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What is DSPM? Data Security Posture Management

Data theft, unauthorized access, and data misuse are some of the most serious security threats organizations face. Cyber attackers use these and other tactics to steal sensitive information, modify system configurations, and delete or hold ransom critical business data. Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) helps maintain data security and integrity, ensuring effective risk management. A DSPM policy governs how data is protected, monitored, and managed to prevent unauthorized access and use. 

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DSPM can be viewed as a “digital security guard,” working behind the scenes to protect sensitive information. It helps organizations manage data security by providing an exhaustive view of:

  • Where data resides.
  • How data is being used.
  • Who has access to data.

It delivers an all-inclusive summary of an organization’s data landscape, identifying potential risks before they become significant issues. Unlike traditional data security methods that deal with threats once they’ve occurred, DSPM takes a proactive approach. Its flexibility allows you to tailor strategies to reflect your unique needs, and, as your business grows and evolves, it continuously adapts and scales to meet new security challenges and requirements.

Why is a DSPM Policy so Important?

  • Cyber threats are becoming increasingly complex, significantly fueled by AI and machine learning (ML). To defend their data, enterprises must invest in advanced technologies, including AI-powered threat detection and automated response systems.
  • A broadening regulatory landscape reflects global governments’ desire for stricter data protection laws.
  • New security challenges brought about by cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) require innovative solutions capable of securing data across multiple environments, ensuring robust data protection in an ever more connected world.

Developing and enforcing a DSPM policy ensures your organization’s data security practices are consistent, comprehensive, and equipped to deal with current threats. It also assures regulatory compliance and greater data control while enhancing security operations and mitigating data risks.

As we’ve seen far too many times, data breaches can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and legal penalties. For modern organizations, these breaches often result from inadequate data security measures and governance. By continuously monitoring and assessing the security posture of data assets, DSPM enables businesses to detect vulnerabilities and misconfigurations before they can be exploited. This proactive approach helps organizations protect their strategic assets, ensuring business continuity and strengthening stakeholder trust.


DSPM and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) are both critical cybersecurity tools. However, they serve different purposes:

  • DSPM focuses on an organization’s overall data security posture. It provides a comprehensive view of where data resides and how it’s protected, helping businesses identify security gaps and enforce consistent security policies across all data sources. It is especially useful for managing complex data across multiple cloud environments and on-premises systems, enhancing visibility and control over data security.
  • DLP focuses on preventing data breaches and data exfiltration. DLP systems monitor and control endpoint activities, network traffic, and data in use to prevent unauthorized access and transfer of sensitive information. Configured to detect and block sensitive data from being leaked or sent outside the organization without proper authorization, they concentrate more narrowly on data flow and handling.

How DSPM Works

DSPM is a dynamic and robust framework essential for modern cybersecurity strategies.

  1. It uses sophisticated data discovery and classification techniques to ensure all data assets are accounted for and appropriately secured based on their level of sensitivity.
  2. Continuous monitoring keeps a vigilant eye on these data assets, immediately identifying any deviations from the security baseline.
  3. Automated remediation capabilities allow for swift and effective responses to security issues, maintaining the integrity and safety of the organization’s data.

By leveraging these mechanisms, DSPM provides a comprehensive solution for managing and securing data across diverse and evolving digital environments. Here’s a deeper dive into each of these three capabilities.

#1: Data Discovery and Classification Techniques Employed by DSPM

The first step in a DSPM strategy is data discovery and classification, a process which involves scanning an organization's entire IT ecosystem to locate data stored across various platforms, including cloud environments, on-premises servers, and even mobile devices. Once all data is identified, DSPM solutions classify it according to sensitivity and organizational value, with personally identifiable information (PII), financial details, or intellectual property categorized at higher sensitivity levels.

Data classification is crucial, as it dictates the security measures to be applied. For instance, high-sensitivity data might require encryption and strict access controls, while less sensitive information might need basic security measures. Advanced DSPM tools use ML algorithms to automate discovery and classification, speeding up the process and minimizing the risk of human error.

#2: Continuous Monitoring and Assessment of Data Security Posture

Once all data is discovered and properly classified, DSPM systems shift focus to continuous monitoring and assessment. They keep an eye on data around the clock and track any changes in its security posture. The system constantly checks for any irregular access patterns, potential data leaks, or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers.

Continuous monitoring is supported by defining baseline security configurations and regularly comparing current data handling and storage practices against these established standards. Any baseline deviation is flagged for review, helping an organization stay aware of its data security health and making it easier to spot potential threats before they escalate into actual breaches.

#3: Automated Remediation of Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations

One of DSPM’s most significant advantages is its ability to automate the remediation of detected vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. When the system identifies a risk or non-compliance issue, DSPM tools trigger predefined security protocols to rectify them without human intervention. This can include everything from reconfiguring software settings to updating permissions or applying patches to vulnerable systems.

For organizations with extensive data environments, automation is key to scaling their security efforts effectively and efficiently. Automated remediation ensures vulnerabilities are addressed promptly, greatly reducing the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit them. It also helps maintain a consistent security posture by continually enforcing policy compliance across all data assets.

A reliable assessment tool, DSPM conducts comprehensive security audits to evaluate data access and permissions, ensuring only authorized users can access sensitive information. For example, it can identify an employee who is accessing confidential data that isn’t relevant to their role. It might also identify PII that was inadvertently made accessible company-wide. These and other valuable insights highlight data management gaps and identify areas where data security could or might be compromised.

Example use cases for DSPM include:

  • When an unauthorized third party accesses a data leak that occurs during an on-premise database migration, DSPM flags the database as containing PII and alerts an organization’s security team in real time so it can take quick, appropriate steps.
  • Organizations using Google Workspace routinely grant data access for specific projects. If a security team forgets to revoke the permissions, it could allow dozens of individuals to access sensitive information they no longer need. DSPM notices when a database containing PII has been shared and checks to see if those permissions are still necessary.
  • DSPM can detect when sensitive data is emailed outside the organization, enabling security teams to prevent data exfiltration incidents.

Additional Key Components of DSPM

DSPM is made up of many parts that collectively form a framework for safeguarding data across different environments. Along with those already mentioned, these elements include:

  • Data policy management, including the creation and enforcement of data security policies. These policies govern how data must be handled, accessed, and protected based on classification and risks. They ensure consistent application of data security measures that align with industry best practices and compliance regulations.
  • Rapid incident response and remediation to quickly isolate affected systems and implement actions to prevent future incidents.
  • Compliance management to ensure data handling practices meet legal and industry requirements.

Benefits of DSPM

DSPM enhances an organization's ability to protect its data through improved management, risk reduction, and efficient incident handling. It offers an innovative, strategic approach to securing data assets, emphasizing visibility, risk management, and incident response. Primary benefits include:

  • Enhanced visibility and control over data assets. This capability allows organizations to accurately track where data is stored and accessed for more effective oversight. By monitoring data flows and access patterns, DSPM helps prevent unauthorized use and ensures security policies are consistently enforced across all platforms.
  • Reduced risk of data breaches and compliance violations. Integrated tools identify vulnerabilities in real-time, allowing for immediate remediation before they can be exploited, reducing the likelihood of costly penalties associated with GDPR, HIPAA, and other regulatory non-compliance.
  • Streamline incident response and faster resolutions. Automated detection and response processes reduce the time it takes to identify and mitigate threats, speed up recovery time, and minimize potential impacts on an organization’s operations.
  • Enhanced analytical capabilities. DSPM tools include sophisticated analytics that help understand and predict an organization’s security trends. This predictive capability enables proactive adjustments to security strategies, further enhancing the effectiveness of data protection efforts.
  • Cost-effective security management. By automating many aspects of data security, DSPM significantly reduces the manual effort and resources traditionally required to manage data protection. This automation lowers operational costs and allows IT teams to focus on strategic tasks rather than routine security maintenance.

These and other benefits collectively strengthen an organization’s overall security posture, making DSPM an essential component of modern data management strategies.

Integrating DSPM With Other Security Technologies

Integrating DSPM with other security technologies enhances your organization's overall security framework.

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). The synergy between DSPM and CSPM is pivotal as both technologies focus on different yet complementary security aspects. While DSPM secures data across environments, CSPM ensures cloud configurations align with security best practices, preventing misconfigurations that can lead to data breaches. Together, they provide a holistic view of data and environment security, enhancing your business’s ability to detect and mitigate risks effectively.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). DSPM's insights into data security posture can feed into SIEM systems for enhanced monitoring and analysis. IAM integration ensures access controls are adequate and consistently applied, further securing sensitive data across all access points.

When choosing a DSPM solution, it’s vital to consider how well it integrates with your organization’s existing infrastructure. It should seamlessly mesh with current security tools and support standard protocols and APIs for easy integration, ensuring it can leverage existing security investments to their fullest potential while providing a robust, unified defense against threats to data security.

Other important factors to consider include scalability, cloud compatibility, and centralized management, which can help ensure the solution you select aligns well with your current security infrastructure and processes.

DSPM Implementation Best Practices

Effective DSPM implementation requires a structured approach to ensure it integrates seamlessly into your security strategy. Best practices include:

  • Assessing organizational data security needs and requirements. This assessment should identify sensitive data, understand how and where it is stored, and evaluate existing security measures to pinpoint vulnerabilities.
  • Aligning your data security strategy with broader security objectives. Integrating DSPM helps ensure all security framework elements interconnect, enhancing data protection across all platforms and environments. For instance, a healthcare provider might integrate DSPM to monitor PHI (Protected Health Information) across multiple systems, ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations by automating real-time security assessments.
  • Establishing clear policies and procedures for data governance and access control. Policies should define who can access data, under what circumstances, and through what methods. Effective governance ensures data is used responsibly and complies with legal and regulatory standards. An example would be a tech firm using DSPM to enforce strict access controls on intellectual property, specifying which developers can access certain types of code based on their project involvement and clearance level.

Following these best practices ensures maximum DSPM effectiveness, securing data assets against emerging threats while ensuring robust compliance.

Simplifying Data Security

Investing in DSPM ensures your organization has the tools it needs to navigate the digital age’s security complexities and safeguard one of its most valuable assets. Veritas safeguards your business’s digital world with innovative security solutions that are a powerful defense against existing, emerging, and future threats. It enables you to meet increasingly stricter global data protection regulations and is a significant step toward a more secure and resilient digital environment.

Our holistic approach to protecting digital assets streamlines security posture management and enhances operational efficiency, giving you peace of mind and allowing your organization to thrive in a secure digital landscape.

Contact us online to learn more about DSPM policy and how we can help your organization.