Veritas Alta™ SaaS Protection Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection (1.0)
  1. Introduction to Veritas Alta™ SaaS Protection
      About Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
      Features of Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
      Architecture of Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
      SaaS applications supported for data protection
      Operational workflow
    6. Administration portal
        About the System page
  2. Manage users and roles
      Role-based access control
      User permissions
    3. Permissions tab
        Users and groups page
        Roles page
        Unrecognized users page
        Settings page
  3. API permissions
      API permissions for Exchange Online
      API permissions for SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, and Teams Sites Collections
      API permissions for Teams chat
      API permissions for Gmail and Google Drive
  4. Add connectors
      Features of connectors
    2. Overview of adding connectors
        Configure General settings
      Connectors page
      Connector status
      Support matrix for Microsoft 365 connectors
    6. Add Exchange Online connectors
      1. Configure the capture scope for Exchange connectors
          Configure the capture scope to back up mailboxes of all users
          Configure the capture scope to back up mailboxes of all users using the Rolling mailbox scope option
          Configure the capture scope to back up the mailboxes of users using the Alphabetical mailbox scope option
          Configure the capture scope to back up the mailboxes of specific users only
          Configure the capture scope to back up mailboxes from specific domains only
          Configure the capture scope to back up Group/Teams mailboxes
          Configure the capture scope to back up Public folders
    7. Add SharePoint Online connectors
        Supported and unsupported SharePoint Settings and Types for backup and restore
        Supported Sites and List templates for backup and restore
        Supported SharePoint permission objects for backup and restore
      4. Configuring the capture scopes for SharePoint connectors
          Configuring the capture scope to back up all SharePoint site collections
          Configuring the capture scope to back up specific SharePoint sites only
          Configuring the capture scope to back up only specific sites using the Rolling site collection scope option
        Delete policy for SharePoint environments
        Stubbing policy for SharePoint Online
        Run Delete and Stubbing policies to the SharePoint Online environment
        SharePoint Online connector limitations
    8. Add Teams site collections connectors
      1. Configure the capture scope for Teams site connectors
          Configure the capture scope to back up all Team site collections
          Configure the capture scope to back up specific Team sites only
          Configure the capture scope to back up only specific Team sites using the Rolling site collection scope option
        Teams site collections connector limitations
    9. Add OneDrive connectors
      1. Configure the capture scope for OneDrive for Business connectors
          Configure the capture scope to back up all OneDrive site collections
          Configure the capture scope to back up specific OneDrive sites only
          Configure the capture scope to back up only specific OneDrive sites using the Rolling site collection scope option
    10. Add Teams chat connectors
        Configure the capture scope for Teams chat connectors
        Teams chat connector limitations
      Configure User filter
      Configure Group filter
      Configure Filter folder
      Configure credentials using Manual mode
      Assign M365 apps to M365 connectors
      M365 apps status
      M365 apps recovery
      Approve M365 apps manually
      Approve M365 apps using App Consent Grant utility
      Configure Custom backup policy
    21. Add Audit Log connectors
        Audit log connector limitation
      Support matrix for Google connectors
      Prerequisites to add Google Drive connectors
    24. Add Google Drive connectors
        Configure the capture scope for Google Drive connectors
        Google Drive connector limitations
    25. Add Gmail connectors
        Configure Capture scopes for Gmail data
    26. About the Salesforce connector
        Prerequisites to add Salesforce connectors
        Add Salesforce connectors
        Upload a certificate to the Salesforce organization
        Limitations of Salesforce connector
        Salesforce Objects not supported for backup
    27. Add Entra ID (Azure AD) connectors
        Limitations for Entra ID connector
    28. Add Box connectors
        Configure capture scope for Box data
        Box connector limitations
      Add Slack connectors
    30. Add Email/Messages
        Adding EML/Messages connectors
      Edit connectors
      Delete connectors
  5. Apps Consent Grant Utility
      About the Apps Consent Grant Utility
      Prerequisites to download and install the Apps Consent Grant Utility
      Downloading the Apps Consent Grant Utility
      Installing or upgrading the Apps Consent Grant Utility
      Post-installation activities for the Apps Consent Grant Utility
  6. Add Retention policies
      About WORM policies
      Ingestion WORM policies page
      Points to consider before adding retention policies
      Add/edit Ingestion WORM retention policies
      Add/edit At-Rest WORM retention policies
      About Deletion policy
      Add/edit Deletion policies
      View deletion history
      How to edit the policy evaluation interval?
      How to add a Location filter?
      How to add a filter?
  7. Perform backups
      Perform on-demand/ad-hoc backup
    2. View backup events
        About Event suppression
        Create event suppression rules
      Viewing backup tasks details
  8. Manage backed-up data
      Browse backed-up data
    2. Share data
        Remove data sharing
  9. Perform restores using Administration portal
      About restore
      Prerequisites for restore
      Restore Exchange Online mailboxes
    4. Restore SharePoint/OneDrive/Teams Sites and data
        Restore of OneDrive, Microsoft 365 Group, and Microsoft Teams sites
        Limitations of SharePoint Online data and sites restore
    5. Restore Teams chat messages and Teams channel conversations
        Limitations of Teams chat data restore
      Restore O365 audit logs
    7. Restore Box data
        Limitations of Box data restore
    8. Restore Google Drive data
        About the overwrite restore behavior for Box/Google Drive data
      Restore Gmail data
    10. About the Salesforce Data, Metadata, and CRM Content restore
        Restore Standard and Custom objects (Structured data)
        Custom Object restore - post processing steps
        Restore specific Records (Structured data) using Query filters
        Restore Salesforce CRM Content (Unstructured data)
        Limitations of Salesforce Data restore
        Considerations for Salesforce Metadata restore
        Restore Salesforce Metadata
      8. Limitations of Salesforce Metadata backup and restore
          Salesforce Objects not supported for restore
    11. About Entra ID (Azure AD) objects and records restore
        Permissions requirement
        Best practices to restore Entra ID objects
        Restore an Entra ID object
        Restore specific records within Entra ID objects
      Restore Slack data
      Restore data to File server
      Set the default restore point
      Configure Restore all, Restore all versions, Point-in-time, and Specific range restore options
      Configure email addresses for notifications
      Downloading an item
  10. Restore dashboard
      About Restore dashboard
      Restore job statuses
      How to cancel a restore job?
      View the restore events
  11. Discovery
      About eDiscovery/searches
      Add search templates
      Add Discovery cases
      Perform ad hoc search and add data to Discovery cases
      View data in Discovery cases
      Edit Discovery cases
      DeleteDiscovery cases
      Assign Discovery cases to users
  12. Add Tagging polices
      About the Tagging policy
      Add Tags
      Add/edit Tagging policies
    4. Adding regular expressions
        RegEx and query examples for PII detection
  13. Add Tiering policy
    1. About the Tiering policy
        Storage tiering and full-text search
        User experience on storage tiering
        Priority for storage Tiering
      Add/edit Tiering policies
  14. General administrative tasks
      View upgrade history
      Configure the Administration portal
  15. Manage Stors (Storages)
      Viewing Stors (Storages)
      Requesting a new Stor
      General tab
      Metadata tab
      Statistical policies tab
      Location-Mapping tab
      Backup tab
      Custodian Groups tab
      Advanced tab
      Analytics tab
  16. Managing Scopes
      About Scopes
      Enabling Scopes
      Configuring Scopes
      Using Scopes
  17. Known Issues
      Know Issues

Restore SharePoint/OneDrive/Teams Sites and data

With Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, you can restore various components, including site collections, sub-sites, lists, folders, items, and different versions of items. These components can be restored to either the original location or an alternative location.

See Supported and unsupported SharePoint Settings and Types for backup and restore.

Key features:
  • Customizations restore:

    Veritas Alta SaaS Protection restores customizations made within site collections, sub-sites, list settings, columns, and content types, ensuring that your unique configurations are preserved.

  • Permissions restore:

    Permissions associated with the restored components are also reinstated, maintaining access controls and security settings.

  • Auto-creation of structure:

    If a sub-site or list is missing at the destination for the restore, the structure of the missing sub-site or list will be created automatically, allowing data to be restored within it.

  • Site collection restore:

    You can restore an entire site collection to a new URL if needed, which is particularly useful for migrating or recovering data to a different location.

  • Download option:

    Additionally, you can download the items to the required location for easy access and management. See Downloading an item.

Recovery process:

When you start the recovery process for a specific backup, the item you selected and the associated child objects, including their configurations and metadata, are restored.

  • If the objects being restored, such as sites, sub-sites, lists, and files, are not currently available, Veritas Alta SaaS Protection generates them again during restore.

  • If sites, sub-sites, lists, and files, are not available, they are generated during restore.

  • To determine the existence of these objects, their names are verified. For example, the names of sites, sub-sites, lists, and files are matched to see if they exist. Site collections are verified for their existence using the site collection URL.

Restore behavior based on the component selected for restore and the restore location:

The following table outlines the restore behavior for each restore location and its corresponding backup component.

Table: Supported restore locations

Backup component

Supported restore locations


  • It can be the same or a different site collection.

  • If an existing parent list at the destination is selected, the columns are merged into the destination list, and the selected items are restored.

  • If a parent list is absent at the destination, the parent site/sub-site must be selected for the restore to recreate the parent list. Then the selected items are restored.

  • If a folder is selected, the item gets restored under that folder.


  • It can be the same or a different site collection.

  • If an existing list at the destination is selected, the export merges the columns into the destination list.

  • If a list is not available at the destination, the parent site/sub-site needs to be selected, and the list is recreated.


  • It can be the same or a different site collection.

  • The parent site/sub-site needs to be selected at the destination. The restore process creates a new sub-site if there is no child sub-site with the same name; otherwise, it merges with the existing sub-site.

  • A sub-site from a source can only be restored as a sub-site of the destination selection.

Site Collection

Site Collection availability:

  • The site collection can be restored to the same or a different site collection.

  • If the site collection is not available at the specified URL, it will be recreated from scratch.

Restore limitations:

  • Site collections cannot be restored as sub-sites of other destination sites.

  • A site with the same URL should not be present in the Recycle Bin before initiating the restore.

Restore failures:

  • If the restore process fails, you can recover the site collection from the recycle bin, delete it, and then attempt the restore again.

Administration portal restores:

  • Site creation and updates to certain site-level properties are only supported through the Administration portal.

End-User portal restores:

  • Restores performed through the End-User portal can create sub-sites and lists within a site.

Restrictions for SharePoint Online restore:

The restrictions of restore the SharePoint Online data and sites are described in the following table.


Restrictions of restore


The parent site availability requirement.

If you select an individual item, folder, list, or sub-site for restore from a backup, the destination parent site collection and sub-site must be available.

To restore an individual item, folder, list, or sub-site from a backup, you must ensure that the destination parent site collection and sub-site are already available.

The template type matching requirement.

To initiate the restore process for an object and its child objects, the source and the destination template types for lists, sub-sites, or site collections must match.

For sites or sub-sites, you have the option to selectively choose individual child objects for restore.

The System lists restoration.

To recreate system lists from scratch, SharePoint restores site collections or sub-sites. If you need to restore a missing system list individually, it should already exist at the destination.

The column matching requirement.

To restore a list or site, the destination list or site must not have a column with the same ID or name but a different column type.

The Teams Wiki lists creation requirements.

To automatically recreate missing Teams Wiki lists, you must manually create a blank Teams Wiki list within Teams, and then restore the data to it.

The Role assignment behavior.

To assign permissions to existing roles for existing Microsoft Infra ID users and groups or SharePoint groups, when restoring role assignments at a destination other than the site level.

The existing list or site title.

To prevent a change in the title of a list or site that already exists at the destination.

To restore SharePoint/OneDrive/Teams Sites and data

  1. Access the Administration portal.
  2. On the left, click Content.
  3. On the Content page, do the following:
    • From the upper-left dropdown list, select the Stor that hold the data that you want to restore.

    • From the dropdown list next to the selected Stor, do any of the following:

      • To display all data in the selected Stor, select All content.

      • To view specific data within the Discovery cases, select the required Discovery case.

      The names of the connectors are displayed on the left pane. You can enter the name of a connector in the Filter by name field to search for a specific connector.

    • On the left pane, click the connector.

    • On the right pane, do any of the following:

      If you select...

      Restore behavior

      Site collection

      A site collection along with any customizations and its child items is restored.

      • Destination options

        The site collection can be restored to the same or a different site collection.

      • Auto-creation

        If the site collection is not available at the specified URL, it will be recreated from scratch.

      • Restore limitations

        Site collections cannot be restored as sub-sites of other destination sites.

        A site collection with the same URL should not be present in the Recycle bin before initiating the restore.

      • Restore failures

        If the restore process fails, recover the site collection from the Recycle bin, delete it, and then attempt the restore again.

      • Restores through the Administration portal:

        Site creation and updates to a few site-level properties are only supported through the Administration portal.

      • Restores through the End-User portal

        Restores performed through the End-User portal can create sub-sites and lists within a site.


      A sub-site, along with all customizations and nested objects, can be fully restored.

      • Destination options

        The sub-site can be restored to the same or a different site collection.

        The parent site or sub-site needs to be selected at the destination.

      • Auto-creation

        If there is no existing sub-site with the same name at the destination, the restore process will create a new sub-site.

        If a sub-site with the same name already exists, the restored sub-site will merge with the existing one.

      • Restore limitations

        A sub-site from the source can only be restored as a sub-site of the destination selection.

        Sub-sites cannot be restored as independent site collections.


      A List along with its customizations and child objects is restored.

      • Destination options

        A list, along with its customizations and child objects, can be restored to the same or a different site collection.

        If an existing list at the destination is selected, the restore process merges the columns into the destination list.

      • Auto-creation

        If a list is not available at the destination, the parent site or sub-site needs to be selected, and the list will be recreated.

      Folder or item

      A specific folder or item, including its versions and associated metadata, can be restored to the same or a different site collection.

      • Destination option

        If an existing parent list is selected at the destination, the columns are merged into the destination list, and the selected items are restored.

      • Auto-creation

        If the parent list is absent at the destination, the parent site or sub-site must be selected to recreate the parent list. After the list is recreated, the selected items are restored.

        If a folder is selected at the destination, the item is restored under that folder.

    • Click Restore.

  4. On the Restore page, do the following:
    • From the Restore type drop-down list, select SharePoint/OneDrive.

    • From the Destination drop-down list, select the Export service that is configured for your tenant.

      For more details, contact Veritas Support.

      The destination site is populated in the Site collection URL field based on the item you selected for restore. Alternatively, you can enter the required URL if you want to restore it to an alternate location.

      If you choose to restore a site collection from a backup, the following behavior is observed:

    • Click Browse and then select the location for restore.

    • Configure the following SharePoint settings:



      Restore all versions

      This option determines which versions of items are restored from the backup.

      • If selected: All versions of items are restored.

      • If cleared: Only the latest version of items is restored.

      For example, if you have a library in SharePoint Online that contains a file called example.docx. Over time, the user has made several changes to the file, and each change has created a new version. The version history of the file will look like this: version 1: Initial upload, version 2: Edited by John, version 3: Edited by Jane, and version 4.

      You performed a backup of the document library.

      When you restore the document library from the backup and select this check box, all four versions of example.docx will be restored: version 1, version 2, version 3, and version 4. If you clear this check box, only the latest version that is version 4 will be restored.

      Overwrite settings, columns, content types for site collections, sites, and lists

      This option determines how settings, columns, and content types are restored.

      • If selected: The restore operation overwrites the existing settings, columns, and content types for an existing site or list with those from the backup.

      • If cleared: The restore operation only restores missing settings, columns, and content types without affecting the existing ones.


      Suppose you have a SharePoint Online site collection with a custom list named Project Tasks. Over time, you have added custom columns like Priority and Status, and you have also created a custom content type called Project Milestone.

      You performed a backup of the site collection.

      If you restore the site collection and select this checkbox, the existing custom columns (Priority and Status) and content types (Project Milestone) in the Project Tasks list will be overwritten with the versions from the backup.

      If you clear this checkbox, only any missing columns or content types will be restored. The existing Priority and Status columns, as well as the Project Milestone content type, will remain unchanged.

      By default, this check box is not selected.

      Restore permissions

      This option determines whether permissions should be restored during the restoration process.

      • If selected:

        • Permissions are restored only on SharePoint/OneDrive sites, lists, folders, and items that are newly created during the restore process.

        • Role definitions and site administrators are restored for the root site if it is created during the restore.

        • SharePoint Groups are restored on any sites and sub-sites that are created during the restore process.

        • Role assignments are restored for sites, sub-sites, lists, folders, and items, except for stubs.

      • If cleared:

        • Permissions are not restored.

        • All objects inherit permissions from their parent.

        • Site administrators are not restored.

        • The site is created with default permission objects.

      By default, this check box is not selected.

      Suppress 'Removed from source' content

      This option determines whether to restore content that is removed from the source.

      • If selected: Content that was deleted from the source will not be restored. This setting is enabled by default.

        If you need to change this configuration, please contact the Veritas Support team.

        If any data gets deleted from the source SharePoint, after backup, it gets marked as 'Removed from the source' at the next backup. However, during the restore, the marked data can cause some issues. Hence, you can select this check box to skip the restore of such data.

      Exclude Destination System Lists

      This option determines whether system lists should be excluded from the restore process.

      When restoring system lists, like the master page, theme gallery, and taxonomy hidden lists, and so on, an Access denied error can occur if the destination site requires the Add and Customize Pages permission.

      • If selected: Items from hidden lists or catalogs (except the Teams wiki list) are excluded from the restore operation. Any skipped items are recorded in the diagnostic logs.

        If a system list or a folder within a system list is chosen as the destination and this check box is selected, the restore operation will fail with an error, indicating that restoration to the selected system list is not allowed.

      • If cleared: The system lists, such as the master page gallery and theme gallery, will be included in the restore operation.

      Restore only stubbed items

      This option determines whether only stubbed items should be restored during the restore process.

      • If selected: Only the items that are stubbed are restored.

        Stubbed items are placeholders for original content that has been offloaded or archived.

        The stubbed item must be available at the original location during the restore.

      Stub restore behavior

      When a stub is rehydrated to restore, the name and permission of the original file are preserved.

      It differs from cases where a missing document is restored or replaced with permission restoration, where sharing links are neither retained nor restored.

      Overwrite items

      If you choose the Overwrite items check box, you need to select one of the following restore behaviors:

      • Recycle existing items before restoring: This option removes the existing items and replaces them with a file from the backup.

      • Restore to existing item (recycle existing versions): This option retains the existing items. File versions restored from the backup copy are maintained.

      • Restore to existing item (keep existing versions): This option retains the existing items. Both file versions at the destination and those restored from the backup copy are maintained.

      Restore all, Point-in-time, Specific range

      See Configure Restore all, Restore all versions, Point-in-time, and Specific range restore options.

      Send notification to

      Enter the email addresses of the users to send a notification on restore completion. Use a semicolon to add multiple email addresses. After all the configurations are completed, click Restore.

  5. Navigate to the destination to confirm that the restore is completed successfully.

    You can go to the Restore dashboard to see the status of the restore.

Important: If an error occurs while restoring the settings of a Site, SubSite, or List, the restore job does not fail; it will log the error and continue to restore the remaining items.