Licensing Process

Upgrade Veritas software.

Upgrade Details

Current Veritas customers with maintenance or support for any Veritas product are entitled to a free software version upgrade for any new release of that product or its successor. 

Maintenance and support are purchased or subscribed to for a specific period of time.  "Current" means this period of time has not lapsed or been terminated and the support agreement is in effect.

Veritas On-premise Software Products

Veritas continually brings technology advances to your software investments so that customers who have an active maintenance/support agreement get ongoing performance and other improvements. 

Customers can get a free software version upgrade for each qualified product currently covered by an active maintenance/support agreement.Eligible licence owners are notified of the version upgrade opportunity by Veritas and given instructions for how to get the new software.

Notification for Software Version Upgrade

Notification of a Software Version Upgrade automatically occurs via email and within the Veritas Entitlement Management System. Each active User of a Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account will receive the Software Version Upgrade notification unless they have opted out of receiving these notifications.

To access VEMS, click the Veritas Support 'Licensing' option.

For more information on the Veritas Entitlement Management System, please see the Veritas Entitlement Management System FAQ and the User Guide.

How Software Version Upgrades Occurs

Upon a major release of a new version of software, Veritas notifies customers of their Software Version Upgrade. The notification provides instructions on how to access the upgrade opportunity.

Which Veritas Products Get a Software Version Upgrade?

Any product from Veritas that has a major new release automatically includes a Software Version Upgrade.

Importance of Keeping Maintenance/Support Current

Customers who do not keep their maintenance/support agreements current lose: 

  • Free access to the latest product upgrades.
  • Product functionality and fixes available under maintenance/support.

Allowing maintenance/support to lapse can put your business environment at unnecessary risk. 

Version upgrades FAQ

Customers with current maintenance/support subscriptions are entitled to upgrade software copies for free to the new upgrade version.Veritas is committed to providing customers and channel partners with an outstanding upgrade experience.

Version upgrade notifications can be viewed within the Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS). All Users of a VEMS account can view notifications by clicking the Notifications option (“bell icon”) on the VEMS main menu, then clicking the ‘View Notification’ button next to the notification of interest.

For more information on the Veritas Entitlement Management System, please see the Veritas Entitlement Management System FAQ and the User Guide.

Notification of a Software Version Upgrade occurs automatically via email. Each active User of Veritas Entitlement Management System accounts that hold at least one Entitlement with an active maintenance contract for the product that is the subject of the notification will receive the email notification. Users may opt out of receiving these notifications.

For more information on the Veritas Entitlement Management System, please see the Veritas Entitlement Management System FAQ and the User Guide.

Licence keys/files can be generated by Users who have either the 'Administrator' or the 'Generate Licence Keys' privilege within a VEMS Account. Users with the ability to generate licence keys can generate licence keys/files for any Entitlement within the Account. The only exception is when an Entitlement has been added to an Entitlement Group. Only Administrators and Users (with the ability to generate licence keys) that have been granted access to the Entitlement Group can generate licence keys/files for grouped Entitlements. For more information, see the VEMS online Help or the VEMS User Guide.

Products can be generated by Users who have either the 'Administrator' or the 'Download Software' privilege within a VEMS Account. Users with the ability to download software can download software for any Entitlement within the Account. The only exception is when an Entitlement has been added to an Entitlement Group. Only Administrators and Users (with the ability to download software) that have been granted access to the Entitlement Group can download software for grouped Entitlements. For more information, see the VEMS online Help or the VEMS User Guide.

The Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) is an entitlement management portal that provides access to entitlements purchased from Veritas. As orders are fulfilled by Veritas, Entitlements are created in the customer's VEMS Account that allows the Users of the VEMS account to access the Entitlement information, to download software, and to generate licence keys within that Account.

To access VEMS, click the Veritas Support ‘Licensing’ option.

For more information on the Veritas Entitlement Management System, please see the Veritas Entitlement Management System FAQ and the User Guide

Notification of a Software Version Upgrade automatically occurs via email and within the Veritas Entitlement Management System. Each active User of a Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account will receive the Software Version Upgrade notification unless they have opted out of receiving these notifications.

New recipients may be added by a VEMS Administrator. Users can also opt out of receiving notifications. For more information, please see the VEMS online Help or the VEMS User Guide.

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