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Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.2)
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup KMS status codes
- NetBackup status codes
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- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
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- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
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- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
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- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
- NetBackup alert notification status codes
NetBackup status code: 4224
Explanation: One of the following has occurred inside the STS plug-in:
Insufficient system memory in the client or the storage server.
Storage server busy.
An invalid request was received in the communication between the storage server and the STS plug-in.
Recommended Action: Please contact Veritas Technical Support.
Click here to view technical notes and other information on the Veritas Support website about this status code.