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Veritas NetBackup™ Release Notes
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.2)
- About NetBackup 8.2
- New features, enhancements, and changes
- NetBackup 8.2 new features, changes, and enhancements
- Operational notes
- NetBackup installation and upgrade operational notes
- NetBackup administration and general operational notes
- NetBackup administration interface operational notes
- NetBackup API operational notes
- NetBackup Cloud operational notes
- NetBackup with Veritas CloudPoint operational notes
- NetBackup database and application agent operational notes
- NetBackup deduplication operational notes
- NetBackup internationalization and localization operational notes
- NetBackup for NDMP operational notes
- NetBackup SAN Client and Fibre Transport operational notes
- NetBackup Snapshot Client operational notes
- NetBackup virtualization operational notes
- Appendix A. About SORT for NetBackup Users
- Appendix B. NetBackup installation requirements
- Appendix C. NetBackup compatibility requirements
- Appendix D. Other NetBackup documentation and related documents
Access control methods supported in NetBackup 8.2
Role-based access control (RBAC) in NetBackup is available only for the web UI and the APIs. Other access control methods for NetBackup are not supported for the web UI and APIs, with the exception of Enhanced Auditing (EA). Users that are configured with EA have full permissions for the web UI and APIs. You cannot use the web UI if you have NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) enabled.
For more information, see the NetBackup Web UI Security Administrator's Guide.