Redefining Data Governance: Introducing Veritas Alta™ Information Governance


Imagine navigating the vast, sprawling world of data—customer information, financial records, it's all there. But keeping it organized and secure? That's where things get tricky. Until now.

Veritas Alta™ Information Governance is here to revolutionize your data management processes. We're not just here to tidy up your digital closet (although we do that brilliantly). We're here to transform the way you handle data.

Why is Veritas Alta™ Information Governance essential?

Let's break it down:

  • Comprehensive Data Aggregation: Gather data from over 120 content sources with full conversational context automatically to minimize compliance risk.
  • Data Quality and Governance: Ensure compliance with over 320 pre-defined policies, maintaining proper data handling practices.
  • Secure Data Archiving: Navigate regulations seamlessly, archiving and preserving data to meet compliance requirements.

But why stop there?

Veritas Alta™ Information Governance goes beyond mere data management—it's your key to privacy protection and risk control:

  • Privacy Protection: In today's heightened data privacy concerns, Veritas Alta equips businesses with the tools needed to uphold privacy standards. Manage access permissions and consent management effortlessly, safeguarding customer trust and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Risk Mitigation: Proactively identify and remediate risks with robust security measures, monitoring data access and usage, and enforcing compliance with organizational policies and external regulations. Proactively managing risks can minimize the impact and likelihood of security incidents, protecting your organization's reputation and bottom line.

Curious to learn more? Explore Information Governance through this interview with our Product Manager. We discuss the pressing challenges facing businesses today, the innovative features of our solution, and how it can address your organization's unique needs.

Ready to take control of your privacy and mitigate risks effectively? Contact us today to discover how Veritas Alta™ Information Governance can empower your organization to navigate the complex landscape of data privacy and risk management with confidence and ease.

Shilo Thomas
Sr. Principal Product Marketing Manager, Data Compliance and Governance
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