alert policies
- About creating (or changing) an alert policy
- About managing NetBackup storage
- About managing NetBackup devices
- About Operational Restore and Guided Recovery operations
- About Operational Restores from OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- About managing NetBackup Hosts
- About managing NetBackup Deployment Analysis
- Data compilation for the Capacity License report
- Generating a Capacity Licensing report
- Supporting Replication Director in OpsCenter
- Understanding and configuring OpsCenter alerts
- About using SNMP
- About using SNMP
- Reporting in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter reports
- Report Templates in OpsCenter
- About managing reports in OpsCenter
- Creating a custom report in OpsCenter
- About managing My Reports
- About managing My Dashboard
- About managing reports folders in OpsCenter
- About managing report schedules in OpsCenter
- About managing time schedules in OpsCenter
- Appendix A. Additional information on PureDisk data collection
- Appendix B. Attributes of NetBackup data
- Appendix C. Man pages for CLIs
- Appendix D. Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files
- Appendix E. Error messages in OpsCenter
nbfindfile — This utility searches for files or folders based on simple search criteria. This utility must be run on the master server and not the OpsCenter Server.
-c client_name[,...] -p search_pattern [-s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS] | -s_ut unix_time] [-e mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS] | -e_ut unix_time] [-backupid backup_id] [-policy policy_name] [-keyword "keyword_phrase"] [-extn file_extn[,...]] [-st sched_type] [-pt policy_type] [-kb_min min_size_kb] [-kb_max max_size_kb] [-mtime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-mtime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-atime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-atime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-ctime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-ctime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-only_dirs | -only_files] [-max_results number] [-I] [-l [-ctime | -atime] | -raw] [-help | -h]
On UNIX and Linux systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbfindfile command lets you search files or folders based on simple search criteria like file name and path including wildcard and backup date range. Users can specify a set of clients, possibly belonging to different master servers, for which backups are to be searched. You can specify advanced search criteria including policy type, schedule type, policy name, policy associated keywords, file extensions, file modification date range, and file size.
- -atime
When used with the -l option, -atime displays the last access time in place of the last modification time.
- -atime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the maximum last access time of objects to be returned. The default is infinite.
- -atime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the minimum last access time of objects to be returned. The default is 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
- -backupid backup_id
The backup ID of the backup image that should be searched.
- -c client_name[,...]
Specifies the names of the NetBackup clients whose backups need to be searched. The client names must be specified as they appear in the NetBackup configuration. Multiple clients can be specified as a list that is separated by commas.
- -ctime
When used with the -l option, -ctime displays the last change time in place of the last modification time.
- -ctime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the maximum last change time of objects to be returned. The default is infinite.
- -ctime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the minimum last change time of objects to be returned. The default is 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
- -e mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS] | -e_ut unix_time
Specifies the end date for the search. Backups that occurred at or before the specified date and time are searched. The default is the current date and time.
- -extn file_extn[,...]
Returns only the files with the specified extensions. For example, -extn txt,do*,jp?.
- -h | -help
Displays usage information.
- -i
Performs case insensitive matching.
- -kb_max max_size_kb
Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes (1024 bytes) of files to be returned. The default is infinite.
- -kb_min min_size_kb
Specifies the minimum last modification time of objects to be returned. The default is 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
- -keyword "keyword_phrase"
Searches only the backup images that contain a matching keyword phrase are searched. The keyword phrase can contain wildcards (*, ?) and square bracket expressions. Examples are [Kk]ey*, [a-z]e?, and [!K]ey.
- -l
Displays output in long list format. The default condition is the last modification time of objects.
- -max_results number
Specifies the maximum number of results to be displayed. The default is infinite.
- -mtime_max mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the maximum last modification time of objects to be returned. The default is infinite.
- -mtime_min mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]
Specifies the minimum last modification time of objects to be returned. The default is 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
- -only_dirs | -only_files
Specifies the type of objects to be returned.
- -p search_pattern
Specifies the search pattern. File and directory entries matching this pattern are displayed.
- -policy policy_name
Searches only backup images that are created using the specified policy.
- -pt policy_type
Searches only the backups with the specified policy type. Valid values for policy_type: Any, Standard, FlashBackup, MS-Windows, NDMP, FlashBackup-Windows.
- -r
Displays raw output.
- -s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS] | -s_ut unix_time
Specifies the start date for the search. Backups that occurred at or after the specified date and time are searched. The default is 30 days before the end date.
- -st sched_type
Specifies a schedule type for the image selection. The default is any schedule type. Valid values, in either uppercase or lowercase, are as follows:
FULL (full backup)
INCR (differential-incremental backup)
CINC (cumulative-incremental backup)
UBAK (user backup)
UARC (user archive)
USER (user backup and user archive)
NOT_ARCHIVE (all backups except user archive)